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Guiar (to lead) conjugation

95 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: drive, to drive, to guide, guide, to direct

Conjugation of guiar

Present tense
I lead
you lead
he/she leads
we lead
you all lead
they lead
Present perfect tense
tenho guiado
I have led
tens guiado
you have led
tem guiado
he/she has led
temos guiado
we have led
tendes guiado
you all have led
têm guiado
they have led
Past preterite tense
I led
you led
he/she led
we led
you all led
they led
Future tense
I will lead
you will lead
he/she will lead
we will lead
you all will lead
they will lead
Conditional mood
I would lead
you would lead
he/she would lead
we would lead
you all would lead
they would lead
Past imperfect tense
I used to lead
you used to lead
he/she used to lead
we used to lead
you all used to lead
they used to lead
Past perfect tense
tinha guiado
I had led
tinhas guiado
you had led
tinha guiado
he/she had led
tínhamos guiado
we had led
tínheis guiado
you all had led
tinham guiado
they had led
Future perfect tense
terei guiado
I will have led
terás guiado
you will have led
terá guiado
he/she will have led
teremos guiado
we will have led
tereis guiado
you all will have led
terão guiado
they will have led
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha guiado
I have led
tenhas guiado
you have led
tenha guiado
he/she has led
tenhamos guiado
we have led
tenhais guiado
you all have led
tenham guiado
they have led
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have led
(if/so that) you will have led
(if/so that) he/she will have led
(if/so that) we will have led
(if/so that) you all will have led
(if/so that) they will have led
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver guiado
I will have led
tiveres guiado
you will have led
tiver guiado
he/she will have led
tivermos guiado
we will have led
tiverdes guiado
you all will have led
tiverem guiado
they will have led
Imperative mood
let's lead!
Imperative negative mood
não guies
do not lead!
não guie
let him/her/it not lead!
não guiemos
let us not lead!
não guieis
do not lead!
não guiem
do not lead!

