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Reportar (to report) conjugation

107 examples

Conjugation of reportar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I report
you report
he/she/it reports
we report
you all report
they report
Present perfect tense
he reportado
I have reported
has reportado
you have reported
ha reportado
he/she/it has reported
hemos reportado
we have reported
habéis reportado
you all have reported
han reportado
they have reported
Past preterite tense
I reported
you reported
he/she/it reported
we reported
you all reported
they reported
Future tense
I will report
you will report
he/she/it will report
we will report
you all will report
they will report
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would report
you would report
he/she/it would report
we would report
you all would report
they would report
Past imperfect tense
I used to report
you used to report
he/she/it used to report
we used to report
you all used to report
they used to report
Past perfect tense
había reportado
I had reported
habías reportado
you had reported
había reportado
he/she/it had reported
habíamos reportado
we had reported
habíais reportado
you all had reported
habían reportado
they had reported
Future perfect tense
habré reportado
I will have reported
habrás reportado
you will have reported
habrá reportado
he/she/it will have reported
habremos reportado
we will have reported
habréis reportado
you all will have reported
habrán reportado
they will have reported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I report
(if/so that) you report
(if/so that) he/she/it report
(if/so that) we report
(if/so that) you all report
(if/so that) they report
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reportado
I have reported
hayas reportado
you have reported
haya reportado
he/she/it has reported
hayamos reportado
we have reported
hayáis reportado
you all have reported
hayan reportado
they have reported
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reported
(if/so that) you have reported
(if/so that) he/she/it have reported
(if/so that) we have reported
(if/so that) you all have reported
(if/so that) they have reported
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reported
(if/so that) you have reported
(if/so that) he/she/it have reported
(if/so that) we have reported
(if/so that) you all have reported
(if/so that) they have reported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reportado
I had reported
hubieras reportado
you had reported
hubiera reportado
he/she/it had reported
hubiéramos reportado
we had reported
hubierais reportado
you all had reported
hubieran reportado
they had reported
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reportado
I had reported
hubieses reportado
you had reported
hubiese reportado
he/she/it had reported
hubiésemos reportado
we had reported
hubieseis reportado
you all had reported
hubiesen reportado
they had reported
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reported
(if/so that) you will have reported
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reported
(if/so that) we will have reported
(if/so that) you all will have reported
(if/so that) they will have reported
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reportado
I will have reported
hubieres reportado
you will have reported
hubiere reportado
he/she/it will have reported
hubiéremos reportado
we will have reported
hubiereis reportado
you all will have reported
hubieren reportado
they will have reported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's report!
Imperative negative mood
no reportes
do not report!
no reporte
let him/her/it report!
no reportemos
let us not report!
no reportéis
do not report!
no reporten
do not report!

Examples of reportar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"César, tengo el triste deber de reportar...""Caesar, it is my sad duty to report..."
"Hola, operadora, quisiera reportar una emergencia.Hi, operator. I'd like to report an emergency.
"Me alegra reportar que tanto Ud. como el perro son normales"."I am happy to report that both you and the dog are entirely normal." Mm-hmm.
- Ahora, ¿desea reportar un asesinato?Now... you wish to report a murder.
"Señor, me reporto como se me ha indicado".Sir, I beg to report as instructed.
'L.A. Weekly' reporto qué en la misma tarde del 11 de Septiembre'L.A. Weekly' reported that on the very evening of September 11th
- El piloto reporto que nos vio, ¿correcto?So the pilot, he would have reported he saw us, right?
- Inspecciono la red, reporto los errores, cuento la cantidad de zapatillas.Eh, inspect the network, report malfunctions, count the sleepers.
- Le reporto al Sargento de Ejercicio?- Did you report to the drill Sergeant?
- ¿Cuando reportas a Condicional?- When do you report for parole?
- ¿Qué nos reportas?- What is your report?
Ahora, tu, Clark solo reportas las noticias.Now, you, Clark, you just report the news.
Averigua y me reportas.Check and report back to me.
Bueno, tú reportas todo lo que haces, de todos modos, ¿no?Well, you file reports on everything you do, anyway.
"Hoy a las 6:00 a. m. nuestra oficina de Nueva York reporta... que el mercante Henrietta zarpó de Nueva York... con una carga de algodón, aceite de linaza y madera."At 6:00 a.m. Today, our New York office reports... "that trading ship Henrietta departed New York... "with a cargo of cotton, linseed oil, and lumber.
