This verb can also mean the following: deal with, be, transport, favor, receive, photograph, select, catch, absorb, cause, page 529, engage, reckon, bind, deduce, consider as an example, condition, page 7, pass, lodge v simonton, obtain, submit to, use up, remove, use, accept and follow, charm people, come, suffer, walter besant, in the eclectic magazine, appropriate, lead, page 108, decline, become, go, be affected in a specified way, endure, control, grasp, subtract, move, believe, have effect, max brand, let, visit, have sex with, deal, consider, come upon, page 179, make, apply, obtain for use by payment, be given, end by death, get into hands, begin, participate in, participate, undergo, sir thomas malory, lease, deliver, conduct, captivate, chapter iii, give, have the intended effect, write down, accept the statements of, defeat, can, be subjected to, seize, adopt, gain, get in, fill, get, assume, suppose, exact, be absorbed properly, adhere, affection of, ascertain, page 59, receive into some relationship, charm, secure the interest, page 210, cause to change to a specified state, derive, avail of, obtain money from, win, accept, page 107, choose, page 103, begin to grow after being grafted, bind by, carry, regard, consider in a particular way, submit, apply to the study of, regard in a specified way, feel, page 442, page 126, draw, grip, be impregnated by, experience, require, go into, page 357, determine by measurement, proceed, contract, receive regularly by, get possession of, put into, catch the ball, consume, chapter xj, conclude, proceed to fill, blue bridge, avail, acquire, have, do, understand, win acceptance, kill, possession, in le morte darthur, pick, be able to be accurately, decline to swing at, write, convey to another place, capture, let in, can we date this quote, book xiii, transfer into own possession, escort, page 125, have an be used with, move into