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Nonton (to watch) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of nonton

Present tense
I watch
Past tense
sudah nonton
I watched
Present perfect tense
sudah nonton
I have watched
Future perfect tense
akan sudah nonton
I will have watched
Future recent tense
nonton nanti
I will watch
Future distant tense
nonton kelak
I am going to watch
Present continuous tense
sedang nonton
I watch
Past distant tense
dulu nonton
I (a long time ago) watched
Past recent tense
nonton tadi
I (recently) watched
Past very recent tense
baru saja nonton
I (just now) watched

Examples of nonton

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Misalnya, org yg nonton High Fidelity jg Magnolia.For instance, someone who watches High Fidelity and then Magnolia.
Diwaktu yang baik, mungkin sedikit lebih keren, Waktu yang tepat, mungkin bir. Chip dan Dip, nonton kartun.Real good time, maybe a couple cold ones, a little chip and dip, watch some cartoons.
Tapi aku tahu dia benar-benar ingin nonton Warrior Princess.But I knew he really wanted to watch Xena: Warrior Princess.
Jordan bilang padaku putri kita akan duduk di kamar, dan nonton kartun sepanjang hari. Dan dia akan makan es krim. Dan putri kita akan kembali pada kita dalam 2 hari.Jordan told me she'd sit in a room... and watch cartoons all day... and she'd eat ice cream and we'd have her back in two days.
Kita bisa nonton acara masak ibu rumah tangga atau Cop Docs.We could watch reality housewife cooking show or cop docs.

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