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Valda (to cause) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also mean the following: protect, protect a chess piece in which case it is conjugated like kalla

Conjugation of valda

Present tense
I cause
you cause
he/she/it causes
we cause
you all cause
they cause
Past tense
I caused
you caused
he/she/it caused
we caused
you all caused
they caused
Future tense
mun valda
I will cause
munt valda
you will cause
mun valda
he/she/it will cause
munum valda
we will cause
munuð valda
you all will cause
munu valda
they will cause
Conditional mood
mundi valda
I would cause
mundir valda
you would cause
mundi valda
he/she/it would cause
mundum valda
we would cause
munduð valda
you all would cause
mundu valda
they would cause
Present continuous tense
er að valda
I am causing
ert að valda
you are causing
er að valda
he/she/it is causing
erum að valda
we are causing
eruð að valda
you all are causing
eru að valda
they are causing
Past continuous tense
var að valda
I was causing
varst að valda
you were causing
var að valda
he/she/it was causing
vorum að valda
we were causing
voruð að valda
you all were causing
voru að valda
they were causing
Future continuous tense
mun vera að valda
I will be causing
munt vera að valda
you will be causing
mun vera að valda
he/she/it will be causing
munum vera að valda
we will be causing
munuð vera að valda
you all will be causing
munu vera að valda
they will be causing
Present perfect tense
hef valdið
I have caused
hefur valdið
you have caused
hefur valdið
he/she/it has caused
höfum valdið
we have caused
hafið valdið
you all have caused
hafa valdið
they have caused
Past perfect tense
hafði valdið
I had caused
hafðir valdið
you had caused
hafði valdið
he/she/it had caused
höfðum valdið
we had caused
höfðuð valdið
you all had caused
höfðu valdið
they had caused
Future perf.
mun hafa valdið
I will have caused
munt hafa valdið
you will have caused
mun hafa valdið
he/she/it will have caused
munum hafa valdið
we will have caused
munuð hafa valdið
you all will have caused
munu hafa valdið
they will have caused
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa valdið
I would have caused
mundir hafa valdið
you would have caused
mundi hafa valdið
he/she/it would have caused
mundum hafa valdið
we would have caused
munduð hafa valdið
you all would have caused
mundu hafa valdið
they would have caused
Imperative mood

