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S’ébrécher (to fight) conjugation


Conjugation of s’ébrécher

Present tense
je m’ébrèche
I fight
tu tu t’ébrèches
you fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’ébrèche
he/she/it fights
nous nous nous ébréchons
we fight
vous vous vous ébréchez
you all fight
ils/elles ils/elles s’ébrèchent
they fight
Present perfect tense
je me suis ébréché
I fought
tu t’es ébréché
you fought
il/elle/on s’est ébréché
he/she/it fought
nous nous sommes ébréchés
we fought
vous vous êtes ébréchés
you all fought
ils/elles se sont ébréchés
they fought
Past impf. tense
je m’ébréchais
I was fighting
tu tu t’ébréchais
you were fighting
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’ébréchait
he/she/it was fighting
nous nous nous ébréchions
we were fighting
vous vous vous ébréchiez
you all were fighting
ils/elles ils/elles s’ébréchaient
they were fighting
Future tense
je m’ébrècherai
I will fight
tu tu t’ébrècheras
you will fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’ébrèchera
he/she/it will fight
nous nous nous ébrècherons
we will fight
vous vous vous ébrècherez
you all will fight
ils/elles ils/elles s’ébrècheront
they will fight
Past perfect tense
je m’étais ébréché
I had fought
tu t’étais ébréché
you had fought
il/elle/on s’était ébréché
he/she/it had fought
nous nous étions ébréchés
we had fought
vous vous étiez ébréchés
you all had fought
ils/elles s’étaient ébréchés
they had fought
Past preterite tense
je m’ébréchai
I fought
tu tu t’ébréchas
you fought
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’ébrécha
he/she/it fought
nous nous nous ébréchâmes
we fought
vous vous vous ébréchâtes
you all fought
ils/elles ils/elles s’ébréchèrent
they fought
Past anterior tense
je me fus ébréché
I had fought
tu te fus ébréché
you had fought
il/elle/on se fut ébréché
he/she/it had fought
nous nous fûmes ébréchés
we had fought
vous vous fûtes ébréchés
you all had fought
ils/elles se furent ébréchés
they had fought
Future perfect tense
je me serai ébréché
I will have fought
tu te seras ébréché
you will have fought
il/elle/on se sera ébréché
he/she/it will have fought
nous nous serons ébréchés
we will have fought
vous vous serez ébréchés
you all will have fought
ils/elles se seront ébréchés
they will have fought
Present subjunctive tense
que je m’ébrèche
that I fight
que tu t’ébrèches
that you fight
qu’il/elle/on s’ébrèche
that he/she/it fight
que nous nous ébréchions
that we fight
que vous vous ébréchiez
that you all fight
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’ébrèchent
that they fight
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois ébréché
that I have fought
que tu te sois ébréché
that you have fought
qu’il/elle/on se soit ébréché
that he/she/it have fought
que nous nous soyons ébréchés
that we have fought
que vous vous soyez ébréchés
that you all have fought
qu’ils/elles se soient ébréchés
that they have fought
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je m’ébréchasse
that I would fight
que tu t’ébréchasses
that you would fight
qu’il/elle/on s’ébréchât
that he/she/it would fight
que nous nous ébréchassions
that we would fight
que vous vous ébréchassiez
that you all would fight
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’ébréchassent
that they would fight
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse ébréché
that I had fought
que tu te fusses ébréché
that you had fought
qu’il/elle/on se fût ébréché
that he/she/it had fought
que nous nous fussions ébréchés
that we had fought
que vous vous fussiez ébréchés
that you all had fought
qu’ils/elles se fussent ébréchés
that they had fought
Conditional mood
je m’ébrècherais
I would fight
tu tu t’ébrècherais
you would fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’ébrècherait
he/she/it would fight
nous nous nous ébrècherions
we would fight
vous vous vous ébrècheriez
you all would fight
ils/elles ils/elles s’ébrècheraient
they would fight
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais ébréché
I would have fought
tu te serais ébréché
you would have fought
il/elle/on se serait ébréché
he/she/it would have fought
nous nous serions ébréchés
we would have fought
vous vous seriez ébréchés
you all would have fought
ils/elles se seraient ébréchés
they would have fought
Imperative mood
let's fight!

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