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Menjurus (to lead) conjugation

2 examples

Conjugation of menjurus

Present tense
I lead
Past tense
sudah menjurus
I leaded
Present perfect tense
sudah menjurus
I have leaded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menjurus
I will have leaded
Future recent tense
menjurus nanti
I will lead
Future distant tense
menjurus kelak
I am going to lead
Present continuous tense
sedang menjurus
I lead
Past distant tense
dulu menjurus
I (a long time ago) leaded
Past recent tense
menjurus tadi
I (recently) leaded
Past very recent tense
baru saja menjurus
I (just now) leaded

Examples of menjurus

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
proses kerusakah otak ini dapat menjurus pada hilangnya beberapa ingatan dan akut perilaku menjadi tdk stabil termasuk ... khayalan, halusinasi, mendenfarkan sesuatu yg sebenarnya tdk ada ..."This progressive brain disease can lead to acute and selected memory loss. Behavior changes might include the following... delusions, hallucinations, hearing things that are not actually present..."
Sifat alami manusia akan menjurus ke arah kepunahan.Humanity's savage nature will inevitably lead to global annihilation.

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