- Activado" La cámara central sólo reporta la entrada de personal autorizado.Central Locking reports authorized personnel.
- Einar reporta buen clima.- Einar reports good weather in the area.
- General, el NORAD reporta un nuevo destino China, se cree que prototipo de sigilo.- General, NORAD reports a new destination China is believed to prototype stealth.
- KTK reporta posibles tormentas... llamé a la policia en Fairvale.- KTK reports possible thunder ... l called the police in Fairvale.
- Agradece que no te reportamos.- Be glad that we aren't reporting you.
- No lo reportamos.- We didn't report it.
- ¿Lo reportamos, Sr.?- Do we report this, sir?
72 horas más tarde, lo reportamos desaparecido.72 hours later, we reported him missing.
Ahora si nosotros reportamos el avión caído.Not if we report that plane crash.
"En Miami las autoridades reportan el arresto anoche de un sospechoso vigilante"ln Miami, authorities report the arrest last night of a vigilante.
"Fuentes en Varsovia reportan pánico general en los que aún están en la ciudad, que hacen frenéticos esfuerzos para escapar"Sources in Warsaw report mass panic as those left in the city make increasingly frantic efforts to escape.
"Se reportan pocos heridos, y hay dos personas desaparecidas.""Casualty figures remain low, with two people reported missing."
'.. ya causa caos de tránsito en Londres y el sudeste de la ciudad, 'las partidas de formaciones reportan grandes demoras.''.. is already bringing travel chaos to London and the South-East, 'with motoring organisations reporting long delays. '
- Esto recién llega desde Moscú, las autoridades rusas reportan que una explosión accidental sobre el misil interceptor lanzado para fotografiar un supuesto satélite extraterrestre destruyó a ambos satélite y misil la causa de la explosión es desconocidaThis just in from Moscow. Russian authorities report that an accidental explosion aboard the intercept missile launched to photograph an allegedly extra-terrestrial satellite has destroyed both the satellite and the missile. The cause of the blast is unknown.
- Incluso lo reporté como perdido.- I even had him reported missing.
- Lo reporté.- I reported it.
Así que reporté su ubicación, brillo y ciclo de revolución a la academia.So I reported the location, brightness, and cycle of revolution to the academy.
Cariño, número uno: ya he llamado al banco y reporté la pérdida.Honey, number one: I've already called the bank and reported the loss.
Como ya reporté antes, han asesinado a un segundo rapero.As I reported earlier, a second rapper has been murdered
- ¿Lo reportaste?Have you reported it?
- ¿Por qué me preguntas esto? ¿Por qué dices que no cuenta si lo reportaste?You'd still say..you reported it , right?
El misíl Hellfire que reportaste haber visto... ¿dónde está?The Hellfire missile you reported seeing... where is it?
Entonces ¿le reportaste a la Directora acerca de la chica?So you reported back to The director about the girl?
" a las 7:31 de la mañana despues de que un vecino reportó gritos en la residencia.""at 7:31 in the morning after a neighbor reported a disturbance at the residence."
"El cuerpo fue encontrado ahorcado, y el vecino reportó"The body was found hanged, and the neighbor reported
'THE TIMES' de Londres reportó:'THE TIMES' of London reported.
- ...ver si alguien reportó un robo.- see if anyone reported a break-in. - DiNozzo.
- Ella reportó a un merodeador.- She reported a prowler.
"Todos reportaron invasores invisibles."all reported invisible invaders.
'Testigos reportaron que los enmascarados saludaban a la policía.' 'Mientras el dinero era distribuido por las calles.''Eyewitnesses reported that the masked raiders waved at police 'as the money was distributed into the streets. '
* No se reportaron víctimas.* No casualties were reported.
- Ellos reportaron la primera muerte in Claridge a la 12:42 PM.- They reported the first death in Claridge at 12:42 PM.
- ¿Lo reportaron a la policía?Was it reported to the police?
Ahora, me reportaré al jefe de la Unidad de Guardia.Now,i will reportl to the c. O. Of the guard unit.
En lo personal, su conducta me asquea... NO HAY ACUSACIÓN FORMAL CONTRA CRANE ...y lo reportaré al Consejo del Colegio de Abogados.Personally, I am disgusted by his conduct... and I will report his actions to the Board of Bar Overseers.
