" Am adapta eticheta mea și eu va vinde în China " | "I adapt my label and I will sell in China." |
" Daca la sfarsitul unui an artistul nu vinde echivalentul avansului... plus o treime comisionul, va recupera diferenta prin tablouri." | "If at year's end the artist does not sell equivalent to the advance... plus one-third commission, he will make up the difference in paintings." |
" Tipul asta vinde heroina la voi in cartier." | " That guy's selling smack in your neighborhood." |
". Se vinde oricui plimbări și cere un" | "sell it to whoever walks in and asks for one." |
"A spune nu înseamnă a vinde". | "Telling's not selling". |
" Ei pot zâmbi, Şi chiar îmi vând sosul de paşte." | "They can smile, and they do sell my pasta sauce." |
"Albumele sale se vând cu milioanele". | "His albums are selling millions." |
"Am aprobare. Mă duc să-i vând." | Ten wild rabbits, which I have a license to sell. |
"Asta este fantasma numită glorie pentru care oamenii se vând?" | "Is this the shadow called glory men sell themselves for?" |
"Bine, îţi vând drogurile. | "Okay, I'll sell you the drugs. |
"Asta nu-i tot", se spune când vinzi unui toxicoman. | "That's not all." they say when selling you junk. |
"Buy low, sell high." (Cumperi ieftin, vinzi scump) | Buy low, sell high. |
"Ce vinzi astăzi ? | "What are you sellin' today? |
"Cum poţi să ţii atât de mult la fiul tău şi să vinzi droguri ?" | How can you feel about your boy the way you do and sell drugs? |
"Dacă ai de gând vreodată s-o vinzi, te rog... contactează-mă." | "If you ever consider selling, please... contact me." |
"Cumpărăm şi vindem bijuterii angro şi la bucată." | We buy and sell jewels wholesale and retail." |
"Dacă nu le vindem noi, o să o facă altcineva." | "lf we don't sell, somebody else will." I suppose there's some logic in that. |
"Dar si tu vinzi, Kaushalya. Noi ne vindem fiicele deschis." | We sell our daughters, openly" |
"E greu să vindem barem un bilet". | "It's hard to sell even one ticket" |
"Hai să vindem hârbul până la toamnă şi să ne luăm o maşină decentă în loc." | "Let's sell the old banger by autumn and get a decent car instead." |
! - Nu m-am vândut ! | -You sold yourself for a kimono! |
! Da, l-a vândut acum cincisprezece ani pentru şapte mii... Să-şi plătească facturile la azil. | Yeah, he sold it fifteen years ago for seven grand... to pay his nursing home bills. |
"Absolument non", mi-am vândut semenii pe foarte mulţi bani. | Absolutement non! I sold out my kind for a large amount of cash. |
"Aici zace, în negru mormânt închis, fară viaţă şi condamnat, cel ce şi-a vândut sufletul pentru profit, şi a sfârşit în moarte fără faimă şi nume." | "Here lies, in black tomb hemmed, lifeless and condemned who sold his soul for profit vile and e'en in death lacks flair and style." |
"Am o Lancia", daca nu esti în Marea Britanie, deoarece aici, pentru motive noi nu înțelegem cu adevărat, aceasta este emblema si vândut ca un Chrysler. | "I have a Lancia", unless you're in Britain, because over here, for reasons we don't really understand, this is badged and sold as a Chrysler. |
Asta e ceea ce vindeți? | That's what you're selling? |
Atunci trebuie neapărat să-l vindeți pe acesta înainte, rapid. | Well, then it is crucial that you sell this place fast! |
Câte mașini vindeți un an? | How many cars do you sell a year? |
Dacã vã rãzgândiți și o vindeți, gândiți-vã la mine. | I always have. If ever you make up your mind to sell it, just think of me. |
Dacă obținem și cel mai mic indiciu, că vindeți aceste medicamente pentru profit, | If we get the slightest indication that you're selling these drugs for profit, |
Am vându maşina. | I sold the car. |
De la unchiul Ted şi am vându-o la 12 ani pentru o bicicletă. | I inherited my collection from Uncle Ted and sold it at the age of 12, so I could buy my first bicycle. |
Rasputin îşi vându sufletul pentru puterea de a-i distruge. | Rasputin sold his soul for the power to destroy them. |
Zelig îşi vându-se povestea vieţii la Hollywood, pe o sumă enormă de bani. | Zelig has sold his life story to Hollywood for a large sum of money. |
Şi am vându toate lucrările, aşa că bravo mie. | - Oh. - And I sold it out too, So yay for me. |
A cumpărat o statuie cu Buddha pe care o vindeam pe ebay. | He bought this bakelite Buddha I was selling on ebay. |
Aici vindeam droguri la copii si femei gravide. | Here I was selling drugs to kids and pregnant women. |
Am înteles că nu vindeam doar informatii, vindeam si siguranta oamenilor. | I realized it wasn't just information I was selling. It was people's safety. |
