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Entender (to understand) conjugation

141 examples

Conjugation of entender

Present tense
I understand
you understand
he/she understands
we understand
you all understand
they understand
Present perfect tense
tenho entendido
I have understood
tens entendido
you have understood
tem entendido
he/she has understood
temos entendido
we have understood
tendes entendido
you all have understood
têm entendido
they have understood
Past preterite tense
I understood
you understood
he/she understood
we understood
you all understood
they understood
Future tense
I will understand
you will understand
he/she will understand
we will understand
you all will understand
they will understand
Conditional mood
I would understand
you would understand
he/she would understand
we would understand
you all would understand
they would understand
Past imperfect tense
I used to understand
you used to understand
he/she used to understand
we used to understand
you all used to understand
they used to understand
Past perfect tense
tinha entendido
I had understood
tinhas entendido
you had understood
tinha entendido
he/she had understood
tínhamos entendido
we had understood
tínheis entendido
you all had understood
tinham entendido
they had understood
Future perfect tense
terei entendido
I will have understood
terás entendido
you will have understood
terá entendido
he/she will have understood
teremos entendido
we will have understood
tereis entendido
you all will have understood
terão entendido
they will have understood
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha entendido
I have understood
tenhas entendido
you have understood
tenha entendido
he/she has understood
tenhamos entendido
we have understood
tenhais entendido
you all have understood
tenham entendido
they have understood
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have understood
(if/so that) you will have understood
(if/so that) he/she will have understood
(if/so that) we will have understood
(if/so that) you all will have understood
(if/so that) they will have understood
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver entendido
I will have understood
tiveres entendido
you will have understood
tiver entendido
he/she will have understood
tivermos entendido
we will have understood
tiverdes entendido
you all will have understood
tiverem entendido
they will have understood
Imperative mood
let's understand!
Imperative negative mood
não entendas
do not understand!
não entenda
let him/her/it not understand!
não entendamos
let us not understand!
não entendais
do not understand!
não entendam
do not understand!