Examples of valda

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
Ég ætlaði ekki að valda þér vandræðum.I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.
Við biðjumst velvirðingar á óþægindum sem þetta kann að valda.We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Til að valda öðrum sársauka.to cause pain to others.
Jafnvel þótt maður sé einn af bestu ökumönnum heims hefur maður ekki leyfi til að valda asnalegu slysi.Even if you are one of the biggest drivers in the world, you don't have the right to cause a stupid accident.
Ég fer að halda að þú sért ekki að því í þágu drengsins heldur til að valda mér sársauka.I begin to believe you're not doing this for the good of the boy, but to cause me pain.
Og ūar sem ég berst ekki læt ég atkvæđi mitt ekki valda ūví ađ ađrir fari og berjist í minn stađ.And because I will not fight, I will not cast a vote that will send others to fight in my stead.
Ég veit ađ ūetta var erfitt. Ég vil ekki valda skelfingu vegna smá jarđhniks.It was intense up there, but I don't wanna cause a panic over minor quakes.
Viđ biđjumst velvirđingar á ķūægindum sem ūetta kann ađ valda.We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Viđ erum ekki hér til ađ valda ūér vandræđum.We're not here to cause you any trouble.
Ég ætlaði ekki að valda þér vandræðum.I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.
Ég vil vera gerđur ađ fulltrúa eins og Frank svo allt tjķn sem ég veld eđa verđ fyrir verđur á ábyrgđ fķgetaembættis Sommerton Junction.I want to be deputized like Frank here... so any damage caused to or by me will be official business of the Sommerton Juctions Sheriff's office.
Ég vil vera gerður að fulltrúa eins og Frank svo allt tjón sem ég veld eða verð fyrir verður á ábyrgð fógetaembættis Sommerton Junction.I want to be deputized like Frank here... so any damage caused to or by me will be official business of the Sommerton Junctions Sheriff's office.
Af því einhver náungi sem þú þekktir veldur vandræðum í fjarlægu landi?Wait, because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble in some faraway land?
Brak frá hnettinum veldur keđjuverkun.. skemmir ađra hnetti og veldur enn meira geimrusli.Debris from the missile strike has caused a chain reaction, hitting other satellites and creating new debris.
Ūegar efniđ fer inn í líkamann veldur ūađ tafarlausum frumubreytingum.The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change.
Fyrir ūá sem ekki vita ūá eru eltibísar erfđabreyttir geitungar og eitur ūeirra veldur stingandi sársauka, öflugum ofskynjunum... og í verstu tilfellum dauđa.For those of you who don't know, tracker jackers are genetically engineered wasps whose venom causes searing pain, powerful hallucinations, and in extreme cases, death.
- Ūađ er efniđ í kamillutei sem veldur ofnæmisviđbrögđum. Ég man ķtrúlegustu hluti.- It's the ingredient in camomile tea that causes an anaphylactic reaction in rare cases where people are allergic to it.
Boyd, mér skilst ađ ūú hafir veriđ sendur hingađ vegna streitu af völdum vinnunnar, árása á yfirmenn ūína og alhliđa agaleysis.Mr. Boyd? I believe that you were sent to us because of work-related stress aggression towards authority figures and an all-around lack of discipline.
Taliđ er ađ ūetta sé allt af völdum hins dularfulla hvíta Kong, sem enn gengur laus.All this mayhem is rumored to have been caused by the mysterious White Kong, who is still at large.
Strandrof af völdum manna og máttarvalda er verulegt vandamál sumsstaðar í ESB löndunum, þar sem um 25% strandlengjunnar er ógnað af rofi, 50% eru i lagi, en 15 % er verið að treysta og færa út. Óljóst er með ástand þess tíunda hluta sem eftir er.Coastal erosion, caused by human activities or natural causes, is a major issue in some regions in the EU with 25% of the coast length subject to erosion, 50% stable while 15% is receiving material (aggradation); for the remaining 10%, the evolution is unknown.
Þetta voru árin eftir að jöklarnir bráðnuðu af völdum gróðurhúsáhrifanna og höfin höfðu kaffært fjölmargar borgir við strendur allra landa.Those were the years after the ice caps had melted... because of the greenhouse gases, and the oceans had risen to drown so many cities... along all the shorelines of the world.
Hvernig veldi tortímingarinnar... hrynur... ...af völdum eins lítils kirsubers.Your entire empire of destruction comes trashing down. All because of one little cherry!
Starfsmenn vita ekki hvað olli æðiskastinu.Officials here at the conservancy are saying... they don't know what caused the animal's rampage.
Beth, mér þykir leitt að ég olli þessari spennu á milli ykkar.Beth, I am so sorry that I caused tension between you two.
Síunarkerfi ClearBec olli taugaveikinni.Clearbec's filtration system is what caused the typhus.
Árásin í gær á eyjarnar á Havaí olli miklu tjóni á herafla Bandaríkjamanna.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American military forces.
Og olli petta menguninni?And that's what caused the contamination?
Þú ollir okkur miklum vanda. Unga kona. Þú ert fullur.You caused us all a lot of trouble, young lady.