Bineînţeles, uram asta, că ţipa la mine odată când aveam 150 de kg, un apărător m-a pus jos după ce mi-am revenit, aveam doi copii şi vindeam pantofi. | Of course, I hated that, so of course, she shouted at me one time when a 300-pound linebacker was barreling down on me and when I came to, I had two kids and was selling shoes. |
Băiete, nu am văzut pe nimeni în asa formă, de când vindeam centuri. | Boy, I haven't seen anybody in such good shape since I was selling girdles. |
Am fost reactionari cind vindeai vite la sase centi livra pe viu? | Was we reactionaries back in them days when you were selling beef cattle for six cents a pound on the hoof? |
Am luat-o din magazinul acela ciudat din Hong Kong când îi vindeai arme lui... | We got it in that strange shop in Hong Kong... when you were selling guns to- |
As vrea sa ti-l amintesti pe cel despre care ne vindeai informatii. | I want you to remember who it was you were selling information about. |
Atunci e un fals. Şi tu îl vindeai... | Then it's a forgery, and you were selling... |
Caseta conţine secretele pe care le vindeai ca şi celelalte chestii... pe care le ştie guvernul despre existenţa vieţii extraterestre. | It contains secrets you were selling and all our government knows on extraterrestrials. |
"La percheziţia locuinţei lui Hudson din Derby Street, poliţia a descoperit, de asemenea, cupoane falsificate de raţii pe care se crede că Hudson le vindea pe piaţa neagră. | "Upon searching Hudson's house in Derby Street "police also discovered forged ration coupons "they believe Hudson was selling on the black market." |
- El vindea droguri? | - What, he was selling drugs? |
- El vindea... | - He was selling... |
- Ensign Powell vindea informatii, foarte posibil despre soldatii dvs către agenti I.S.I. în Los Angeles. | Ensign Powell was selling intelligence, most likely about your SEALs, to I.S.I. agents in Los Angeles. |
- Fratele tău vindea aşa ceva? | Do you know if your brother was selling it? |
- Niste baieti rai vindeau droguri. | - some bad guys were selling drugs. |
-Ei vindeau droguri şi se ocupau de prostituţie, fabrica e doar o acoperire. | Hey, hey, off the record, Henry and his twin brother Freddy... were selling drugs, soliciting women... the wax fruit factory is actually their cover for a white slavery ring. |
Acei oameni vindeau gunoi din masina lor. | Those guys were selling junk outta the trunk of their car. |
Altii vindeau masti de gaz pentru protectia impotriva cianurii. | And there were those who were selling gas masks to protect against the cyanogen. |
Am spus că nişte hipioţi ciudaţi îşi vindeau lucrurile, voia poate să stea cu oamenii ei. | Well, I said, "Some hippie freaks were selling their crap." |
După patru luni, vândusem toate scanerele. | After four months, we had sold all our scanners. |
Numai că eu vândusem vaza albastră... | But I had sold the blue vase! Or I... |
Până la sfârşitul lunii, vândusem 12. | Anyway, at the end of the month, I had sold 12. |
A doua zi m-am simtit groaznic, l-am căutat pe cel care l-a luat, vroiam să ti-l dau înapoi, dar îl vânduse deja, lui Marco Nebunul, si îmi pare sincer rău, dar e cu adevărat nebun, | I wanted to give it back to you, but by then, my boy had sold it, and he said it went to Mean Marco, and I'm sorry, baby girl, but that's where I draw the line, 'cause he's crazy mean, |
Am fugit cât am putut de repede la acest Breckinridge, dar le vânduse şi nu-mi putea spune unde au fost duse. | I ran as hard as my feet would carry me to this man Breckinridge; but he had sold the lot, and not one word would he tell me as to where they had gone. |
Huey îi vânduse. | Huey had sold them out. |
Ken Lay vânduse de 300 de milioane, | Ken Lay had sold 300 million. |
Mama mi-a scris o singurã datã si asta doar ca sã-mi spunã cã vânduse casa si cã a plecat cu un sofer de camion din România. | My mother I only wrote once and that was to tell me she had sold the house and run off with some truck driver from Romania. |
Am stabilit rapid că angajaţii vânduseră acţiuni în valoare de un miliard de dolari în lunile anterioare. | We very quickly determined that the insiders had sold off a billion dollars of their stock in the preceding several months. |
Băiatul îşi amintea când îl vânduseră. | The boy remembered when they had sold it. |
"Cum poţi trăi vânzând frişcă?" | "How can you get by selling creams? |
"vânzând sau făcând troc cu bunurile noastre." | "selling or bartering our goods at each. |
- Apreciez efortul, dar nu voi conduce prin oraş, vânzând hot dog. | Well, I appreciate all the effort, but I am not driving around town selling corn dogs. |
- Concept interesant, vânzând intrarea celui ce dă mai mult. | - Interesting concept, selling admission to the highest bidder. |
- Cumpărând si vânzând. | - Buying and selling it. |