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Menonjol (to stand out) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah menonjol
Present perfect tense
sudah menonjol
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menonjol
Future recent tense
menonjol nanti
Future distant tense
menonjol kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang menonjol
Past distant tense
dulu menonjol
Past recent tense
menonjol tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja menonjol

Examples of menonjol

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tapi dalam getup hijau dari Anda, kami akan menonjol seperti pelacur di sebuah gereja.But in that green getup of yours, we're gonna stand out like a hooker in a church.
# Untuk menonjol di atas kerumunan #- To stand out
Apapun yg menonjol membuat wajahnya bisa lebih mudah dikenali lagi.Anything that makes the face stand out, makes it easier to identify. Oh, God, I was such a fool.
% Sehingga Anda tidak menonjol%% so you don't stand out %
% Tidak menonjol %% don't stand out %

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