Examples of entender

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"E tentaremos entender.""And try to understand."
"Eu quero entender a glória da dor, como o Matthew, mas cortar a carne fá-lo ter... o bojo de marido e não gosto de ficar assim"."I want to understand the glory of the pain like Matthew.. "but cutting the flesh makes him have a husband's bulge..
"Não os tentes entender. Apenas ata-os e marca-os..." Em breve viveremos todos bem.Don't try to understand 'em Just rope and throw and brand 'em... (all) Soon we'll be livin' high and wide My heart's calculating'...
"Não é necessário ser César para entender César.", disse."One need not have been Caesar in order to understand Caesar," he said.
"Não é necessário ser César para entender César.""One need not have been Caesar in order to understand Caesar." [Trans. Note: He's quoting Max Weber.]
! Não, não entendo e pôe-te a mexer.l don't understand you, but get out of here.
"Ainda não entendo bem como tudo aconteceu nesta sequência.""I still don't fully understand how all this came about in the sequence it came about."
"Arma" eu entendo."Gun" i understand.
"Bree, eu entendo e perdoo-te"."Bree, I understand, and I forgive you."
"Da alma de um homem que não entendo"."Into the soul of a man I don't understand."
! - Tu não entendes.- You don't understand.
"Cherie", és brilhante no teu trabalho, mas não entendes nada de política.Cherie, You are brilliant at your job, but you do not understand politics.
"Eu sei que tu entendes"."I know you understand".
"Fiona, me entendes?""Fiona, do you understand at all?"
"Não é nada pessoal, entendes? Mas tem de ser feito"."There's nothing personal in it, you understand, but it just has to be done.
"Ele entende tão bem o que eu passo com o Matt""He so understands what I'm going through with Matt"
"Ninguém o entende"No one understands him
"Ninguém, nem sequer o senhor, entende como estou a crescer.Nobody, not even you, understands how I'm growing up.
"Trevor entende..."Trevor understands.
* Está falando em outra língua, * que ninguém entende?§ § Are you speakin' another language § § That no one understands?
"Então não temos muito tempo..." Nós entendemos.We understand.
"Nós entendemos que o jovem envolvido no incidente..."We understand that the young men involved in the incident...
"O átomo funciona como ondas", clamaram eles, "e nós entendemos o que são ondas!""The atom is all about waves", they cried, and we understand what waves are.
- Acho que nos entendemos bem.Think we understand each other. Grow up, 007.
- Ainda bem que nos entendemos.- I'm glad we have an understanding.
"Destino ""Saia"" não entendido."Destination "Get out" not understood.
"E se Tolstoy fosse mulher, teria entendido isso." - O que acha disto?And had Tolstoy been a woman, he would've understood that.,
"Há um companheirismo mais tranquilo do que a solidão, e que é correctamente entendido, como a solidão perfeita"."There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which rightly understood, is solitude made perfect."
"Mal entendido"."Misunderstood."
- Achei que havia entendido.I know. I thought we... I thought he understood.
- Não, vós não entendeis.No, you don't understand.
Agora entendeis?Now do you understand?
Bem, vós não entendeis.Well, you don't understand.
Certamente entendeis a dor que ele sente pela perda do filho.Surely you understand the grief he feels for the loss of his son.
Então não a entendeis ou quão cruel é a vontade que a provoca.Then you don't understand it or how cruel the will that drives it.
"Daqui fala Garrison, quero ter certeza que entendem o que estão a pedir".This is Garrison. I want to make sure that you understand what you're asking, so say it out loud.
"Eles não te entendem"?"They don't understand you?"
"Já alguma vez pensou, Clarice, a razão porque os filisteus não a entendem?"Did you ever think, Clarice... "why the Philistines don't understand you?
"Não entendem que o que se opõe a si mesmo..."They do not understand that what opposes you
"Os americanos não entendem a ética da humanidade e justiça.""The Americans do not understand the ethics of humanity and justice.
"Eu já vi e entendi o teu país""I have seen and understood your country"
"Eu nunca o entendi, simplesmente não Entendo porque nunca o entendo de todo."I've never understood it. I just don't understand why I don't understand at all.
'Então, entendi.'Then, I understood.
- Apenas das partes que entendi.Did you like it? The parts I understood.
- Eu entendi a pergunta.-I understood the question.
"Nunca me entendeste." "És uma racista de 'tartes'."You never understood me. You're a pie racist."
- Deixa-me ouvir que entendeste, 77!- Let me hear you understood, 77!
- Eu acho que entendeste isso...- I think you understood that...
..só assim é que terás chá, entendeste?...onlythenwillyougettea, understood.
A verdade é que nunca entendeste o teu Pai.The truth is that you have never understood your father
"Ele entendeu naquele momento que esse não era um jogo de diversão."He understood instantly this wasn't a game he would play for his amusement.
"Isto serve como reconhecimento de que leu e entendeu o porquê de ser emitida esta repreensão por escrito."Unbelievable. "This serves as an acknowledgment "that you have read and understood why this written reprimand was issued."
"Pela primeira vez em sua vida..." "Ele realmente entendeu o significado da expressão:"For the first time in his life, he truly understood the expression:
- Acho que não me entendeu.- I don't think you understood me.
- Ela entendeu-me mal.She misunderstood me.
Depois de tantos anos de luta tu não entendestes nada.During all these years of struggle you have understood nothing.
Helen acho que não entendestes.Helen, I think you misunderstood.
Pelo menos entendestes isto!At least you understood that!
- Todos entenderam?- Everybody understood?
A decisão final dependerá do resultado da sonda, entenderam?The final decision will hinge on the outcome of the probe, is that understood?
Acho que as pessoas da fábrica me entenderam.But I don't think the people at the factory understood me.
Acho que eles entenderam.- They understood. And you, Paula?
