Det er ikke trolig at jeg kommer til å smitte noen. | Well, it's not likely I'm going to infect anyone. |
-Ja. De smittede forsøker å smitte andre med blodkontakt. | And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood-to-blood contact. |
Dere kommer til å smitte hverandre. | You are all going to infect each other. |
Den mannen prøvde å smitte hele skipet. | That man tried to infect this entire ship. |
Forhindre Z'ene fra å smitte. | Keep the Zs from spreading the infection. |
Vi vil ikke at noen som bærer nag mot deg skal smitte deg. | We don't want someone with a grudge infecting you. |
Jeg vil ikke smitte deg. | I wouldn't want to infect you. |
Hvis disse gærningene kunne ringe ut... ville galskapen tyte ut gjennom telefonlinjene... og smitte de stakkars åndsfriske. | If all of these nuts could just make phone calls... it could spread insanity oozing through telephone cables... oozing to the ears of all these poor, sane people, infecting them. |
Jeg forstår ikke. Hvordan skal vi smitte moderskipet? | How exactly do we infect the mother ship with this virus? |
- Min ondskap må ikke smitte verden. | - I'll not let my evil infect the world. |
Vi finner noen sunne kalver og hester, smitter dem kunstig og ser hva som skjer. | Bring in a few calves, some horses, infect them artificially, then wait and see what happens. |
Snokerne herjer i private og offentlige datasystemer, smitter dem med virus og stjeler informasjon. | Hackers penetrate and ravage public and private computer systems, infecting them with viruses... Who are these guys? |
De herjer i private og offentlige datasystemer, smitter dem med virus og stjeler informasjon. | Hackers penetrate and ravage public and private computer systems, infecting them with viruses and stealing sensitive materials. |
Han går og grubler, hyller seg i skyer, og ryktesmedene smitter hans øre med giftig snakk om hans fars død. | Wants not buzzers to infect his ear with pestilent speeches of his father's death. |
Så kopler du deg opp mot alle de andre kapslene og smitter dem. | Then you quietly port into the other pods and spread the infection to them. |
-Jeg er redd for å bli smitta av noe. | I'm afraid of being infected by something. |