"Antimónio, bário e chumbo". | "Antimony, barium, and lead." |
"Com um tiro e cheio de chumbo estava o perigoso Dan McGrew. | Pitched on his head, and pumped full of lead Was Dangerous Dan McGrew |
"Ele morreu de intoxicação de chumbo!" | "He got a bad case of lead poisoning, see!" |
"Eles colocaram um pouco de chumbo na tua cabeça." | * They put a little lead in * In his head |
"Este coração de chumbo partido não se derrete na fornalha". | "This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace." |
"Que importava ter chumbado?" | So what if he failed his exams? |
- E não teria chumbado. | - and failed my test. |
- Não tinhas chumbado a matemática? | -I thought you failed math? |
Adoro que o pôr-do-sol te faça chorar, não me interessa que tenhas chumbado no exame para agente imobiliária e estou contente por teres a regra dos cinco encontros. | I love that sunsets make you cry, and I don't care that you failed your real estate exam, and I'm glad that you have a five-date ru/e. |
Até um aluno de Medicina chumbado saberia a dose de clorofórmio a usar. | Even a failed medical student would know how much chloroform to use. |
- Com sorte, chumbei. | With any luck,I failed. |
- Quer dizer que chumbei? | - You mean I failed? |
- Também chumbei à primeira. | - I failed the first time I took it. |
Acha que chumbei na faculdade de medicina? | I mean, do you think I failed medical school? |
Até chumbei na chamada. | I even failed homeroom. |
- lsso foi um teste e chumbaste-o! | -That was a test, and you just failed. |
Arthur, dizem que chumbaste nos exames psicológicos. | Arthur, they say you failed the psychological exam. |
Caramba, Barney, chumbaste no meu teste! | Damn it, Barney, you failed my test! |
E não porque tens medo que descubram que chumbaste à aula de ética do Gerard? | [laughs] Are you sure it's not because you're worried they'll find out that you failed Professor Gerard's legal ethics class? |
George, chumbaste no exame de interno por um ponto. | George,you failed the intern exam by one point. |
- Ele chumbou no exame. | - He failed his boards. |
- Ele chumbou-me e eu apaixonei-me. | - He failed me and I fell in love with him. |
- Katy chumbou no teste de ortografia. | - Katy failed her spelling test. |
- Nunca nenhum associado chumbou. | No associate's ever failed it. |
- O Alex chumbou no exame. | - Shut it, yang. - Alex failed his boards. |
"chumbaram mais de 6500 alunos em Junho, devido ao que mais tarde... | "failed over 6500 students In June due to what |
- No ano passado chumbaram sete. - Sete? | -Seven students failed last year. |
Pessoas mais inteligentes que o senhor tentaram e chumbaram nesta disciplina. | Brighter men than you have tried and failed this class. |
Sabias que o Sanju, o Maksood e o Ghanshyam chumbaram de novo? | Are you aware? Sanju, Maksood and Ghanshyam ... have failed again. |
Todos vós chumbaram no meu teste. | Each of you has failed my test. |