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Se battre (to fight) conjugation

28 examples

Conjugation of se battre

Present tense
je me bats
I fight
tu tu te bats
you fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on se bat
he/she/it fights
nous nous nous battons
we fight
vous vous vous battez
you all fight
ils/elles ils/elles se battent
they fight
Present perfect tense
je me suis battu
I fought
tu t’es battu
you fought
il/elle/on s’est battu
he/she/it fought
nous nous sommes battus
we fought
vous vous êtes battus
you all fought
ils/elles se sont battus
they fought
Past impf. tense
je me battais
I was fighting
tu tu te battais
you were fighting
il/elle/on il/elle/on se battait
he/she/it was fighting
nous nous nous battions
we were fighting
vous vous vous battiez
you all were fighting
ils/elles ils/elles se battaient
they were fighting
Future tense
je me battrai
I will fight
tu tu te battras
you will fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on se battra
he/she/it will fight
nous nous nous battrons
we will fight
vous vous vous battrez
you all will fight
ils/elles ils/elles se battront
they will fight
Past perfect tense
je m’étais battu
I had fought
tu t’étais battu
you had fought
il/elle/on s’était battu
he/she/it had fought
nous nous étions battus
we had fought
vous vous étiez battus
you all had fought
ils/elles s’étaient battus
they had fought
Past preterite tense
je me battis
I fought
tu tu te battis
you fought
il/elle/on il/elle/on se battit
he/she/it fought
nous nous nous battîmes
we fought
vous vous vous battîtes
you all fought
ils/elles ils/elles se battirent
they fought
Past anterior tense
je me fus battu
I had fought
tu te fus battu
you had fought
il/elle/on se fut battu
he/she/it had fought
nous nous fûmes battus
we had fought
vous vous fûtes battus
you all had fought
ils/elles se furent battus
they had fought
Future perfect tense
je me serai battu
I will have fought
tu te seras battu
you will have fought
il/elle/on se sera battu
he/she/it will have fought
nous nous serons battus
we will have fought
vous vous serez battus
you all will have fought
ils/elles se seront battus
they will have fought
Present subjunctive tense
que je me batte
that I fight
que tu te battes
that you fight
qu’il/elle/on se batte
that he/she/it fight
que nous nous battions
that we fight
que vous vous battiez
that you all fight
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se battent
that they fight
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois battu
that I have fought
que tu te sois battu
that you have fought
qu’il/elle/on se soit battu
that he/she/it have fought
que nous nous soyons battus
that we have fought
que vous vous soyez battus
that you all have fought
qu’ils/elles se soient battus
that they have fought
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me battisse
that I would fight
que tu te battisses
that you would fight
qu’il/elle/on se battît
that he/she/it would fight
que nous nous battissions
that we would fight
que vous vous battissiez
that you all would fight
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se battissent
that they would fight
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse battu
that I had fought
que tu te fusses battu
that you had fought
qu’il/elle/on se fût battu
that he/she/it had fought
que nous nous fussions battus
that we had fought
que vous vous fussiez battus
that you all had fought
qu’ils/elles se fussent battus
that they had fought
Conditional mood
je me battrais
I would fight
tu tu te battrais
you would fight
il/elle/on il/elle/on se battrait
he/she/it would fight
nous nous nous battrions
we would fight
vous vous vous battriez
you all would fight
ils/elles ils/elles se battraient
they would fight
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais battu
I would have fought
tu te serais battu
you would have fought
il/elle/on se serait battu
he/she/it would have fought
nous nous serions battus
we would have fought
vous vous seriez battus
you all would have fought
ils/elles se seraient battus
they would have fought
Imperative mood
let's fight!

Examples of se battre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Aie toujours peur Daniel-San, 'Miyagi déteste se battre.""Always scare Danielson, Miyagi hate fighting."
"Aie toujours peur Daniel-san, Miyagi déteste se battre.""Always scare Danielson. Miyagi hate fighting."
"Et chaque homme gay qui est incapable de se lever et de se battre pour sauver sa propre vie aide à tuer le reste d'entre nous."Ahem... "And every gay man who is unable to come forward and fight to save his own life is truly helping to kill the rest of us."
"Il est bien plus facile de se battre pour des principes que de vivre pour"."It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. "
"Ils doivent adorer se battre."They must love to fight.
"A travers les siècles... dans les pompes et difficultés des guerres... je me suis battu désespérément jusqu'à la mort... sous les étoiles tant de fois... suivant une route sans fin."Through the travail of ages It's the pomp and toils of war Have I fought and strove and perished
"Examinez les états de service de Rooker, vous verrez qu'il s'est toujours battu pour la justice.""Take a thorough look at Cornell Rooker's record, you'll see he's fought for justice his entire career."
"J'ai battu un peloton de Judoon pendant mon temps libre !""Oh, yeah, and I fought off a platoon of Judoon in my spare time!"
"Je me suis battu comme le puma, j'ai chassé comme l'aigle."Once I fought as a mountain lion and hunted as the eagle. Now my spirit is dead.
"Je me suis battu contre les ténèbres, j'en ai arraché de la lumière."I fought against darkness, and snatched light from it.
"Arrête de geindre, lève-toi et bats-toi."Quit whining," to stand up and fight.
"Si tu as peur de quelque chose... ne t'enfuis pas, mais bats-toi.""When you're afraid of something, then you don't run, you fight it."
"Sois forte et bats-toi." C'est ce que je lui ai dit."Be strong and fight back," I told her.
- Allez, bats-toi.- Come on, fight back.
Allez, battons-nous.Come on, let's fight for her.
Allons-y, battons-nous, ce soir, on gagne !Let's go, let's fight, let's win tonight!
Alors battons-nous.Then let's fight.
Alors, battons-nous !Then, let's fight!
"54, 40, ou battez-vous." Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?"54, 40, or fight." What does that mean?
"Magnez-vous et battez-vous. On peut gagner à tous les coups."Right on, Baby Get yours and fight like crazy
"Prêts... battez-vous !"(Video game starts) "Get ready... fight!"
"Vous, pourquoi vous battez-vous, capitaine ?""What do you fight for, Captain?"
- Allez, battez-vous!/Come on, let's fight!
- En se battant ?-By fighting?
- Est-il mort en se battant ?Did he die fighting?
- Il est couché dans une chambre d'hôpital, se battant pour sa vie, et il n'a rien à voir avec la manière dont il a été élu.- He's lying in a hospital room, fighting for his life, and he had nothing to do with how he got elected.
- Ils mourront, se battant avec honneur.- They'll die fighting with honour.
- Oh, je suis désolée que Katy t'ait fait peur en se battant.- [smooches] Oh, I'm so sorry that Kate scared you away by fighting. - What?

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