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Escriure (to write) conjugation

58 examples

Conjugation of escriure

Present tense
I write
you write
he/she writes
we write
you all write
they write
Present perfect tense
he escrit
I have written
has escrit
you have written
ha escrit
he/she has written
hem escrit
we have written
heu escrit
you all have written
han escrit
they have written
Future tense
I will write
you will write
he/she will write
we will write
you all will write
they will write
Conditional mood
I would write
you would write
he/she would write
we would write
you all would write
they would write
Past perfect tense
havia escrit
I had written
havies escrit
you had written
havia escrit
he/she had written
havíem escrit
we had written
havíeu escrit
you all had written
havien escrit
they had written
Past impf. tense
I was writing
you were writing
he/she was writing
we were writing
you all were writing
they were writing
Imperative mood
let him/her write!
let's write!
let them write!
Imperative negative mood
no escriguis
don't write!
no escrigui
don't let him/her write!
no escriguem
let's not write!
no escrigueu
don't write!
no escriguin
don't let them write!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria escrit
I would have written
hauries escrit
you would have written
hauria escrit
he/she would have written
hauríem escrit
we would have written
hauríeu escrit
you all would have written
haurien escrit
they would have written
Future perfect tense
hauré escrit
I will have written
hauràs escrit
you will have written
haurà escrit
he/she will have written
haurem escrit
we will have written
haureu escrit
you all will have written
hauren escrit
they will have written
Preterite past tense
I wrote
you wrote
he/she wrote
we wrote
you all wrote
they wrote
Past anterior tense
haguí escrit
I had written
hagueres escrit
you had written
hagué escrit
he/she had written
haguérem escrit
we had written
haguéreu escrit
you all had written
haguéren escrit
they had written
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) write
(so that you) write
(so that he/she) writes
(so that we) write
(so that you all) write
(so that they) write
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was writing
(so that you) were writing
(so that he/she) was writing
(so that we) were writing
(so that you all) were writing
(so that they) were writing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi escrit
(so that I) have written
hagis escrit
(so that you) have written
hagi escrit
(so that he/she) has written
hàgim escrit
(so that we) have written
hàgiu escrit
(so that you all) have written
hagin escrit
(so that they) have written
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués escrit
(so that I) had written
haguessis escrit
(so that you) had written
hagués escrit
(so that he/she) had written
haguéssim escrit
(so that we) had written
haguéssiu escrit
(so that you all) had written
haguessin escrit
(so that they) had written
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi escriure
(so that I) wrote
vagis escriure
(so that you) wrote
vagi escriure
(so that he/she) wrote
vàgim escriure
(so that we) wrote
vàgiu escriure
(so that you all) wrote
vagin escriure
(so that they) wrote
Periphastic past tense
vaig escriure
I wrote
vas escriure
you wrote
va escriure
he/she wrote
vam escriure
we wrote
vau escriure
you all wrote
van escriure
they wrote
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver escrit
I had written
vas haver escrit
you had written
va haver escrit
he/she had written
vam haver escrit
we had written
vau haver escrit
you all had written
van haver escrit
they had written