Þú ollir svo mörgum dauðsföllum.You caused so many needless deaths.
Þú ollir slysi þarna!You just caused an accident back there!
Winnie verður að vinna úr sársaukanum sem þú ollir.Winnie needs to get past the pain you caused her.
Winnie verđur ađ vinna úr sársaukanum sem ūú ollir.Winnie needs to get past the pain you caused her.
"Bođin frá Vegu" ollu Ūví ađ Ūúsundir trúađra og vantrúađra fķru ađ Risaröđ í eyđimörk Nũja-Mexíkķs."The Message from Vega" has caused thousands of believers and non-believers to descend upon the VLA facility here in the desert of New Mexico.
"Boðin frá Vegu" ollu Því að Þúsundir trúaðra og vantrúaðra fóru að Risaröð í eyðimörk Nýja-Mexíkós."The Message from Vega" has caused... ...thousands of believers and non-believers... ...to descend upon the VLA facility here in the desert of New Mexico.
Ķūekktur hķpur hefur valdiđ heilmiklu uppūoti hér á Flķasvæđinu, ūar á međal í dũragarđinum og á Golden Gate-brúin. Ūeir ollu skemmdum og einhver meiđsl voru á fķlki.An unknown group have caused a major disturbance here in the Bay Area, including the City Zoo and the Golden Gate Bridge, causing widespread damage and some reported injuries.
Sumar ollu blindu.Some caused blindness.
ūví ég hafđi gert ūađ sem enginn annar ūorđi, ađ ná valdi yfir afli Orochi.Allow it, because I had done what no one else Would dare do, harness the power of the Orochi...
Ég las í Enquirer í morgun... ađ hjķnaband valdi krabbameini.I read in the Enquirer this morning that marriage causes cancer.
Af því þeir taka illu heilli mið af æðra valdi.Because they respond to a higher power, unfortunately.
Hann valdi ekki ađra ūví hann var ađ reyna ađ fá ūær báđar í ūríhyrning.He didn't choose one, because he was trying to get them into a three-way.
Níunda grein. Frelsi mitt skal látið óskert nema ég valdi sjálfum mér eða öðrum skaða eða eignarspjöllum.My freedom shall never be restricted, unless I cause harm to myself, or others, or destruction of property.
Ætli viđ höfum veriđ valdir af ūví viđ erum ungir og vitlausir?Hey, Red, you think they just picked us to do this 'cause we're young and dumb?
Af því að þú valdir sem hljóðfæri þitt montinn, lostafullan, klæminn og barnalegan strák en ég fékk að launum aðeins hæfnina til að þekkja holdtekju þína.Because you choose for your instrument... ...a boastful, lustful, smutty, infantile boy... ...and give me for reward only the ability to recognize the incarnation.
Af ūví ađ ūú valdir sem hljķđfæri ūitt montinn, lostafullan, klæminn og barnalegan strák en ég fékk ađ launum ađeins hæfnina til ađ ūekkja holdtekju ūína.You and l. Because you choose for your instrument... ...aboastful,lustful, smutty, infantile boy...
Og herrar mínir, búiđ ykkur undir ađ æfa meira, hrađar og lengur en í mannlegu valdi stendur. Ūví á næstu níu vikum verđa ađeins 13 ykkar valdir í draumaliđiđ.And, gentlemen, be prepared to train harder, faster and longer than humanly possible, 'cause over the next nine weeks, only 13 of you will make the final dream team.
Ætli við höfum verið valdir af því við erum ungir og vitlausir?Hey, Red, you think they just picked us to do this 'cause we're young and dumb?
Faðir minn telur að ástarsögur hafi valdið heilasóttinni sem banaði mömmu. Hún lést fyrir tveimur árum.My father believes tales of romance caused the brain fever that killed her.
Það gleður mig ekki að hafa valdið dauða refsifanga.I'm not at all pleased about having caused the fatality of that deranged cryo-convict.
Öll vandræðin sem þú hefur valdið þessa daga.The amount of trouble you've caused the last few days.
Ég ofvernda dóttur mína af Því mamma hennar dó í snjóflóði sem ég gæti hafa valdið.I'm being overprotective of my daughter. . . . . .because her mom died in an avalanche that I may or may not have caused.
Hefði ég vitað að fjarvera mín ylli yðar náð svo mikilli þrá... hefði ég snúið aftur mun fyrr.Had I known my absence would have caused Your Grace so much longing... ...I would have returned much, much sooner.
Segðu mér, fr. Herman, hvernig þér þætti ef villutrú sonar þíns ylli uppþoti í matsalnum þínum.Then tell me, Ms. Herman, how would you feel if your son's misplaced, misguided heretic beliefs caused a riot in your dining hall?
Segđu mér, fr. Herman, hvernig ūér ūætti ef villutrú sonar ūíns ylli uppūoti í matsalnum ūínum.Then tell me, Ms. Herman, how would you feel if your son's misplaced, misguided heretic beliefs caused a riot in your dining hall?
Einkum ef ūú yllir miklum vandræđum.Especially if you caused a good deal of trouble.
Einkum ef þù yllir miklum vandræðum.Especially if you caused a good deal of trouble.
Samfélag okkar hlýtur að geta látið þig fá einhverja vinnu... ... þótt þú yllir miklum vandræðum.I'm sure our community could keep you in work for some time... ...even if you caused a good deal of trouble.
Samfélag okkar hlýtur að geta làtið þig fà einhverja vinnu... ...þótt þù yllir miklum vandræðum.I'm sure our community could keep you in work for some time... ...even if you caused a good deal of trouble.
Einkum ef þú yllir miklum vandræðum.Especially if you caused a good deal of trouble.

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