Es por eso que todo lo que respecta e involucre a los Equalists, le reportaré directamente a él.That is why, for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him.
Esto no me interesa, lo reportaré!This is of no interest to me, I will report this!
Lo reportaré a Washington.I will report you to D.C.
- Y reportarás todo.- Third, you will report everything.
Hasta que oiga buenas noticias, me reportarás a cada hora.Until I hear good news, you will report to me hourly.
Te reportarás a mi... no será nada, será fuera del archivo.You will report yourself to my... it won't be anything, it will be outside of the file.
Te reportarás a mí regularmente, y nunca recordarás haberlo hecho.You will report in to me regularly, and you will never remember having done so.
Tu reportarás todo a mí, okey?You will report everything to me, okay?
Desde ahora nos dividiremos en cinco familias y el capo de cada familia se reportará a mí.From now on, we will be divided into five families, and the capo from each family... will report to me.
Después de las ceremonias de esta mañana se reportará en mi oficina para recibir su castigo.Following this morning's ceremonies... you will report to my office for discipline.
El 58 se reportará al portaviones espacial Saratoga cruzando la línea Jupiter... para las 0840 de mañana.58th will report to the naval space carrier Saratoga across theJupiter line... by 0840 tomorrow.
El espía de Mahdi reportará los movimientos de nuestra tropa.The Mahdi spies will report on our troop movements.
El que dirige la investigación se reportará a ustedes y uds a nosotros.Your man heading up the investigation will report on the hour. And you will report to us.
- Los espías en el circo reportarán a la policía que tuvimos otra de nuestras pequeñas discusiones.- The spies in the circus will report to the police that you and I have had another of our little disagreements.
De vez en cuando, los astronautas del transbordador, reportarán que han estado viendo o experimentando cosas en el espacio que no pueden explicar y que pueden deberse a una presencia alienígena.NASA officials want to admit? Occasionally, astronauts, shuttle astronauts, will report that they've seen things or experienced things in space that they can't explain and that might be due to an alien presence.
El comandante se ocupará del desfile... y se reportarán vestidos como están ahora, pero con zapatos de baile.The pipe major will take the parade... and you will report dressed as you are now, but with plimsolls on.
Ellos nos reportarán, pero no responderemos.They will report in, but we will not respond.
Es un edificio con trabajadores que se reportarán a nosotros.It's a building with workers who will report to us.
-Supongo que Mercer pensó que Annie lo reportaría, tal como lo hizo en la subasta.My guess is mercer thought annie would report it, Just like she did with the auction.
Nadie reportaría el robo de ese dinero, se supone que no existe.No one would report that money stolen, it's not supposed to exist.
Pero jamás imaginé que él reportaría a Folke a la policía.But I never imagined that he would report Folke to the police.
Pienso que deberías ser deportado, y si yo no tuvieras reservas tan fuertes sobre el Servicio de Inmgración y Naturalización, te reportaría.I think you should be deported, and if I didn't have such strong reservations about the INS, I would report you.
Tal vez el perpetrador pensó que si se marchaba, El testigo le reportaría.Maybe the perpetrator thought that if he just drove away, the witness would report it.
Asumí que tenias tus razones y que te reportarías eventualmente.I assumed you had your reasons and that you would report in eventually.
Era una certeza matemática que chicas como esa reportarían el ataque o me chantajearía por el resto de mi vida.It was a mathematical certainty That a woman like that would report the assault Or she would blackmail me for the rest of my life.
Nos encontraron y dijeron que si no los hacíamos partícipes nos reportarían a la policía.They found out, said if we didn't cut them in, they would report us to the cops.
"... hay unidades especiales de comandos posicionadas en todos los puntos estratégicos y alrededor de la ciudad, de acuerdo al último reporte del cuartel de Defensa Civil."... have special commando units positioned at all strategic points in and around the city, according to the latest reports from the civil defense headquarters.
"...y han producido un reporte verdaderamente bi-partisano que honra a los miles que murieron el 9/11, honra a sus familiares. ""and you've produced a truly bi-partisan report that honors thousands who died on 9/11, honors their grieving family members."
"Agradezco la oportunidad para actualizar al Consejo acerca de las actividades de mi oficina desde mi último reporte en diciembre"."I welcome the opportunity to update the Council on the activities undertaken by my office since my last report in December."