Examples of escriure

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La Constitució afirma clarament els drets que es desprenen de la ciutadania de la Unió: el dret de la lliure circulació i de lliure residència, el dret de vot id’elegibilitat al Parlament Europeu, així com a les eleccions municipals, el dretde la protecció diplomàtica i consular, el dret de petició davant el Parlament Europeu, així com el dret d’adreçar-se al Defensor del Poble Europeu id'escriure a les institucions en una de les llengües oficials de la Uniói de rebreuna resposta en la mateixa llengua.The Constitution clearly asserts the rights which stem from citizenship of the Union: the right to move and reside freely, the right to vote and to stand ascandidates in elections to the European Parliamentand in municipalelections, the right to diplomatic and consular protection, the right to petitionthe European Parliamentand the right to refer matters to the Ombudsmanandto write to the institutions in one of the Union’s languagesand receive a replyin that same language.
No volia escriure un nou blog per a uns pocs dies només, però és la única cosa que puc fer per tractar d'alleujar el mal humor que em va causar veure com Zàmbia perdia contra Camerun.I wasn’t going to write a new blog for a few days still but it’s the only thing I can do to try relieve the foul mood that watching Zambia lose to Cameroon put me in.
Thomas també va escriure sobre l'experiència de viatjar per Angola:Thomas also writes about his experience traveling in Angola:
Els autors dediquen força temps a escriure per a Global Voices.Authors volunteer valuable time to write for Global Voices.
Un personatge de l'episodi diu que va ser obligat a escriure un musical sobre les vivències de Kim en una presó de Corea del Nord i comença a entonar una cançó sobre la prohibició del règim d'utilitzar internet.One character from the episode says that he was forced to write a musical about Kim in a North Korean prison and introduces a song addressing the regime's ban on internet.
Des de llavors he tingut molt suport de les audiències que escolten les cançons que escric.Ever since, I've got a lot of support from audiences who listen to songs I write.
És per ells, per qui escric.This is what I write for.
No he tingut cap problema a l'hora de canviar, tot i que per a una audiència estrictament iraniana escric una mica diferent en termes del rerefons que hi aporto.I haven’t had problem switching, although for a strictly Iranian audience I write a bit differently in terms of the background I give.
És cert que puc expressar la meva opinió quan escric articles d'opinió i així ho he fet.But I’m allowed to express my opinion when I write op-eds, and I’ve also done that sort of thing.
En aquesta pàgina escric la meva última confessió.On this page I write my last confession
Ningú, si no l'escrius.- Nobody, if you don't write it.
I sobre quin tema escrius, Precious?What do you write about, Precious?
Per què escrius un testament, Matt?Why would you write out a will, Matt?
Ara me'n vaig, quan recordis el número, l'escrius, truques el timbre, i tornaré.And I'm going to leave this. and when you remember a number, write it in, press this buzzer, and I'll come back.
- Té cap influència en que escrius?He determines what you write?
Quan hom escriu una novel·la sobre gent gran, sap exactament on ha d'aturar-se, aixo és, al casament; pero quan hom escriu sobre la minyonia ha d'aturar-se alla on pot.When one writes a novel about grown people, he knows exactly where to stop--that is, with a marriage; but when he writes of juveniles, he must stop where he best can.
Hemus escriu : @JamesikR A pesar de la tragèdia i d’aquesta situació, tens raó.Hemus writes : @JamesikR Despite the tragedy of the whole situation, you are right.
El blocaire Zhu Daming escriu que els defectes en aquest canvi de política de l'abril haurien de ser evidents si ens fixem en els errors garrafals d'anteriors polítiques.Blogger Zhu Daming writes that flaws in this April’s policy change should be evident from past policy blunders.
Si ell l'escriu, el perdó serà possible per llei.If he writes it, the pardon will be possible by law.
Si Khodorkovski escriu aquesta apel·lació, jo la tindré en consideració, però primer hauré de convertirme en president per fer-ho."If Khodorkovsky writes such an appeal, I will consider it, but I will have to become the president for that first."
D'altra banda, els eurodiputats poden formular a la Comissió preguntes per escrit 0 oralment.In addition, Members of Parliament can put written or oral questions to the Commission.
També li presenta un informe escrit anual sobre els progressos acomplerts.Parliament also receives a yearly written report on progress achieved.
D'altra banda, els eurodiputats poden formular-los preguntes per escrit o oral ment.In addition, Members can put oral or written questions to them.
Durant el ple, l'eurodiputat pren la paraula en nom propi o, de vegades, com a ponent d'una comissió o portaveu del seu grup polític; planteja preguntes de forma oral o per escrit als membres del Consell i de la Comissió i emet el seu vot sobre els textos presentats pels ponents en nom de la seva comissió o sobre els que han estat presentats per diversos eurodiputats, en nom propi o en representació del grup polític al qual pertany.In plenary session, Members may speak either on their own behalf or as committee rapporteurs or spokesmen for their political groups. They put written or oral questions to the members of the Council and Commission.
D'altra banda, els eurodiputats poden formular a la Comissió preguntes per escrit o oralment.In addition, Members of Parliament can put written or oral questions to the Commission.
Apunteu la data, a dalt de tot de la pàgina, i escriviu.Write the date at the top of the page, and write.
No m'importen, ara per ara, les faltes d'ortografia, ni els errors gramaticals, però escriviu el que sentiu.I don't care if you spell everything wrong. I don't care if it's grammatically incorrect. But just write.
Llavors escriviu.Then write about it.
Són persones apassionades per la literatura, però principalment, escriuen històries que revelen la poesia o la màgia que a vegades sorgeix en la nostra vida quotidianaThey're passionate about literature, but above all, they write stories that reveal the magic and the poetry that sometimes come up in our daily lives.
