- Vete a casa, vas a contagiar a todos. | Go home. You're going to infect everybody. |
Julie, si estuviera enfermo, te perdonaría, pero nadie de mi familia jamás tuvo tales enfermedades... y no me gustaría contagiar a todos. | Julie, if I were ill, I would forgive you. But no one in my family has ever had such diseases, and I wouldn't like to infect others. |
No quiero contagiar a todos. | I don't want to infect everyone. |
Tiende a contagiar a los demás. | It tends to infect others. |
¿Supones que cuando terminemos va a salir corriendo... a coger con cualquiera para contagiar? | Are you assuming he's gonna just run out of here when we're done... and bang everyone he sees just to infect them? |
- Era la única manera de contener el contagio - ¿Qué quieres decir? | The only way to stop their infection. What do you mean? |
A lo mejor, la contagio. | I might infect her. |
Creemos que el contagio proviene de una nave que nos visitó hace 3 días. | We believe we were infected by a supply ship three days ago. |
Cualquier que sea su plan, tenemos que asumir que Karakurt ya está infectado con el contagio y es un portador vivo. | Whatever his plan, we have to assume Karakurt's already infected himself with the contagion and is a live carrier. |
Cuando se trata del contagio, no se da la ocasión... de que actuen fuerzas sobrenaturales... ya que el curso natural de las cosas parece bastar. | In the case of the infection, there is no apparent extraordinary occasion for supernatural operation, as the ordinary course of things appears sufficient. |
¿No puedo pararte, pero si contagias a una sola persona en la bolera... podrás vivir contigo mismo? | Look, I can't stop you, but if you infect even one person at that bowling alley, can you live with yourself? I think so. |
Alguien secuestra a cinco personas, les contagia una peste y los pone en un buque que queda encallado. | Someone kidnaps five people, infects them with plague and puts them on a ship that goes aground. |
¿Una enfermedad que sólo contagia a la gente con problemas? | A sickness that infects only troubled people? |
Algunos incluso usan barbijos así no se contagian. | Some of them even wear masks so they don't get infected. |
La pregunta más importante es: ¿Cómo se contagian? | The most important question is, how are they getting infected? |
Los que lo tocan se contagian. | Anyone who handles it becomes infected. |
¿Sabes cómo nos contagian? | Do you realise how they infect us? |
- Te contagié. | - I've infected you. |
Yo lo contagié. | I infected him. |
¿Qué prueba que le "contagié", como usted dice? | What proves I infected him? |
- ¡Sí lo es! - Te contagió su actitud de mierda. | She infected you with her attitude. |
A veces me pregunto quién me contagió. | I sometimes wonder who infected me. |
Allí, en la oscuridad, solo ante lo inesperado Jim se contagió del terror del otro hombre. | There, in the dark, alone with the unexpected Jim was finally infected with the other man's terror. |
Creo que Coogan contagió de sida a Wade Greeley y el motivo por el que el padre de Wade esperó dos años es porque eso es exactamente el tiempo que vivió su hijo fuera de la prisión antes de morir. | I think Coogan infected Wade Greeley with AIDS. And the reason Wade's dad waited two years is because that's exactly how long his son lived outside of prison before he died. |
Creo que contagió a Slade. | I think it even infected Slade. |
Nos contagiasteis. | You infected us. |
Aquí tengo los nombres de 5.000 personas que se contagiaron por estar en contacto con mutantes. | I have here the names of 5000 people who have been infected through contact with mutants. |
Los chicos se contagiaron, Cochran. | The boys have become infected, Cochran. |
- Si no la detenemos Ia oscuridad contagiará a cada persona del planeta. | If we can't stop it the darkness will infect every person on this planet. |
Si no podemos detenerla Ia oscuridad contagiará a todas las personas del planeta. | If we can't stop it the darkness will infect every person on this planet. |
Creo que mi padre y su nueva mujer tienen miedo de... que les contagie. | I think my father and his new wife are afraid of The chance to infected by me |
Imagine que esta infección alienígena nos contagie a todos. | Suppose this alien infection spreads to all of us. |
No me atrae la idea de que mi tripulación se contagie. | I don't fancy the idea of my crew being infected. |
No te acerques. No quiero que tu vicio me contagie | Go away, I don't want to be infected. |
No vaya a ser que a mí me contagie con su p_ón. | I don't want to be infected by her nipple. |
Están dejándolos morir antes de que contagien a los demás. | They're leaving you people to die before you infect the rest of us. |
No dejes que tus éxitos te contagien con delirios de grandeza. | Don't let your successes infect you with delusions of grandeur. |
¿No puedes, al menos, evitar que se contagien los niños? | You might at least have the heart to refrain from infecting the children!" |
"Sólo una persona se ha contagiado con SIDA al besarse". | Only one person was infected AIDS by kissing. |
- Daisy tiene miedo de que le haya contagiado el del reparto. | Daisy's worried she's been infected with a cold from the delivery boy. |
- Igual no te he contagiado yo. - ¿No has sido tú? | But I might not have infected you. |
- Señor. Siento informarle de que el capitán parece estar contagiado, y Data. | Sir, regret to inform you that the captain appears to be infected. |
- Sospecho que me he contagiado. | - I have become infected myself. |
- Me está contagiando. | She's infecting me with her sickness. |
Ahora estoy contagiando a los más queridos y cercanos. | I'm dizzy. All right. Now I'm infecting those nearest and dear to me. |
El pecado es un virus, dice el Reverendo, está contagiando a todo el mundo. | Sin is a virus. That's what Reverend Thomas says. It's infecting the whole country like the clap. |
La está contagiando. | He's infecting her. |
No está fuera, contagiando a toda la isla. | He's not out infecting the entire island. |