Has de bufar. Així. | You blow it...Like this. |
Estan per violar-les" . només exigim una mica de respecte cap als ja milers d'espanyols i espanyoles honrats que no hem sortit del nostre país per veure quin vent bufa en altres llocs o viure una experiència enriquidora i tornar quan ens cansem. | They are there to be violated." what we demand is a little respect towards the several thousands of honest Spanish men and women who have not left our country to see how the wind blows elsewhere, or to have an enriching experience and simply return when we tire of it. |
El vent bufa, i la pluja és freda. | The wind blows, and the rains are cold. |
*El vent bufa gelat* | ♪ Cold blows the wind ♪ |
*El vent bufa gelar* *Al meu vertader amor* | ♪ Cold blows the wind to my true love ♪ |
*és quan bufa el vent* *deu d'haver sigut amor* | ♪ It's where the wind blows ♪ ♪ It must have been love... ♪ |
Ells bufen per a l'Oncle Birdie i | They blow for Uncle Birdie and |
- ¿quan estarà llest el bot del pa re? - No t'escolto, noi. Ells bufen per a l'Oncle Birdie i | - Can't hear you, boy! ♪ They blow for Uncle Birdie ♪ ♪ And the times ♪ ♪ That ere gone by ♪♪ |
I adesiara es decantaven en grup, i amb la palma de la ma esquitxava cadascú la cara de l'altre, atansant-se a pleret l'un a l'altre amb les cares allunyades, per evitar els esquitxos que s'espargien i, finalment, aferrant-se i lluitant fins que el més brau campió capbussava al seu veí; i en acabat tots tres s'enfonsaren en un entortolligament de cames i braços, i tornaren a eixir bufant, escopint, rient i panteixant, tot plegat a l'ensems. | And now and then they stooped in a group and splashed water in each other's faces with their palms, gradually approaching each other, with averted faces to avoid the strangling sprays, and finally gripping and struggling till the best man ducked his neighbor, and then they all went under in a tangle of white legs and arms and came up blowing, sputtering, laughing, and gasping for breath at one and the same time. |