Examples of guiar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"E quando estiveres a investigar, vou guiar-te directamente para este vídeo. ""And when you investigate, "I'm going to lead you right to this video.
- Algum dia ensino-te a guiar.- Sooner or later I'll teach you to lead.
- Sabe... ela dança bem, mas gosta de guiar a dança.- You know she's a nice dancer but her likes to lead.
- Tenho que guiar este grupo.- I have to lead this tour group.
- Vai guiar a cruzada sagrada d'Ele.You are to lead his blessed crusade.
*** Eu guio-te e tu guias-me ****** I will lead you, you will lead me ***
- Eu guio a gente de volta.I'll lead us back.
- Eu o guio.-I'II lead.
-Tek, Eu guio-te.- Tek, I'll lead you in.
-Vamos eu guio-teCome on, l'll lead you.
"Perdi 200 braças de boa linha, _BAR_ anzóis e guias", pensou ele."I have lost 200 fathoms of good line and hooks and leaders, " he thought.
*** Eu guio-te e tu guias-me ****** I will lead you, you will lead me ***
- Muito bem, tu guias.- Fine, you lead.
Ai de vós, guias cegos!Woe upon you, blind leaders, who say:
Chegou uma hora que eu e as outras guias turísticos... ficámos fartas desses miúdos ricos mimados.So at this point in the trip, me and the other tour leaders are just... - We're fed up with all these - OK, OK.
"Ele guia-me por águas tranquilas.""He leads me beside still waters.
"Longa e árduo é o caminho, que do Inferno... nos guia até à Luz.""Long is the way and hard that out of Hell leads up to light."
"Longo e árduo é o caminho... que do Inferno nos guia até à luz.""Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to the light."
# A rua prateada que me guia ao lugar que eu quero estar% The silver street that leads me to the place I want to be
- ...guia- o até lá para ele dar o discurso.leads him there to give the speech.
Não guiamos traidores à presença do Imperador.We do not lead traitors to the Emperor.
É impressionante as vidas que guiamos.It's amazing lives we lead.
"E Jesus, imbuído do Espírito Santo, regressou do Jordão e foi guiado pelo Espírito Santo até à floresta."And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan" "and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness."
...é um rebelde guiado por Satanás.He is an arrogant led by Satan.
Descobrimos umas coisas sobre o cliente que ela pode ou não - ter-nos guiado.We learned some things about her client that she may or may not have led us to.
Disse-me que o caminho estava pronto, que eu era guiado até ao local onde o livro estava seguro.Told me that a path would be laid out for me, that I'd be led to a place where the book was safe.
E foi guiado pelo Espírito Santo para a floresta."And was led by the Spirit into the wilderness."
"Os burros guiam os camelos", disse-lhes eu."But donkeys lead camels", I told them.
Dizem que essas chamas te guiam até ao teu destino.You know, some say that will-o'- the-wisps lead you to your fate.
Marcas de pneus guiam por aqui.Tire tracks lead that way.
Os anúncios guiam-meAdvertisements lead me to
- Cavei valas, acartei carvão, guiei 1 táxi.- Dug ditches, shovelled coal, drove a taxi.
Dei-te uma hipótese nos correios, guiei-te ao subir de posto, e paguei-te os estudos em Harvard onde, já agora, te marimbaste o tempo todo que lá estiveste e mesmo assim contratei-te.I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there, and I still hired you.
Eu guiei-nos até aqui, ao santuário.I led us here to sanctuary.
Eu guiei-os a essas vitórias.I led you to those victories.
Eu guiei-os à terra de ninguém.I have led you into in no man's land.
Através das águas guiaste os filhos de Israel da escravatura no Egipto, para a liberdade da Terra Prometida.Through water You led the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.
Cristo, guiaste o padre Inácio na renúncia às tentações do mundo... e na adopção das vestes do trabalho e da humildade.Christ, you led Father Ignatius to renounce the snares of this world... ...andto putonthelivery of labor and humiliation.
E tu guiaste-os até mim!And you led them to me!
Guia-me como guiaste Tamatea e Arawa, e os nossos grandes antepassados antes deles...Lead me, as you led Tamatea and Arawa, our ancestors!
Mas tem cuidado, porque se bem te lembras da última vez que foste tu a liderar, guiaste o nosso grupo de aventureiros de "Dungeons and Dragons" às suas violentas mortes.But, be careful, 'cause remember last time you were in charge, you led our party of D and D adventurers to their fiery deaths.
- Ele guiou-os até ao local?- I take it you were led to it?
- Mas foi a Mina que me guiou até ele.But it was Mina who led me to him.
- Quem matou o Colbert guiou este carro.- Whoever killed Colbert drove this car.
A Elise guiou-nos até aqui por um motivo.Elise led us here for a reason.
A cave, onde encontrei as rãs, foi o John Scott que me guiou até lá.The shed where i found the frogs, John scott led me to it.
"E eles guiaram-nos aqui"."And those paths led us here."
Agora eu sei que todo o sangue que derramei, todas as vidas que tirei guiaram-me até este momento.I now know that all the blood I have shed, all the lives I have taken have led me to this moment.
Assim como nos guiaram de Kobol e fundaram os Doze Mundos, esperamos agora e rezamos que nos guiem a uma nova casa onde possamos começar uma nova vida.Just as you led us from Kobol and found the Twelve Worlds, so now we hope and pray that you will lead us to a new home, where we may begin life anew.
Assim honramos aos Espíritos Celestes que nos guiaram à Terra Sagrada.We honor the Sky Spirits who led our ancestors to this sacred land.
Duas crianças raptadas por um pai malvado, depois guiaram-se por migalhas de pão.Two children led into the forest by a wicked father, follow a little trail of breadcrumbs.
- Eu sou o Conde Iblis, e guiarei esta gente para longe da sua perseguição implacável.I'm Count Iblis. I will lead these people away from your ruthless pursuit.
E durante esse tempo, eu guiarei o povo para a salvação.And in that time, I will lead the people to salvation.
