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Infectar (to infect) conjugation

76 examples

Conjugation of infectar

Present tense
I infect
you infect
he/she infects
we infect
you all infect
they infect
Present perfect tense
tenho infectado
I have infected
tens infectado
you have infected
tem infectado
he/she has infected
temos infectado
we have infected
tendes infectado
you all have infected
têm infectado
they have infected
Past preterite tense
I infected
you infected
he/she infected
we infected
you all infected
they infected
Future tense
I will infect
you will infect
he/she will infect
we will infect
you all will infect
they will infect
Conditional mood
I would infect
you would infect
he/she would infect
we would infect
you all would infect
they would infect
Past imperfect tense
I used to infect
you used to infect
he/she used to infect
we used to infect
you all used to infect
they used to infect
Past perfect tense
tinha infectado
I had infected
tinhas infectado
you had infected
tinha infectado
he/she had infected
tínhamos infectado
we had infected
tínheis infectado
you all had infected
tinham infectado
they had infected
Future perfect tense
terei infectado
I will have infected
terás infectado
you will have infected
terá infectado
he/she will have infected
teremos infectado
we will have infected
tereis infectado
you all will have infected
terão infectado
they will have infected
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha infectado
I have infected
tenhas infectado
you have infected
tenha infectado
he/she has infected
tenhamos infectado
we have infected
tenhais infectado
you all have infected
tenham infectado
they have infected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have infected
(if/so that) you will have infected
(if/so that) he/she will have infected
(if/so that) we will have infected
(if/so that) you all will have infected
(if/so that) they will have infected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver infectado
I will have infected
tiveres infectado
you will have infected
tiver infectado
he/she will have infected
tivermos infectado
we will have infected
tiverdes infectado
you all will have infected
tiverem infectado
they will have infected
Imperative mood
let's infect!
Imperative negative mood
não infectes
do not infect!
não infecte
let him/her/it not infect!
não infectemos
let us not infect!
não infecteis
do not infect!
não infectem
do not infect!

