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Memimpin (to lead) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memimpin

Present tense
I lead
Past tense
sudah memimpin
I leaded
Present perfect tense
sudah memimpin
I have leaded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memimpin
I will have leaded
Future recent tense
memimpin nanti
I will lead
Future distant tense
memimpin kelak
I am going to lead
Present continuous tense
sedang memimpin
I lead
Past distant tense
dulu memimpin
I (a long time ago) leaded
Past recent tense
memimpin tadi
I (recently) leaded
Past very recent tense
baru saja memimpin
I (just now) leaded

Examples of memimpin

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kita akan menciptakan ratusan ribu lapangan kerja. kita akan memulai... revolusi teknologi selanjutnya. Dan kita akan memimpin dunia lagi! Seperti dulu lagi.We will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, we will start the next technological revolution, and we will lead the world again, like we used to.
Aku mengerti kamu yang memimpin investigasi pembunuhan Keeley Farlowe.I understand you are leading the Keeley Farlowe murder investigation.
Dan aku ingin Topper Harley memimpin skudaron kita ke pertempuran.And I want Topper Harley leading our squadron into battle.
Dia tidak akan untuk memimpin kita ke situs.I'm moving in. He's not going to lead us to the site.
Nah , bestman , Anda memimpin rakyat jelata ini?Well, bestman, you lead this rabble?

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