"Era información histórica, basada en un reporte viejo, no había información de nuevas amenazas, y de hecho no avisaba sobre próximos ataques dentro de Estados Unidos. ""It was historical information, based on old reporting, there was no new threat information, and it did not in fact warn of any coming attacks inside the United States."
"Fin de la etapa clínica del reporte.""End of term clinic report."
""Anoche, la policía recibió varios reportes... de lo que los testigos describieron... como un monstruo diabólico vagando por el parque... alrededor de las 1 2:30 a.m."."Last night, the police department received several reports... "of what was described by eyewitnesses... "as a fiendish monster roaming in Midcity Park... at approximately 12:30 a.m."
"... luego de numerosos reportes de niños perdidos en varios pueblos."...after reports of missing children in several towns.
"Aquí los primeros reportes desde Port Victoria."Here are the earliest reports from Port Victoria."
"El Sargento Cale no termina sus reportes del campo a tiempo.""Cale frequently does not complete his field reports on time."
"El regimiento pide que te reportes imediatamente. "Search from your regiment to report to duty. Immediately.
- Bueno, cariño, vos esperás que reportemos la totalidad de los juegos desde el interior de esta habitación?- Well, hon, you expect us to report the entire games from within this room?
-Exacto, así que los productores nos dijeron que compremos tres viejos autos propulsados por V8 y que nos reportemos con ellos en un hotel cerca de la ciudad de Bariloche aquí, en Argentina.Quite, so the producers told us to buy three old V8-powered cars and report with them to a hotel near the town of Bariloche here in Argentina.
Así que volvamos y reportemos.So we go back and report.
Los ingenieros de demolición habrán zarpado... dos horas antes de que Bus y yo nos reportemos.The demolition engineers will have shipped out... a good two hours before Bus and I report in.
Mijail dijo que reportemos todo.Mihalich told to report everything.
- No activamos el sistema a menos que lo reporten como robado.- We never activate Beacon... unless the car is reported stolen.
- ¡Busquen minuciosamente y reporten!- Search thoroughly and report back! - Yes sir.
...notifique a mis oficiales que se reporten en la iglesia....notify my officers to report to the church.
Ambos quedan confinados a sus habitaciones hasta nuevo aviso. Después de que se reporten a enfermería.You're both confined to quarters until further notice- - after you report to Sick Bay.
Capitán, elija un escuadrón de fusilamiento de seis hombres y que se reporten aquí a las 6:00 am.Captain, select a firing squad of six men... and have them report here at 0600.
Tomad precauciones razonables, reportad todo lo que no sea ordinario, cualquier cosa.Take reasonable precaution, report anything out of the ordinary, anything.
"Accidente fatal de un lear jet - Las mujeres recordaban un incidente muy reportado en 1999."fatal accident involving a lear jet ... with no one in control" The women recalled one such incident that was heavily reported in 1991
"Considerando su salario reportado, eso equivale a casi 100 dólares la yarda."Given his reported salary, that's nearly $100 a yard.
"Cualquier conflicto en el espacio aéreo debe ser reportado e investigado y el controlador será removido de inmediato".Any airspace conflict must be reported and investigated and the controller involved immediately removed. I'm filing on him.
"El matón Ben" fue reportado como desaparecido por su familia hace un año."Bully Ben" was reported missing by his family a year ago.
"La prensa ha reportado esta, y aquella, pero realmente no lo han puesto todo junto y dicho:"The press has reported this one, and that one, but they haven't really put it all together and said
"Soy Jessie Mayfield reportando desde el Times Square."l'm Jessie Mayfield reporting from Times Square.
"Soy Mary Riesgraf, reportando en vivo desde el centro de los estudios".I'm mary riesgraf reporting live from the studio downtown.
"Soy Michael Stilton reportando desde Gori, Georgia".'This is Michael Stilton reporting from Gori, Georgia.'
"The Today Show", reportando en vivo ahora desde Washington, DC, Después de la violenta tormenta... que devastó esta zona de la capital ayer."The Today Show," reporting live now from Washington, D.C., following the violent storm that devastated this capital area yesterday.
- Corwin Primera Clase reportando como se le ordeno, señor.-First Class Corwin reporting as ordered sir.

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