Examples of infectar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Alguém alterou propositadamente a composição genética do CHIKV e usou-o para infectar Mia Garrett.Someone purposely altered the genetic makeup of CHIKV, and then used it to infect Mia Garrett.
- Talvez queiram infectar outras pessoas e não querem que se descubra como impedi-los.Maybe they intend to infect other people and they don't want anyone knowing how to stop them.
A Terceira Facção tem toxinas suficientes para infectar uma cidade inteira.Third Faction has enough toxin to infect an entire city.
A nossa melhor hipótese de encontrar alguém tão furioso a ponto de infectar a sua filha e mais 3 crianças está nos testes clínicos.Our best bet at finding someone that angry enough to infect your daughter and three other children is in the drug-trial records.
A última chuva de meteoros deixou 10 vezes mais rochas para infectar pessoas do que a outra.The last meteor shower left 10 times as much rock to infect people than the last one.
Aquilo que o infecto parece estar adormecido.Whatever you are infected with appears to be dormant.
Não desistes, eu infecto-a, nós ganhamos.You don't give up, I infect her, we win.
Também as infecto-contagiosas, a Alergologia e a Neurologia.Also, infectious diseases, Allergic medicine, and neurology.
Infectas o principal, e infectas todos.You infect the host computer, you infect them all. It works.
Se puseres um verme dentro de mim, infectas-me.You give me one worm, you'll infect me.
Tu infectas-te-o.You infected him.
"Quando nos infecta o sangue passa a ser o hormônio dominante.When it infects your bloodstream, it takes over as the number-one hormone.
1872, um Djieien infecta uma comunidade mineira, levando ao assassinato de 600 almas.1872... a djieien infects a mining community, leading to the mass murder of 600 souls.
A fêmea leva o parasita, e enquanto procura sangue para alimentar os seus ovos, morde os seres humanos e infecta-os.The female carries the parasite, and while searching for blood to nourish her eggs, she bites humans and infects them.
A sua presença infecta-me a minha espada vai ser o meu remédio.His presence infects me. My sword shall be my nemesis.
A vespa parasita infecta animais com um vírus que manipulam os cérebros para protegerem os seus ovos.The parasitic wasp infects animals with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting its eggs.
! Não, não, não, Jen, está infectado!No, no, no, Jen, it's infected!
"Eu já não estou infectado.'"I am no longer infected."
"Se algum membro de seu grupo foi mordido pelo infectado, 'Eles vão ter tempo limitado antes da infecção "Assume a sua função cerebral.'lf any member of your group has been bitten by the infected, 'they will have limited time before the infection 'takes over their brain function.
- Acha que pode ficar infectado?Do you think it could get infected?
- Acho que ficou infectado.I think it's infected.
Algumas lianas procuram criaturas de sangue quente e infectam-nas.Certain vines seek warm-blooded beings and deliberately infect them.
Como é que as bio-portas não se infectam?How come bio-ports don't get infected?
De acordo com o Hal, elas infectam os homens pelo toque e aparecem-lhes nos seus sonhos.According to Hal, they infect men through touch and appear to them in their dreams.
E as feridas infectam.And wounds get infected.
E o dia seguinte na escola, algumas dessas crianças infectam outras, e em duas semanas, o vírus... encontra-se em toda a população, Daqui a quatro semanas, em todas as grandes cidades do planeta.And the next day at school, some of those kids would infect others, and in two weeks' time, this virus... is in the general population. In four weeks, every major city on this planet.
-Nunca infectei ninguém.- Haven't infected anyone yet.
Estás a sugerir que eu te infectei de propósito?Are you suggesting I somehow infected you on purpose?
Isso explica como me infectei.That's how I got infected.
Podes fingir que é por minha causa, que eu... te infectei com a minha desonestidade.And you can pretend it's me, that I've... infected you with... all my bad, bad ways.
6 meses depois, infectaste o sistema de Wing-Lijun com um vírus robot que custou quase 100 milhões.Six months later, you infected the mainframe of Wing-Lijun Shipping with a botnet virus that cost them almost 100 million...
Chantageaste o Presidente, infectaste pessoas inocentes...You've blackmailed the president, infected innocent people...
E então que tal Gradski, que tu infectaste de proposito com o Chimera?And what about Gradski, who you deliberately infected with Chimera?
E foi assim que descobrimos que ele transformou o servidor que infectaste numa honeypot.And that's when we discovered that he turned your infected server into a honeypot.
Então, infectaste-me com a Shepherd e o seu estúpido plano, e a sua esperança estúpida.And then you infected me with your stupid... with Shepherd and her plan and your stupid hope.
- E infectou as pessoas.- And he infected the people.
- Ela os infectou?She's infected them?
- Ele infectou toda a gente no estádio... estava quente!- He infected everyone in that stadium... it was hot!
- Não sabemos quem mais infectou.Which means we don't know who else he infected.
- Não! Parece que foi a Avery que se infectou.It looks like Avery infected herself.
Algumas pessoas não sabem que se infectaram, mas a luz UV mostra os malditos vermes por baixo da pele.Some people, they don't know they're infected, but UV light shows the goddamn worms right under the skin.
As feridas de Heydrich infectaram, ele entrou em coma e morreu.Heydrich's wounds grew infected, he fell into a coma and died.
As tatuagens de flores infectaram e elas estão a morrer.The flower tattoos have become infected and they're dying.
E eles infectaram-te com o Vírus-T também?And they infected you with the T-virus as well?
E infectaram-me.They infected me.
Serás como um fantasma... e infectarás a sua relação.You will be like a ghost, a phantom. And it will infect them, their rapport.
Se não a pararmos, a escuridão infectará todos os habitantes deste planeta.- If we can't stop it the darkness will infect every person on this planet.
Se não o conseguirmos parar, a escuridão infectará todas as pessoas deste planeta.If we can't stop it, the darkness will infect every person on this planet.
Se tivesse um hálito pestilento como os ditos que profere, infectaria até a estrela polar.If her breath were terrible as her terminations, there were no living near her. She would infect to the North Star.
- Antes que infecte mais alguém.Before he infects anyone else.
- Eu só não quero que infecte.Just don't want you to risk infection.
Algo... que evite que a ferida infecte...I guess, um, something to keep it from getting infected.
Além disso, não queres que isso infecte.Besides, you do not want to get that infected.
Antes que ela infecte.Before it gets infected.
- O quê? Não, Sean, não o infectes com a ideia que é bom desistir, que é bom ser um falhado, porque não é bom!Don't infect him with the idea that it's okay to quit, that it's okay to be a failure.
Por favor, leve a bebé daqui antes que a infectemos.Please, take the baby out of here before we infect it.
Diz que não queres que as outras raparigas te infectem.Say you didn't want the other girls to infect you.
Eles vão deixar-vos morrer antes que infectem o resto de nós.They're leaving you people to die before you infect the rest of us.
Estão a deixar-vos morrer antes que infectem o resto de nós.They're leaving you people to die before you infect the rest of us.
Não queres que infectem.You don't want to get it infected.
Se eu fosse a vocês, sairia daqui, antes que os aliens zombies voltem e infectem todos.If I was you people, I'd get out of here before the zombie aliens come back and infect us all.
A violação deles não pararam com o bom povo de Davidstown mas tinha cortado profundamente, infectando a minha amada pátria.Their violation did not stop with the good people of Davidstown but had cut deeply, infecting my beloved homeland.
Corre o risco de perfurar o seu fato com a lâmina e infectando si próprio.You risk puncturing your suit with that blade and infecting yourself.
Durando anos... infectando cada momento de todo o relacionamento.Probably lasting for years... infecting every single moment of the rest of their relationship.
Encolhido dos seus inimigos universais, infectando as almas dos homens com medo e avareza?Cowering from their universal enemies, infecting the souls of men with fear and avarice?
Na terceira semana, os militares pensaram que estávamos infectando as crianças, não vacinando, tiraram-nos de lá e fui preso.Week three or so, the military decides we're infecting the kids, not inoculating them, shut us down, - threw me in jail.
Assim que eles infectarem o anfitrião, está tudo terminado.Once they're infected the host, it's all over.
Devias deixar as feridas infectarem.Lois, you should just let those wounds get infected.
Eu fugi, antes de infectarem as pessoas que sobreviveram.I did, before they infected people who survived.
Nós devemos pôr algum unguento nas tuas mãos... e embrulhá-las para não infectarem.We should put some ointment on your hands... and wrap them so they won't get infected.
O que acontece se eles infectarem com sucesso a Laurie?What happens if they succeed in infecting Laurie?
Então apercebeste que se infectares uma larga quantidade da população a experiencia e os seus sobreviventes... encontras a cura.Then you realized if you could infect a large enough populace ... and experiment on its survivals You'd find a cure.
Não coces para não as infectares.Don't scratch. You're gonna infect 'em. Just let me put this on.
Trouxeste o ódio e a ira para o vórtice para nos infectares a todos.You have brought hate and anger into the Vortex... to infect us all.
E graças a si, é a única forma de infectarmos a frota Ori.And thanks to you it's now the only way we have of infecting the Ori fleet.
Nós precisamos de um estudo de base... para vigiarmos a transmissão do vírus... e a única maneira de fazermos isso... é infectarmos alguém... para seguirmos o vírus à medida que ele entra no sistema.We need a baseline study to monitor the transmission of the virus... and the only way to do that... is to infect someone and follow the virus as it enters his system.

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