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Infectar (to infect) conjugation

94 examples

Conjugation of infectar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I infect
you infect
he/she/it infects
we infect
you all infect
they infect
Present perfect tense
he infectado
I have infected
has infectado
you have infected
ha infectado
he/she/it has infected
hemos infectado
we have infected
habéis infectado
you all have infected
han infectado
they have infected
Past preterite tense
I infected
you infected
he/she/it infected
we infected
you all infected
they infected
Future tense
I will infect
you will infect
he/she/it will infect
we will infect
you all will infect
they will infect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would infect
you would infect
he/she/it would infect
we would infect
you all would infect
they would infect
Past imperfect tense
I used to infect
you used to infect
he/she/it used to infect
we used to infect
you all used to infect
they used to infect
Past perfect tense
había infectado
I had infected
habías infectado
you had infected
había infectado
he/she/it had infected
habíamos infectado
we had infected
habíais infectado
you all had infected
habían infectado
they had infected
Future perfect tense
habré infectado
I will have infected
habrás infectado
you will have infected
habrá infectado
he/she/it will have infected
habremos infectado
we will have infected
habréis infectado
you all will have infected
habrán infectado
they will have infected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I infect
(if/so that) you infect
(if/so that) he/she/it infect
(if/so that) we infect
(if/so that) you all infect
(if/so that) they infect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya infectado
I have infected
hayas infectado
you have infected
haya infectado
he/she/it has infected
hayamos infectado
we have infected
hayáis infectado
you all have infected
hayan infectado
they have infected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have infected
(if/so that) you have infected
(if/so that) he/she/it have infected
(if/so that) we have infected
(if/so that) you all have infected
(if/so that) they have infected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have infected
(if/so that) you have infected
(if/so that) he/she/it have infected
(if/so that) we have infected
(if/so that) you all have infected
(if/so that) they have infected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera infectado
I had infected
hubieras infectado
you had infected
hubiera infectado
he/she/it had infected
hubiéramos infectado
we had infected
hubierais infectado
you all had infected
hubieran infectado
they had infected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese infectado
I had infected
hubieses infectado
you had infected
hubiese infectado
he/she/it had infected
hubiésemos infectado
we had infected
hubieseis infectado
you all had infected
hubiesen infectado
they had infected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have infected
(if/so that) you will have infected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have infected
(if/so that) we will have infected
(if/so that) you all will have infected
(if/so that) they will have infected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere infectado
I will have infected
hubieres infectado
you will have infected
hubiere infectado
he/she/it will have infected
hubiéremos infectado
we will have infected
hubiereis infectado
you all will have infected
hubieren infectado
they will have infected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's infect!
Imperative negative mood
no infectes
do not infect!
no infecte
let him/her/it infect!
no infectemos
let us not infect!
no infectéis
do not infect!
no infecten
do not infect!

Examples of infectar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Alguien alteró a propósito la composición genética del CHIKV, y luego lo usó para infectar a Mia Garrett.Someone purposely altered the genetic makeup of CHIKV, and then used it to infect Mia Garrett.
- Su plan es infectar a todos los que hay allí.- Their plan is to infect everyone there. - I'm gonna have to call you back.
- Y entonces, todas ellas tendrían que infectar una única célula para reorganizarse.- And then all the strains would have to infect a single cell in order to re-arrange.
- ¿Así que quieres infectar a Foreman?So you want to infect Foreman?
Ahora está usándolo para infectar toda la ciudad.Now he's using it to infect the entire city.
- ¡¿Y si me infecto, qué?- And what if I have been infected?
Andy me infecto con el.Andy's infected me with it.
BJ infecto a Samantha, Samantha me infectó a mi... y ahora los dos estamos enfermos.BJ infected Samantha, Samantha infected me and now we're both sick.
Creo que Miguel, especializándose en enfermedades infecto-contagiosas, era el más comprensivo.l think that Miguel, as he is studying infecto-contagious disease, was the most understanding.
Cuando el aire infecto es aspirado por alguien se corrompen e infectan los espíritus y los humores, a los que encuentra más propensos a recibir putrefacción."When infected air is breathed in, it corrupts and infects the minds and humors which are most inclined to receive... putrefaction."
- ¡Sí! ¡Si te infectas, morirás!If you get infected, you'll die!
Empacas mutación genética infectas el cuerpo y el vector descarga en las células blanco.You pack in genetic mutation, infect the body and the vector unloads into the target cells.
Infectas la computadora principal, y las infectas todas.You infect the host computer, you infect them all.
Me infectas los ojos.You do infect my eyes!
Peor aún, si se es mordido por uno de estos monstruos tú también te infectas.Worse, if bitten by one of these monsters.... you become infected.
- Ahora infecta a los demás por contacto directo.- Now he infects the others by direct contact.
- El ADN vivo infecta su cuerpo.The live DNA infects his body.
