Hr. Friendly er nådesløs i sin stræben... efter at inficere vort samfund med sine edder og forgift. | Mr. Friendly seems relentless in his ambition to infect our harmony with his venom. |
- Vi risikerer at inficere befolkningen. | We can't risk infecting the population. |
Hvis blot en af os er inficeret, kan vi risikere at inficere en større gruppe. | If even one of us is infected, we could risk infecting a much larger population. |
Nu skal vi inficere det. | It's about time we infected them. |
Den vil påvirker eller inficere vores computere og kommunikationen. | Which means it'll affect or rather infect our computers and communications. |
Giver du mig en orm, inficerer du mig. | You give me one worm, you'll infect me. |
Hvordan inficerer vi moderskibet med dette virus? | How exactly do we infect the mother ship with this virus? We're... |
En biologisk sammensætning, som man inhalerer og som inficerer alt kropsvæv, inklusive ens hjerne. | It's a biological compound that, once inhaled,... ..infects all body tissue, including your brain. |
De inficerer alle andre livsformer... med en sort substans kaldet Renhed. | They're infecting all other life-forms with a black substance called Purity. |
Stands toget, så vi kan koble vognen fra det inficerede område. | "l suggest we uncouple that section "and isolate them from the infected area." |
Se Ansigtet - Af i øjnene, f a de inficerede porer gennemboret. | Face up to Face-Off, for deep penetration into infected pores. |
Vi må finde ud af, om vi er inficerede. | We must determine if any of us is infected. |
Alle, der har være inficerede, lader til at have været aggressive. | Everybody that's been infected certainly seems to act aggressively. |
Bears inficerede blod kom på Scully. | You know, Bear's infected blood did get on Scully. |
Hvis hans bryst bliver inficeret, fortæller jeg kongresmedlemmet, hvis skyld det er. | If this chest gets infected, I will tell the congressman who did it. |
Hele skibet kan blive inficeret. | If we let it in, the ship could be infected. |
Det vil, måske, afholde dig og andre, der som dig er inficeret med denne ækle virus, når jeg dømmer dig til at betale en bøde på 75 pund. | It may, perhaps, discourage you, and others of your kidney, who're infected with this vicious virus, that you be ordered to pay a fine of £75. |
Vi har en inficeret civil, der prøver at flygte. | We have an infected civilian trying to escape. |
Han er inficeret! | He's infected! |