Sakon ikertu dugu Pirate Bay erakundea, Suedian jarduten. | We thoroughly discussed the organization Pirate Bay, acting from Sweden. |
Azkartu zaitez eta ikertu. | Hurry and investigate |
- Dena ikertu dut. | - I investigated it all |
Ez dakit, ikertu egingo dugu. | I don't know, we'll investigate. |
Hortaz beraietaz arduratzeko zenbait bide ikertu ziren. | So... several ways of how to get rid of the waste were explored. |
Bill Gates, Elkarte Orokorra. Microsoft. 70-eko amaieran, 80-ko hasieran, Richard Stallman ikertzen ari zen | In the late 70's and early 1980's, Richard Stallman was doing Artificial Intelligence research and coding at the MlT Artificial Intelligence Lab. |
Buddenberg epailea Baader-Meinhof taldea ikertzen ari da. | Judge Buddenberg ruled against the Baader-Meinhof group. |
Zure beharrak ikertzen. | Considering your needs. |
Utzidazu hori ikertzen. | Let me run that. |
Gure saiakuntzak egiten genituenean pentsatzen hasi nintzen... ahal zela ezerosotasun fisikoa eragiten zuen zerbait, edo hare gehiago mina, ikertzen genuen sentzumen gabetzea baino... jasangarriagoa litzakeela. | I began to think while we were doing our experiments, that it's possible that something that involves physical discomfort, or even pain might be more tolerable than simply the deprivation conditions that we studied. |
- Zergaitik ikertuko naute? | - Investigating me for what? |
"Fiskalak Lang ikertuko duela iragarri zuenean" "erantzun handi bat entzun zen." | ...the special prosecutor announced she was going to investigate Mr. Lang, well, there was a big cheer, I can tell you. |
Arauak hausten nengoke hau ikertuko ez banuke. | I'd be at fault, if I didn't investigate this thoroughly. |
Aita Georges nor den ikertuko dugu. | We found out who Papa Georges is. |
Zerbait susmagarria egon balitz, ez genuke ikertuko? | If there'd been anything suspicious, wouldn't we have acted on it? |
Uste nuen zure bizitza elkarbanatzea behar zenuela, baina iker nengoen. | Go ahead. I know where you're going. |