! Comment vous faire comprendre que je ne m'en soucie pas ? | How do I make you understand, I couldn't care less? |
" Enfin quelqu'un de l'ancienne génération "... je suis vieux ... " semble comprendre la manière dont nous pensons. " | "At last somebody from the older generation"... I'm an old man. ..."seems to understand the way we think." |
" J'espère que cette nouvelle t'aidera à comprendre qui tu es. | "I hope this knowledge will help you to understand who you really are." |
"Beaucoup ne pouvaient pas comprendre | "There were many who couldn't understand, |
"C'est dur de comprendre que tu couches avec d'autres | "Well, it's very hard for me to understand |
"Ce n'est pas vrai que ton père t'a toujours compris. | "because it's not true that your father has always understood you... |
"Ceci sert d'accusé de réception qui prouve que vous avez lu et compris pourquoi ce blâme écrit a été délivré" | "This serves as an acknowledgment "that you have read and understood why this written reprimand was issued." |
"Comme nous communiquions beaucoup, sous nos airs réservés "je compris qu'il en disait plus qu'il ne semblait" | "But we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that." |
"Complèt le traVail et puis tu le recevras, compris?" | "Finish the job and you will get it, understood?" |
"Dépanner" de l'argent, jamais compris ça. | "Spare" money, never understood that. |
! - Je ne comprends pas... | - I don't understand. |
! Moi non plus, je ne comprends pas. | I don't understand either. |
! Tu comprends ça? | You understand that? |
" Cette salope comprends la loyauté" | "This bitch understands loyalty." |
" Je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle l'a fait. | " I don't understand why she did it. |
John Mohune, comprenons-nous bien. | Sir! Nowyou look here, this isn't a game, so let's understand each other. |
Mais comprenons-nous bien. | But let's understand: |
"Agissez comme si." Vous comprenez ça ? | "Act as if". Do you understand what that means? |
"Aussi ne soyez pas inconsidérés "et comprenez la volonté du Seigneur. | Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. |
"C'est magnifique, vous comprenez | "It's really grand, you understand |
"D'accord, vous comprenez" ou "D'accord, passez à l'action" ? | Is that, "Okay, you understand," or "Okay, proceed"? |
"Dar Al-Baïda", en arabe. Vous comprenez ? Il est empoisonné, il est contaminé. | The White House in Arabic, understand? |
A cause de l'effet du format de l'image sur le publique, une devait être relativement prudente concernant le mouvement de la camera, comprenant l'effet que le mouvement devait avoir sur l'audience. | Because of the format's effect on the audience, one has to be relatively conservative about moving the camera, understanding the effect that the movement is going to have on the audience. |
Ce savoir, ça vient au fur et à mesure, ou tu t'es levé un matin en comprenant subitement | How does what work? The knowing. I mean, did it come upon you gradually, or did you wake up one morning suddenly understanding the mysteries of the Universe? |
Connaissant et comprenant vos droits... | Knowing and understanding your rights... |
En comprenant les causes de ce conflit... | By understanding the roots of your conflict... |
En comprenant les gens, il pénétrait leurs pensées intimes... | By understanding people, he could penetrate their innermost thoughts... |