De moment, l'edició catalana compta amb més de 20 col·laboradors que escriuen i/o tradueixen articles, que els editors revisen per assegurar-ne un nivell mínim de qualitat periodística i lingüística. Una feina que es considera complementària a la dels mitjans de comunicació tradicionals.At the moment, the Catalan edition has over 20 collaborators who write and/or translate articles, which the editors then revise to ensure a minimum level of linguistic and journalistic quality: a task that is considered complementary to that of traditional media.
Som un equip d'escriptors, periodistes, programadors i dissenyadors sirians que vivim a Síria i a l'estranger que intenta donar ressò a la història de la revolució siriana que homes i dones escriuen dia rere dia.We are a team of Syrian writers, journalists, programmers and designers living in the country and abroad trying to highlight the narrative of the Syrian revolution, which Syrian men and women are writing day by day.
Mentrestant, sembla que Shchur i altres periodistes i escriptors que escriuen els seus diaris a les xarxes des dels camps d'entrenament empren la popularitat i la influència que tenen per millorar el funcionament de l'exèrcit ucraïnès.Meanwhile, Shchur and other journalists and writers who run their online diaries from military training camps, are seemingly managing to wield their popularity and online influence to improve some things abut how the Ukrainian military is run.
Es creu tot el que escriuen els diaris?You still believe what the newspapers write?
Quan escriguin sobre aquesta plaga en els llibres d'història, escriuran sobre Woodbury. Perseverem.When they write about this plague in the history books, they will write about Woodbury.
Em vaig gitar pensant que ho escriuria aquest matí, tan prompte com trobara una font d'energia, però la Força de Defensa Aèria siriana tenia uns altres plans.I went to sleep thinking that I would write it this morning, as soon as I had found a source of electricity. However, the Syrian Air Defense Force had other plans.
Perquè... cap dels meus metges, cap dels que estic veient ara, escriuria això.'Cause... no doctor of mine, one that I am actually seeing, would write that.
Durant el segon viatge, escrivia d'una manera més periodística i per això apuntava moltes coses, preguntava més a la gent, agafava fullets dels museus, etc.On the second trip, I was writing in a much more journalistic way, so I was noting many more things, asking for more context while talking to people, taking leaflets in museums and so on.
Aquella gent... de..."Cadascun n'ensenya un" em van trucar em van dir que la meva nena escrivia poemes.The people from Each One Teach One, they had... They called me and they told me that my baby was writing poems.
Ho estava llegint a la vegada que ho escrivia i no podia deixar-ho!I was writing this and at the same time I was reading it. I couldn't put it down.
em van trucar em van dir que la meva nena escrivia poemes.They called me and they told me that my baby was writing poems.
Després s'agenolla vora el foc, i escrigué penosament alguna cosa en cada un d'ells amb la seva quilla roja.Then he knelt by the fire and painfully wrote something upon each of these with his "red keel"; one he rolled up and put in his jacket pocket, and the other he put in Joe's hat and removed it to a little distance from the owner.
L’usuari de Weibo Zhang Xingsheng escrigué: “Ja havíem seguit les instruccions de les altes esferes que no devíem mai creure o disseminar un rumor.Weibo user Zhang Xingsheng wrote, “We had already followed the instruction from the higher-up that we’d never believe or spread a rumor.
Espero que el diputat Burmatov mai no escrigui una carta oberta al Viatxeslav Volodin.I hope Deputy Burmatov never writes an open letter to Viacheslav Volodin.
Mitch! No ho escrigui.Mitch, don't write that.
No ho escrigui.Don't write that.
Li diré que escrigui un epíleg.I'll tell her to write an afterword.
- Pot ser que en Claudio escrigui un llibre.- Claudio might write a book.
No escriguis.You don't write.
Vull que escriguis això al teu diari.I want you to write that in your journal.
Només et vol entabanar per a que escriguis en aquell diari tan horrorós.He only wants to persuade you to write for his horrible paper.
se t'ha demanat qu'escriguis cuatre fraccions més petitas qu'unYou're asked to write four fractions smaller than one.
I vull que escriguis el nom als laterals.And I want you to write the name on the sides.
Quan escriguin sobre aquesta plaga en els llibres d'història, escriuran sobre Woodbury. Perseverem.When they write about this plague in the history books, they will write about Woodbury.
Tom es dona compte que estava escrivint Becky, en l'arena, amb el dit gros del peu. Ho esborra, i s'enfurisma amb sí mateix per la seva feblesa.Tom found himself writing "BECKY" in the sand with his big toe; he scratched it out, and was angry with himself for his weakness.
El periodista Dmitri Olshansky es lamentava de la situació de la nació, escrivint al seu Facebook: «pobra, pobra Rússia, sempre passa el mateix», en relació a un informe de Lenta.ru, que afirma que alguns habitants de Txeliàbinsk estan trencant les finestres de les seves cases per tal de tenir dret a la indemnització que es donarà a les víctimes afectades pel meteorit.Journalist Dmitri Olshansky lamented the state of the nation, writing on Facebook, "poor, poor Russia, it's always the same thing," in connection to a report by Lenta.ru that claims some Chelyabinsk residents are breaking their own windows to qualify for state compensation awaiting meteorite victims.
El tuitaire rusrusdada va convertir l'atac a Baronova en una mofa de tot el moviment de protesta, escrivint :Twitter user rusrusdada expanded the attack on Baronova into a jibe at the entire protest movement, writing:
El tuitaire VRebyata també es feia ressò que la impudícia de Baronova causaria problemes a les dones de la política, escrivint :Twitter user VRebyata also resonated the idea that Baronova’s bawdiness causes problems for women in government, writing:
-Estàs escrivint sobre una batalla completament perduda, perquè si Navalny es convertira en president demà, la gent s'oblidaria del cas Bolotnaya fins i tot més ràpid (c) Hedgehog- You are writing about a completely losing battle, because if Navalny becomes president tomorrow, people will forget about the Bolotnaya case even faster (c) Hedgehog

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