Et siis pidutsen nüüd ja pihin hiljem? | So it's a party now, confess later sort of thing? |
Ja kui me ei ole erilised ning ma pihin sind? | And if we're not different and you're confessed to me? |
Kui teda pihin, võin tal käskida Cara peal Eluhingust kasutada. | If I confess her, I can command her to give Cara the Breath of Life, and then you can perform the spell. |
Kui teda pihin, võin tema võimete üle kontrolli saada. | If I confess her, we'll have control over her powers. |
Kuid neid patte pihin ma Jumalale, mitte võõrastele. | But those sins, I confess them to Go, not strangers. |
Kui sa mind pihid, suudaksin temaga võidelda. | If you confess me, I can fight her. |
Mida rohkem pihid, seda tõenäolisem on vabanemine. | The more you confess, the more they think about setting you free. |
Poeg, räägi nii, et paistaks, kuhu sihid -... annan mõistu nõu, kui mõistu pihid. | Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift. Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift. |
Lõpuks olen hoopis mina see, kes sulle pihib. | In the end it is I who confesses to you. |
Ma ei tea, kas see on oluline, aga kui me juba patte pihime ja preester on ka siin. | I don't know if this is anything, but since we're confessing our sins, and there is a priest here- |
- Ja need inimesed pihivad sulle? | And these people confess to you? |
-Ja need inimesed pihivad sulle? | And these people confess to you? |
Need inimesed pihivad sulle? | These people confess to you? |
Kas tahad teada, mida ma seal pihtisin? | You want to know what I confessed in there? |
Ma pihtisin ainsale inimese, keda usaldasin. | I confessed to the only priest I needed. |
Ma pihtisin, Isa! | I confessed it, Father! |
Ja preester, kellele sa pihtisid? | And the priest? The one you confessed to. |
Kuna sa viimati pihtisid? | How long since you last confessed? |
Sa ju pihtisid hommikul. | - You already confessed this morning. |
Sa seadsid selle ohtu, kuna pihtisid Esimese Ordu võlurit. | You jeopardized that when you confessed a Wizard of the First Order. |
"Kusagil pimeduses naine pihtis ja mees andestas." | "ln the dark she had confessed and he had forgiven." |
- Ta pihtis mulle ja sa ei saa talle haiget teha. | - If he's confessed to me, you can't hurt him. |
Ainus, mis ma saan teile öelda on see, et miski, mida ta pihtis... ei ole ilmselt tema kadumisega seotud. | The only thing I can tell you is that nothing she confessed... - seemed relevant to her disappearance. |
Kui teda pihtisime, oli ta naine rusutud. | When we confessed him, his wife was devastated. |
- Te pihtisite neile, nüüd pihtige mulle. | - You confessed to them. Now confess to me. |
Kaotasin elust kuus aastat, kui mind pihiti. | I lost six years of my life when I was confessed, |
Annetus käib indulgentside, pihi ja patukahetsuse juurde. | Contributions are customary for indulgences, along with confession and true penitence. |
Ja pihi oma patte. | And do you confess. |
Kirjuta sellele alla ja ma võtan su pihi ise vastu. | Sign this and I will confess you myself, if you want. |
- Te pihtisite neile, nüüd pihtige mulle. | - You confessed to them. Now confess to me. |
Hea küll siis, pihtige ja elage! | Well, then, confess and live. |
Kuid seni käige kirikus, pihtige, suhelge. Lugege Pascolit, õppige seda pähe. Vanemõde jumaldab teda. | Meantime, go to church, confess, read Pascoli, memorize it, the Mother Superior adores him. |
- Ei, seal pole kedagi, aga ma pean pihtima. | - No, there's no one inside there, but I need to make a confession. |
- Ei! Kas tahate pihtida? | Do you care to offer a confession? |
- Kahlan, kui me ta välja meelitame, saad teda pihtida. | Kahlan, if we can draw her out, you can confess her. |
- Kas tahad pihtida. | I need to talk. This won't keep till confession? |
- Kas tahad pihtida? | - You wanna make a confession? |
Ausalt öeldes pole ma pihtinud juba kak... kakskümmend aastat. | I haven't truly confessed in 20 years. |
Ja Finn oli juba pihtinud. | And Finn was already confessed. |
Jah, nad kõik on pihtinud. | I have confessed them all. |
Kui Zedd on pihtinud ja Tõemõõk kadunud on kõik lootusetu. | With Zedd confessed and the Sword of Truth gone... It's hopeless. |
Ma ei ole kunagi pihtinud. | - Christ. I've never confessed. |
- Teda on pihitud. | KAHLAN: He's been confessed. |
Ta on minu poolt pihitud. | He's been confessed by me. |
Ta räägib seda ainult sellepärast, kuna on pihitud. | He's only saying that because he's been confessed. |
Teda on pihitud. | He's been confessed. |