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Recenser (to take a census) conjugation

2 examples

Conjugation of recenser

Present tense
je recense
I take a census
tu recenses
you take a census
il/elle/on recense
he/she/it takes a census
nous recensons
we take a census
vous recensez
you all take a census
ils/elles recensent
they take a census
Present perfect tense
j’ai recensé
I took a census
tu as recensé
you took a census
il/elle/on a recensé
he/she/it took a census
nous avons recensé
we took a census
vous avez recensé
you all took a census
ils/elles ont recensé
they took a census
Past impf. tense
je recensais
I was taking a census
tu recensais
you were taking a census
il/elle/on recensait
he/she/it was taking a census
nous recensions
we were taking a census
vous recensiez
you all were taking a census
ils/elles recensaient
they were taking a census
Future tense
je recenserai
I will take a census
tu recenseras
you will take a census
il/elle/on recensera
he/she/it will take a census
nous recenserons
we will take a census
vous recenserez
you all will take a census
ils/elles recenseront
they will take a census
Past perfect tense
j’avais recensé
I had taken a census
tu avais recensé
you had taken a census
il/elle/on avait recensé
he/she/it had taken a census
nous avions recensé
we had taken a census
vous aviez recensé
you all had taken a census
ils/elles avaient recensé
they had taken a census
Past preterite tense
je recensai
I took a census
tu recensas
you took a census
il/elle/on recensa
he/she/it took a census
nous recensâmes
we took a census
vous recensâtes
you all took a census
ils/elles recensèrent
they took a census
Past anterior tense
j’eus recensé
I had taken a census
tu eus recensé
you had taken a census
il/elle/on eut recensé
he/she/it had taken a census
nous eûmes recensé
we had taken a census
vous eûtes recensé
you all had taken a census
ils/elles eurent recensé
they had taken a census
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recensé
I will have taken a census
tu auras recensé
you will have taken a census
il/elle/on aura recensé
he/she/it will have taken a census
nous aurons recensé
we will have taken a census
vous aurez recensé
you all will have taken a census
ils/elles auront recensé
they will have taken a census
Present subjunctive tense
que je recense
that I take a census
que tu recenses
that you take a census
qu’il/elle/on recense
that he/she/it take a census
que nous recensions
that we take a census
que vous recensiez
that you all take a census
qu’ils/elles recensent
that they take a census
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recensé
that I have taken a census
que tu aies recensé
that you have taken a census
qu’il/elle/on ait recensé
that he/she/it have taken a census
que nous ayons recensé
that we have taken a census
que vous ayez recensé
that you all have taken a census
qu’ils/elles aient recensé
that they have taken a census
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recensasse
that I would take a census
que tu recensasses
that you would take a census
qu’il/elle/on recensât
that he/she/it would take a census
que nous recensassions
that we would take a census
que vous recensassiez
that you all would take a census
qu’ils/elles recensassent
that they would take a census
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recensé
that I had taken a census
que tu eusses recensé
that you had taken a census
qu’il/elle/on eût recensé
that he/she/it had taken a census
que nous eussions recensé
that we had taken a census
que vous eussiez recensé
that you all had taken a census
qu’ils/elles eussent recensé
that they had taken a census
Conditional mood
je recenserais
I would take a census
tu recenserais
you would take a census
il/elle/on recenserait
he/she/it would take a census
nous recenserions
we would take a census
vous recenseriez
you all would take a census
ils/elles recenseraient
they would take a census
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recensé
I would have taken a census
tu aurais recensé
you would have taken a census
il/elle/on aurait recensé
he/she/it would have taken a census
nous aurions recensé
we would have taken a census
vous auriez recensé
you all would have taken a census
ils/elles auraient recensé
they would have taken a census
Imperative mood
take a census!
let's take a census!
take a census!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recensé
have taken a census
ayons recensé
let's have taken a census
ayez recensé
have taken a census

Examples of recenser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
L'lmperium n'a jamais pu recenser le nombre des Fremens.As you know, the Imperium has never been able to take a census of the Fremen.
Vous avez dit avoir besoin de quelqu'un pour recenser... les gorilles de montagne.You just said in there that you need someone right now to take a census of the mountain gorillas. What about me?

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