- Es un cáncer, infecta a todos.- Ah, he's a cancer. He infects everybody.
- Las infecta.He infects them.
- ¿Y si infecta a alguien más?- What if she infects someone else? - Please.
.. ha mutado y de algun modo todos nos infectamos, he matado a todos, soy el ultimo..It was three days ago. ...has mutated, and somehow we have all become infected or eaten, and I'm the last.
Alguien comparte el archivo equivocado, y nos infectamos de nuevo.Someone shares the wrong file, we get infected again.
Bien, así que... nos infectamos.Okay. So we got infected.
Cuando nos infectamos con el Virus X... dejamos de ser humanos... y nos convertimos en Galactores.We got infected with Virus X, and evolved into Galactors. But not everybody will get infected.
El cultivo de células que infectamos, aún están sanas.The vero cells we infected are still healthy.
- Los quemados se infectan pronto.Burn victims are very susceptible to infection.
-Al parecer, partículas subatómicas... de dicho campo invadieron los circuitos de la computadora... como las bacterias infectan los organismos vivientes.- Apparently, subatomic particles from that field have invaded our computer's circuits, much like bacteria infect living matter.
...si los soviéticos nos infectan?What, you want us to start a nuclear holocaust if the soviets infect us?
Algunos de los que se infectan prefieren morir antes de verse agonizar.Some who are infected have been known to die from the agony itself.
Bueno, estamos trabajando en un virus modificado genéticamente que podría ser capaz de destruir los patógenos que infectan a la Dra. Keller, ...pero que no eliminaría al propio biopolímero.Well, we're working on a genetically engineered virus that might be capable of destroying the pathogen that's infecting dr. Keller but that wouldn't eliminate the biopolymer itself.
- Me infecté yo con su sangre.- I infected myself with her blood.
- Me infecté, pero demasiado tarde.- I got infected, but too late.
- Seguro infecté a más gente.- I've definitely infected other people.
Así fue como me infecté.That's how I got infected.
Aún no me has preguntado cómo me infecté con el virus...You still didn't ask me how I was infected?
- Te infectaste en la cárcel.- You were infected in prison.
- Tú infectaste mi mente.- You infected my mind.
Después de hoy, la escoria que me infectaste habrá desaparecido.After today, the filth that you infected me with will be gone.
El corte en tu dedo... te infectaste con un virus.The cut in your finger... you infected yourself with a virus.
El día que te infectaste, aquello fue intencional. Nunca has tenido una hija.That day you were infected, that was intentional.
- ...y la infectó con--- and he infected her--
- Averiguaremos que cuerpo infectó a Christopher Fisher.We'll find out which corpse infected Christopher Fisher.
- La Tierra se infectó.Earth has become infected.
- Pisó un clavo y se infectó el pie. ¿Se infectó?He stood on a rusty nail and his foot got infected.
- Pruebas para ver si te infectó el virus.-Tests if you are infected by the virus.
De todos modos, habéis sido vosotros... los que infectasteis toda la ciudad con vuestro aliento.Anyway, it was you who infected the whole city with your breath.
¡Nunca entenderé por qué os infectasteis a vosotras mismasI'll never understand why you girls infected yourselves
- Creemos que infectaron a su hijo con el virus en México esta mañana antes de que regresara a su casa.We believe your son was infected with the virus in Mexico early this morning.
- Estas son las dos áreas donde creen que se infectaron los hombres.- These are the 2 areas where they think the men were infected.
- Las quemaduras se infectaron.Your feet are infected already. I won't go.
- Me infectaron con algo...I think ... - I'm infected with something ...
- Te infectaron deliberadamente.- You were deliberately infected.
Serás como un fantasma e infectarás su relación.You will be like a ghost, a phantom. And it will infect them, their rapport.
" fue más allá de los enfermos con cura inmediata, y su virus no infectará mas nuestro sistema ""were diseased beyond immediate cure, and their virus will infect our system no longer."
"Emma nos infectará a todos"."Emma will infect us all."
Ahora infectará a otros.Now it will infect others.
H5N1 mayoritariamente afecta a poblaciones de aves pero se difunde muy rápidamente e infectará a personas si entran en contacto con las aves.H5N1 mostly effects avian populations, but it spreads very quickly, and it will infect people if they come in contact with the birds.
Nuestro jefe técnico, Syd March, está por cargar el más reciente virus en el sistema, donde infectará el cuerpo de Hannah antes de ser vendido como parte de nuestra línea de productos Vole Tesser "Más allá. "Our chief technician, Syd March, is about to load the latest virus into the system, where it will infect Hannah's body before being sold as part of our Vole Tesser Afterlife product line.
Activaste la trampa al destruir mi payaso y... ahora estos tentáculo, infectarán a diez cartas al azar de tu juego, las mandará... directo al cementerio.You set off this cribleling trap when you destroyed my Dark Clown, and now it's viral tentacles will infect ten random cards from your deck and send them straight to the graveyard. - Oh, no.
