"Ma arvan, et ta magab meie lapsehoidja Victoriaga." | "I believe he's sleeping with our baby-sitter Victoria. |
"Major, ma arvan, et mind tapetakse täna." | "Major, I believe I will be killed today." |
"No aitäh, ma arvan, et ma vaataks meelsasti." | "Why, thank you, I believe I will." |
'Mustiino' naisena usun ma, et me oleme ära teeninud oma rassikategooria. Jerry, nii arvan mina. | Now, as a blactino woman, I believe we deserve our own race category to forge an identity, Jerry. |
"Sa arvad küll"? | "You believe so" ? |
- Ei usu. Oled tugevam, kui arvad. | I don't believe you... ...because you're stronger than that. |
- Hullem kui sa arvad. | Worse if you can believe it. |
- Kas arvad tõesti nii, pöialpoiss Nils Karlsson? | - Nils Karlsson Pyssling, do you believe that? - No. |
- Naeruväärne mees. Mingil põhjusel arvab ta, et mul on suhe Eliot Larkiniga. | For some reason, he believes I'm having an affair with Eliot Larkin. |
- Sest ta arvab, et ma tapsin mutt ta usub ma ei ole enam mees ta armus. | - Because she thinks I killed the mole she believes I'm no longer the guy she fell in love with. |
Aeryn arvab, et kõik, mis muudab Crichtoni efektiivsemaks, on vajalik. | Aeryn believes that anything we can do to make Crichton more effective, the better. |
Aga Beckman saadetud mul mõned arsti kes arvab, et see on lihtsalt Intersect mängib minu alateadvuse, Aga ma tean, et mul on õigus, ja keegi ei usu mind. | But Beckman sent me to some doctor who thinks that it's just the Intersect playing with my subconscious, but I know that I'm right, and nobody believes me. |
Aga K.C. arvab, et see oleks talle hea, ja K.C. on mu boss. | But K.C. believes that it's for her own good, and... and K.C.'s my boss. |
- Me arvame, et tulekahju sai alguse siit. | We believe it originated here... |
- Nii me arvame. | - We believe so. |
Aga me arvame, et see, kes selle taga oli, on ikka veel vabaduses. | But the man believed to be behind this is still at large. |
- Kas te arvate, et te olete orjadega võrdsed? | - Do you believe you are equal to a slave? |
- Mida teie siis arvate? | What do you believe? |
Aga kui te arvate, et see tähendab, et ma lahkun Berliinist, siis te eksite. | But, gentlemen, if you believe I am going to leave Berlin, you are seriously mistaken. |
Ehk te arvate, et maakoha haridus keskendub põhiliselt seatapule ja traktori hooldusele, mitte lugemisele. | Perhaps you believe that a rural education is focused mainly on hog calling and tractor maintenance rather than reading. |
"Keegi pole orjastatud lootusetumalt kui need, kes arvavad et nad on vabad. " | None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. |
"Mu kaasvandenõulased arvavad, et varandus on varastatud..." "...kuid mina olingi see varas ning Jumalakoda on nüüd kulla hauakamber." | "My fellow conspirators believe that the fortune was stolen from them "when, in fact, I am the thief and God's temple is the tomb of gold. |
"Mu kaasvandenõulased arvavad, et varandus on varastatud..." | "My fellow conspirators believe... "that the confiscated fortune has been stolen... |
- Kas sa ei arva, et oleme selles süüdi? | - Do you not believe we are responsible? |
Kas sa ei arva, et nad võivad minu vastu salaplaani sepitseda? | Do you not suppose they would conspire to plot against me? I cannot believe it. |
Ma ei arva nii. | I do not believe so. |
Ma tunnistan, et tahtsin seda tööd... sest soovisin lõdvaks lasta ja oma tagumikku keerutada... aga ma ei arva, et see dilemma saab lahendatud pidutsedes. | I admit I applied for this job... because I wanted to cut loose and shake my rump... but I do not believe that this dilemma will be solved by partying. |
Bonney arvatakse olevat volitatud jõugu pealik. | "Bonney is believed to be the captain of a deputized gang." |
Osaliselt põlenud lint arvatakse olevat senaatori ülestunnistus. | A partially destroyed tape found in the fire is believed to be the senator's confession. |
Ta püüti kinni Nairobi lähedalt Lõuna-Aafrikas ning arvatakse, et ta on osaline ebainimlikus eksperimendis. | She was captured near Nairobi, South Africa... ...and is believed to be part of a cruel, inhuman experiment. |
Ta püüti kinni Nairobi lähedalt, Lõuna-Aafrikas ning arvatakse, et tema kallal sooritati jõhkrat, ebainimlikku eksperimenti. | She was captured near Nairobi, South Africa, and is believed to be part of a cruel, inhuman experiment. |
- Ka mina arvasin hetkeks nii. | For a moment I believed that too. |
- Palun usu mind. Ma arvasin, et tuled tagasi ja ütled, et Thompson on meie poolel. | I honestly believed you were gonna come back and tell me we have Thompson in the bag. |
-Ma arvasin, et keegi usub minusse nüüd. | - I thought someone believed in me. |
Aa, vabandust, arvasin... | Sorry, I believed... |
- Oh, ja, nii arvasid ka minu vanemad, kuid see oli vaid faas, mis kõigil lapsepõlves läbida tuli. | - Oh yes, my parents believed so too, but it was just a phase all children go through. |
Aga mitte kõik need inimesed pole selles süüdi ja need kes on süüdi, tegid seda mis nad arvasid et on õige. | But not all these people are responsible for that, and even the ones that were were just doing what they believed was right. |