E nesse tempo, eu guiarei o povo à salvação.And in that time, I will lead the people to salvation.
Eu os guiarei para o tesouro de Merlin.I will lead you to Merlin's treasure.
Os guiarei por caminhos que não conhecem."I will lead them into paths they have not known.
O nosso sábio diz que nos guiarás até lá.Our wise man says you will lead us there.
Com a sabedoria dos tempos, ela nos guiará a gloriosas vitórias sobre todos os não crentes.With the wisdom of the ages, she will lead us to glorious victory over any and all unbelievers.
De qualquer forma, nos guiará ao objectivo, bem aqui.However, it will lead us to the location, right here.
E ele guiará o seu povo até a vitória!He lives today! And he will lead his people to victory!
Ela será mais poderosa do que nós, Macon, e guiará todos.She's gonna be more powerful than either of us, Macon, and she will lead us all.
Estão prontos a adoptar a nossa forma de vida monástica, como o caminho pelo qual Deus vos guiará a alma até à beatitude interna,Are you ready to adopt our monastic way of life' as the way through which God will lead your souls to the inner holiness'
E com ele, nós guiaremos o mundo até uma brilhante e bela luz... de uma nova era.[Manson] And with him, we will lead the world to a bright, beautiful light... of a new age.
Acreditam que os deuses os guiarão se lhes oferecerem um sacrifício. Um sacrifício de alguém importante.They believe the gods will lead them if they offer up a sacrifice a sacrifice of great enough importance.
Mas nós temos vocês vocês nos guiarãoBut we have you. You will lead us.
Disse que nos guiaria.You told me that you would lead us.
Eu não entendi quando você falou que os personagens o guiariam mas agora está tão clara a razão pela qual eles estão juntos.I didn't understand when you said the characters would lead you. But now it's so clear why Anna and Adam would end up together all this time.
Eu sei quem tu não és e estamos a falar de um pequeno grupo de pessoas que esperávamos que juntas nos guiariam...I know who you aren't and we're talking about a very small group of people that we hoped would lead us higher.
Mas Charlie pensava que os seus cálculos nos guiariam até onde o rio corria.But Charlie thought that his calculations would lead us to where the river used to flow.
Antes, nalgumas partes falamos sobre as pessoas precisarem de alguém que as guie porque hoje os líderes mundiais não são suficientemente bons.In certain period before we spoke about that people need somebody to lead them becuse the leaders of the world today they are not good enough.
Bem, alguém que guie o nosso povo para além da escuridão... e que faça com que tudo fique bem de novo.Well, somebody who's gonna lead our people outta the darkness... and who'll make everything all right again.
Benji, me guie até o sinal.Benji, lead me to the signal.
Com a morte do irmão Khan, necessitaremos a alguém que nos guie.With Brother Khan gone, we'll need someone to lead us.
Continue com sua boa e sincera preocupação conosco e nos guie pelo caminho certo.Continue good and sincere concern for us and lead us in right road.
Desde que tu nos guies.As long as you're leading us.
Xena quer que guiemos um contingente para a esplanada do este.Xena wants us to lead a contingent to the east plain.
Assim como nos guiaram de Kobol e fundaram os Doze Mundos, esperamos agora e rezamos que nos guiem a uma nova casa onde possamos começar uma nova vida.Just as you led us from Kobol and found the Twelve Worlds, so now we hope and pray that you will lead us to a new home, where we may begin life anew.
Com certeza, guiem-me.Of course, lead on.
E guiem-nos através desta noite tempestuosa.And lead us through this stormy night.
E os guiem a mim como me encontraram.Lead them to Me with your words and your actions, and lead them to Me the same way you came to Me now.
Envia a tua luz e verdade para que me guiem.O send out thy light and thy truth, let them lead me.
Ensinai-me o vosso caminho, e guiai-me pela senda recta.Teach me thy way, and lead me in a plain path.
"Sem ser a olhar para baixo num avião a 9.000 metros de altura, mas a partir do ângulo baixo dum homem especial que quer atravessá-lo a pé, guiando um puro-sangue para um local secreto, para um ob jectivo pessoal.""Not looking down from a jet 30,000ft up but from the low angle... of a special man who means to cross it on foot leading a thoroughbred stallion to a secret destination... to a private goal."
- ele está os guiando mesmo para nós.- he's leading them right to us.
Com você nos guiando irmão Kang, é claro que as coisas foram bem!With you leading us, Brother Da Gang, of course, things went well!
E aqui está ele hoje, construindo seu próprio Paraíso e guiando todo o bando na mesma direção.And here he is today, building his own heaven instead and leading the whole flock in that direction.
O jogo da presa guiando o caçador.The game of the hunted leading the hunter.
E ele acreditava que, no final da "Helter Skelter", os negros, que ele considerava inferiores, precisariam de um branco para os guiarem.And he believed in the aftermath of helter-skelter, the blacks, who he deemed inferior, would need a white man to lead them.
Não me vou embora enquanto estes ossos não me guiarem até onde o meu marido está.I am not leaving until these bones lead me to wherever the hell my husband is.
- Até nos guiares a uma armadilha.Till you lead us into their trap.
Assim que estiveres na frente, o mais importante é guiares o teu carro.When you're in the lead, thinks only its direction.
Era suposto guiares-nos até lá.You're supposed to lead us there.
Obrigado Lara, nos guiares até aqui e por ter encontrado a esfera, em primeiro lugar.Thank you, Lara, for leading us here and for finding the orb.
Obrigado, Jake... por nos guiares até ela.Thank you, Jake, for leading us to her.
Senti que se ele me guiasse a casa, sabes?I felt like he was leading me home, you know?

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