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Infecter (to infect) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of infecter

Present tense
I infect
tu infectes
you infect
il/elle/on infecte
he/she/it infects
nous infectons
we infect
vous infectez
you all infect
ils/elles infectent
they infect
Present perfect tense
j’ai infecté
I infected
tu as infecté
you infected
il/elle/on a infecté
he/she/it infected
nous avons infecté
we infected
vous avez infecté
you all infected
ils/elles ont infecté
they infected
Past impf. tense
I was infecting
tu infectais
you were infecting
il/elle/on infectait
he/she/it was infecting
nous infections
we were infecting
vous infectiez
you all were infecting
ils/elles infectaient
they were infecting
Future tense
I will infect
tu infecteras
you will infect
il/elle/on infectera
he/she/it will infect
nous infecterons
we will infect
vous infecterez
you all will infect
ils/elles infecteront
they will infect
Past perfect tense
j’avais infecté
I had infected
tu avais infecté
you had infected
il/elle/on avait infecté
he/she/it had infected
nous avions infecté
we had infected
vous aviez infecté
you all had infected
ils/elles avaient infecté
they had infected
Past preterite tense
I infected
tu infectas
you infected
il/elle/on infecta
he/she/it infected
nous infectâmes
we infected
vous infectâtes
you all infected
ils/elles infectèrent
they infected
Past anterior tense
j’eus infecté
I had infected
tu eus infecté
you had infected
il/elle/on eut infecté
he/she/it had infected
nous eûmes infecté
we had infected
vous eûtes infecté
you all had infected
ils/elles eurent infecté
they had infected
Future perfect tense
j’aurai infecté
I will have infected
tu auras infecté
you will have infected
il/elle/on aura infecté
he/she/it will have infected
nous aurons infecté
we will have infected
vous aurez infecté
you all will have infected
ils/elles auront infecté
they will have infected
Present subjunctive tense
que j’infecte
that I infect
que tu infectes
that you infect
qu’il/elle/on infecte
that he/she/it infect
que nous infections
that we infect
que vous infectiez
that you all infect
qu’ils/elles infectent
that they infect
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie infecté
that I have infected
que tu aies infecté
that you have infected
qu’il/elle/on ait infecté
that he/she/it have infected
que nous ayons infecté
that we have infected
que vous ayez infecté
that you all have infected
qu’ils/elles aient infecté
that they have infected
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’infectasse
that I would infect
que tu infectasses
that you would infect
qu’il/elle/on infectât
that he/she/it would infect
que nous infectassions
that we would infect
que vous infectassiez
that you all would infect
qu’ils/elles infectassent
that they would infect
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse infecté
that I had infected
que tu eusses infecté
that you had infected
qu’il/elle/on eût infecté
that he/she/it had infected
que nous eussions infecté
that we had infected
que vous eussiez infecté
that you all had infected
qu’ils/elles eussent infecté
that they had infected
Conditional mood
I would infect
tu infecterais
you would infect
il/elle/on infecterait
he/she/it would infect
nous infecterions
we would infect
vous infecteriez
you all would infect
ils/elles infecteraient
they would infect
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais infecté
I would have infected
tu aurais infecté
you would have infected
il/elle/on aurait infecté
he/she/it would have infected
nous aurions infecté
we would have infected
vous auriez infecté
you all would have infected
ils/elles auraient infecté
they would have infected
Imperative mood
let's infect!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie infecté
have infected
ayons infecté
let's have infected
ayez infecté
have infected

Examples of infecter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Emma va tous nous infecter.""Emma will infect us all."
"Si mes calculs sont corrects, le virus pourrait infecter un milliard de personnes en 12 heures."Uh, yeah, okay. If my calculations are correct, the sickening could infect one billion people in the next 12 hours.
- Ca ira, mais ça pourrait s'infecter.- It'll be fine, but it could get infected.
- Ca peut s'infecter...-It could be infected...
- Il a pu infecter d'autres.Which means he could have infected others.
"Et ca à infecté une partie des gens sur le bateau,"And it infected a bunch of people on the ship,
"J'ai été infecté par le Marxus à cause de mon père"'I was infected with Marxus by my father' - Correct?
"Je ne suis plus infecté"."I am no longer infected."
"et , oh, a propos, je suis peut etre infecté aussi."And, oh, by the way, I might be infected as well.
- Et maintenant ? - Il infecte les autres. par contact direct.- Now he infects the others by direct contact.
- Et si ça s'infecte ?- not if it gets infected.
- Oui, il infecte tout.Yes, it infects everything.
- Prions pour que ça ne s'infecte pas.Let's pray he avoids infection.
- Repose-toi et vois si ça s'infecte. - Compris.Take it easy and watch for infection.
- Vous infectez votre ordinateur.- You purposely infected your computer.
En gros, vous infectez l'équipage avec le virus, vous voyez ce qui se passe ?I mean, basically, you infect the crew with the virus, you see what happens?
Vous infectez des femmes innocentes avec cette maladie.You're infecting innocent women with it.
Vous infectez tout le monde avec votre poison.You're infecting everyone with your poison.
Vous infectez une personne. Ensuite, vous l'exposez au plus grand nombre de personnes possible avant qu'il ne succombe, et vous pouvez décimer une petite ville.Y-You infect one person and then expose him to as many people as possible before he succumbs and you can decimate a small city.
...infectant chaque créature qu'ils touchèrent.infecting every Living creature they touched.
Ces instruments de torture qui étaient mon héritage et ma croix la tourmentaient aussi, l'infectant d'une sorte de fascination hantêe.These very instruments of torture which were my birthright and my curse now tormented her as well infecting her with a kind of haunted fascination.
Ces pirates informatiques s'introduisent et détruisent les systèmes informatiques privés et publics, en les infectant avec des virus...Hackers penetrate and ravage public and private computer systems, infecting them with viruses...
Cette modélisation est basée sur une seule personne sortant et infectant quelqu'un dehors.This model is based On just one of those people getting out And infecting someone on the outside.
Des porteurs irathiens se promène depuis des semaines, en infectant d'autres, ne montrant aucun symptôme.Irathient carriers walk around for weeks, infecting others, showing no symptoms.

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