D'Haranid arvasid, et sa andsid neile õige kaardi. | Guess the D'Harans believed you gave them the right map. |
Esiisad arvasid sama ka valitsuse kohta ja ma arvan, et see käib ka aarde kohta. | The Founding Fathers believed the same thing about government. I figure their solution will work for the treasure too. |
Esimene Skinwalker oli indiaanlane. Nad arvasid, et hundi jõud oli kingitus. Aga see muteerus ja... | The first Skinwalkers were Native American they believed that the power of the wolf was a gift but it mutated and .... many couldn't control the lust for power couldn't fight the beast inside them what makes you think I can? |
- Apophis arvas, et ta hävitati. | - Apophis himself believed him destroyed. |
- Dominic arvas, et see teine, et selle mehe lähtekoht on siin, Roomas. | - Well, Dominic believed this other... this man was based right here in Rome. |
- Ta ei mõelnud hetkegi minu au peale, kui arvas tõsimeeli, et annaksin su talle. | He thought so little of mine that he really believed that I would give you to him. |
- Tõenäoliselt mitte. Kui külarahvas arvas, et ta needis neid ära, siis ta tõenäoliselt põgenes. | If the villagers believed she cursed them, then it's more than likely she escaped. |
- Mida? Teatud tüüpi hiiglaslik reptiil, keda me arvasime olnud välja surnud Kriidiajastul. | A type of enormoυs reptile... ...that we believed died oυt in the Cretaceous Period. |
Ka viimati arvasime me samamoodi. | That's what we believed last time. |
Kunagi arvasime, et nad pühiti minema aastaid kestnud kohfliktis palju arenenuma inimtüübiga, keda kutsuti raua-ajastu inimeseks, kuid viimased DNA uuringud arvavad, et need kaks liiki on segunenud, arenedes kaasaegses inimeses. | We once believed that they were wiped out by years of conflict with the much more advanced branch of humanity called Cro-Magnon man, but recent research into our DNA suggests that these two species may have interbred, evolving into modern humans. |
Kunagi me arvasime, et elame universumis, mis töötab Newtoni seaduste järgi nagu kellavärk. Põhjus ja tagajärg. | Once upon a time we believed we lived in a clockwork universe governed by Newtonian mechanics, cause and effect. |
Kui arvasite, et see on võimatu, imestan, et nii kaugele tulite. | If you believed it impossible, I wonder that you came so far. |
Kui te arvasite see võimatu olevat, miks te siis üldse siia tulite? | If you believed it to be impossible, I wonder you to a trouble at coming so far, what your ladyship would propose by this? |
Sümbolid välimisel rajal mida te arvasite, et on sõnad on tegelikult taeva tähtkujud. | Now, on the outer track, these figures that you had believed to be words to be translated were in fact... were, in fact, star constellations. |
Ma ei arvanud, et relva vaja on. | I did not believe I would need a gun. |
Ma ei arvanud, et sa tagasi tuled. | I did not believe you would return. |
See on igivana legend, ma ei arvanud, et see on tegelikult olemas. | It is an ancient legend. I did not believe it really existed. |
Nii arvati, mr MacDonald. | Or so it was believed, Mr MacDonald. |
- Ei arva? | - Doesn't he/she believe it? |
- Ei, kuid ega sa arva... | - No, but you don't actually believe... |
- Hmm. - Sa ei arva-- | - You don't believe... |
- Kallis, sa ei arva kunagi ära, kust ma su kella leidsin. | Honey, you'll never believe where I found your watch. |
- Kas sa ei arva, et oleme selles süüdi? | - Do you not believe we are responsible? |
Hei, arvake mis! | Hey! Hey! I can't believe this! |
- Mis paneb sind arvama, et ta mind nüüd usub? | - What makes you think she'll believe me now? |
Donna ütles, et nad Davidiga on lihtsalt head sõbrad, ja, kui ma seda ei usu, hakkab ta arvama, et ma ei usalda teda. | So, Donna says David and her are just good friends... and if I don't believe that... then she's gonna think that I don't trust her. |
Ei, ta peab edasi arvama, et juhtnöörid on tema käes. | - No. He must believe he's in control. |
Hakkasin arvama, et sul on pisutki kujutlusvõimet. | You know what? I'd begun to believe that you had a glimmer of imagination. |
"Mu kallis Pompeius. Mul on alust arvata, et mees, kelle sa saad ühes kirjaga, kuulub sulle. | "Dearest Pompey, I believe the enclosed man belongs to you. |
- Kes oleks osanud arvata? | - Can you believe it? |
- Ma ei tea isegi enam, mida arvata! | - I don't know what I believe anymore! |
Alates päevast, kui Apophis talle ajupesu tegi on ta arvanud, et tema enda mõistus on nõrk. | Since the day Apophis brainwashed him, he has believed his own mind is weak. |
Keegi ei arvanud, et te siia tulete. | I never would've believed you'd come here |
Keegi poleks arvanud, et me jääme ellu külonite tuumaholokaustis, New Caprica põrgus või ülejäänud 50000 muus kriisis, mille me oleme üle elanud. | No one believed that we would survive the cylon nuclear holocaust, or the hell on new caprica, or the 50,000 other crises we've lived through. |
Ma ei arvanud, et sa uskusid kõik, et. | I didn't think you believed any of that. |