Pseudomonas resistentes a los antibióticos, cosas asquerosas que lo infectarán todo.Pseudomonas antibiotic resistant, nasty stuff that will infect anything.
Y luego ellos infectarán a todos los que toquen.They in turn, will infect everyone they come into contact with.
Éstas vacas infectarán el rebaño entero.Those cows will infect the entire herd.
Al siguiente día en la escuela, algunos de esos niños infectados infectarían a otros, y en dos semanas, este virus... estaría ya entre la población general.And the next day at school, some of those kids would infect others, and in two weeks' time, this virus... is in the general population.
- Algo para que no se infecte.Something to keep that from getting infected.
- No queremos que se infecte todo el colegio.- Don't get the whole school infected.
- Que no se te infecte.Make sure it doesn't get infected.
- Solo es algo para que tu brazo no se infecte.- It's just a little something so that arm of yours doesn't get infected.
- antes de que se infecte.- before it gets infected.
A menos que te infectes con estafilococos, es complicado que te mate.Unless it's given you a staph infection, it's hardly killing you.
Antes que infectes a toda la ciudad.Before you infect the entire city.
Ella solo quiere que infectes a su hija.She just wants you to infect her daughter.
En mi pesar dejo que me infectes con tu odio.In my grief I let you infect me with your hate.
Eres el oficial de mayor rango. No puedo permitir que te infectes.- I can't chance you getting infected.
James ha sido anestesiado y cubierto y una parte de su cabeza ha sido rapada y untada con un antiséptico para que no lo infectemos.James has been anaesthetised and draped and part of his head has been shaved and painted with antiseptic so that we don't infect him.
No podremos vencer a Billie y a Christy a menos que nos infectemos y no podremos hacer nada si ellas obtienen el Vacío Y nada de esto importará porque estaremos muertasWell, we can take Billie and Christy out before we get infected or we can do nothing, let them get the Hollow, and then all of this really won't matter because then we'll be dead.
Nos encierran juntos, para que no os infectemos con nuestra diligencia y ganas de aprenderThey lock us away in case we infect you with our diligence and lust for knowledge. 'OK.
Rygel ha sido poseído por algun tipo de virus, que deposita huevos... Eso hará que nos infectemos todos en menos... de un arn si no lo encontramos.Rygel has been possessed by some Mensa member virus, that's going to lay eggs, that's going to infect all of us in like, an arn, if we don't find him?
Así que si realmente os importo, no me infectéis.So if you do care about me, don't infect me.
Id a vuestras casas antes de que os infectéis.Go to your homes before you're infected.
- e infecten.- and get infected.
- ¿En qué va a ayudarla que le infecten o le maten?- How is getting yourself infected or killed gonna help her?
Aquellos que ya están afectados por la plaga son atados.... para prevenir que vayan por las calles enfermos e infecten a otras personas.Those already affected with the plague are tied... to prevent them going into the streets like madmen and infecting other people.
Asegurémonos de que no infecten el resto del lugar.Let´s make sure they don´t infect the rest of the place.
Deberíamos poner pomada en tus manos y eonvolverlas para que no se infecten.We should put some ointment on your hands... and wrap them so they won't get infected.
"Al cual de inmediato metió en su infectado...""Which he immediately stuck up his infected..."
"Documentos internos demuestran que la compañía sabía positivamente que tenían un medicamento que estaba infectado por el virus del SIDA. Retiraron el producto del mercado de EEUU, y lo distribuyeron en Francia, Europa, Asia y America Latina."Internal documents show that after this company positively absolutely knew they had a medication that was infected with the AIDS virus, they took the product off the market in the US, and then they dumped it in France,
"Fuiste infectado por ántrax luego de la explosión de un laboratorio."You've been infected by anthrax from a nearby laboratory explosion.
"Puede que esté infectado."It might be infected.
"SER COMPASIVO" Tiene una profunda Iaceración en su pierna, Ia cual se ha infectado secundariamente:You have a deep laceration on your leg, which has become secondarily infected.
- Yo también estoy trabajando. y no imaginas quién esta aquí infectando todo el ambiente.- I'm at work, too, and you'll never guess who's here infecting my entire station.
- e infectando a sus familias.And infecting their families.
A las tres semanas o así, el ejército decide que estábamos infectando a los niños, no vacunándolos, nos cierran,Week three or so, the military decides we're infecting the kids, not inoculating them, shut us down,
Acabo de darme cuenta que si siempre estás observando ¿sabías que estaba infectando a Bill cuando se alimentaba de mí?I just realized that if you're always watching did you know I was infecting Bill when he was feeding off of me?
Al final de la guerra, Skynet trató de desarrollar otra unidad de infiltración... infectando sujetos humanos con materia de fase-máquina.At the end of the war, SkyNet was trying to develop a new type of infiltration unit. By infecting human subjects with machine based matter.

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