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Menggiring (to lead) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menggiring

Present tense
I lead
Past tense
sudah menggiring
I leaded
Present perfect tense
sudah menggiring
I have leaded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menggiring
I will have leaded
Future recent tense
menggiring nanti
I will lead
Future distant tense
menggiring kelak
I am going to lead
Present continuous tense
sedang menggiring
I lead
Past distant tense
dulu menggiring
I (a long time ago) leaded
Past recent tense
menggiring tadi
I (recently) leaded
Past very recent tense
baru saja menggiring
I (just now) leaded

Examples of menggiring

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Bagaimana kalau kalian menggiring setannya ke tepian dan aku melompat masuk?What if you guys lead the devil to the edge and I jump in?
Daryl menggiring mereka kesini. Dan mereka semakin mendekat.Daryl's leading them this way and they're closing in.
Dia mungkin menggiring kita ke daerah patroli. Menurutku ini gila.May lead us to periodically This is crazy
Mereka akan menggiring walkersnya menjauh, seperti sebelumnya.They're gonna lead 'em away, just like the others.
Pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa ganja menggiring pada kecanduan heroin atau narkotika lainnya apa benar demikian di antara orang yang Anda kenal?- Well the argument is made that pot leads to the addiction to heroin or other narcotics. - Have you found this to be so among the people you know?

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