Claro, se for no chão é porque é um velho, então diga, que eu entenderei.Of course, should he want to drag it because he's an old man, then let him say so, and I will understand.
O que decidir, eu entenderei.Whatever you decide, I will understand.
Se não é possivel, eu entenderei.If it is not possible, I will understand.
As coisas que faço, as escolhas que faço... tu provavelmente nunca entenderás.The things I do, choices I make... you probably never will understand.
Assim entenderás as minhas acções de hoje.So you will understand my actions today.
E visto que és incapaz de o fazer, sei que entenderás o motivo pelo qual não te iremos deixar entrar nesta casa outra vez.And since you are incapable of doing that, I'm sure you will understand why we will never allow you in this house again.
Mas também és advogado, e entenderás o motivo disto melhor do que a maioria.You're also a lawyer, and you will understand the why of this more than most.
Quando sentires que é a hora, lê, e entenderás porque te dei.When you feel the time is right, read it, and you will understand why I gave it to you.
"E quem me ama entenderá isso porque me ama."And the people that love me will understand why I'm doing it
A Adrianna entenderá.Adrianna will understand.
A Ragnhild entenderá.Ragnhild will understand.
A mãe entenderá.Your mother will understand.
A pequena "memsaab" entenderá.{C:$75BAFF}The little memsaab will understand.
Se sua última previsão estiver correta, então entenderemos o cérebro humano quase exatamente ao mesmo tempo que os computadores igualarem seu poder.If his latest prediction is right, then we will understand the human brain at almost exactly the same time as computers equal its power.
-Eles entenderão.Everyone will understand.
Apenas preciso de saber se os leitores mais velhos o entenderão.I just need to know if older readers will understand it.
Aqueles que se acham mais verdadeiros do que somos entenderão que a palavra do Senhor só tem uma legítima voz, os Borgias.Those who believe they are truer than we are will understand that the word of the Lord has one legitimate voice, the Borgias.
As pessoas entenderão como chegou a este ponto.People will understand how it's come to this.
E digo agora algo que entenderão: É um privilégio poder lutar!I say to you, and you will understand, that it is a privilege to fight !
"E ela entenderia se ele falasse do fundo de seu coração."She would understand if he spoke from his heart.
"Eu sabia que você entenderia."I knew, you alone would understand this.
- A Amanda entenderia.Amanda would understand. Is that right?
- Acho que qualquer pai entenderia. - Oh, tu achas.I think any parent would understand...
- Eu pensei que você, de todas as pessoas, entenderia.- I thought you, of all people, would understand.
- Não acho que entenderias...I don't believe you would understand.
- O verdadeiro Unificador entenderias que os humanos não têm valor.The true Uniter would understand that humans are worthless.
- Sabes, Sarah, pensei que de todos tu entenderias o que é não ter tempo para uma vida social.You know,sarah,I would think you above all people would understand just being too busy for a social life.
Acho que pensei que tu entenderias.I guess I figured you would understand.
Acreditei que tu de todas as pessoas entenderias.I thought you of all people would understand this.
Nos entenderíamos, teríamos algo em comum por uma vez.Maybe you would understand, we would have at least something in common.
Sim e por isso mesmo achei que nos entenderíamos.Yes. I thought we would understand each other.
Achei que tu, a Annie, mais que todos, entenderiam.I thought you, Annie, out of all people, would understand.
As autoridades entenderiam.The authorities would understand.
Certamente, eles entenderiam.Surely they would understand.
Provavelmente, as pessoas pensam isso é um pouco estranho, mas se eles sabiam por que eu estava fazendo isso, eles entenderiam.Probably people think this is a bit odd, but if they knew why I was doing it, they would understand.
Tenho a certeza de que eles entenderiam se faltasse ao trabalho, hoje.I'm sure they would understand if you don't go into work today.
"Caro Mr. Hansen, Eu tenho Tourettes... " e quero que o mundo entenda como é dificil."Dear Mr. Hansen, I have Tourettes and I want the world to understand what it's like.
"Diz-lhe á tua maneira, pode ser que o entenda melhor.""Tell her your way, maybe she'll understand better.
"Por isso, Sr. Agente, espero que entenda."So, officer, I hope you understand.
"Usar linguagem que o paciente entenda.Use language that the patient can understand.
"Vamos descer e confundir a língua deles, para que um não entenda a língua do outro.""Let us go down and confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech. "
- Espero que entendas, ok?- I hope you understand, all right?
- Espero que entendas.Hope you understand.
- Estou feliz que entendas.I'm glad you understand.
- Eu entendo. Espero que debaixo de toda essa mágoa e raiva, que um dia, tu também entendas.I understand, and I hope under all that hurt and anger, you will too someday.
- Eu quero que entendas que, quando lideras pessoas num lugar como este que as tuas acções e decisões, podem ter repercussões de longo alcance que podem afectar a vida de pessoas que tu nunca conheces-te antes.I want you to understand that when you lead people in a place like this that your actions and decisions can have long-ranging repercussions that can affect the lives of people you never even met before.
- Acho que sim. É muito importante que nos entendamos.It's very important the premier and I understand each other.
- Desde que nos entendamos...- So long as we understand each other.
Agora ouve com atenção. Isto não é um jogo, assim talvez nos entendamos de uma vez.Nowyou look here, this isn't a game, so let's understand each other.
Agora, para que nos entendamos... se tentarem alguma coisa de que não goste, os matarei.Now, just so we understand one another you make one move I don't like, and I'll kill you.
Alegra-me que nos entendamos.Glad we understand each other.
"É essencial que as pessoas da nação não entendam como o nosso sistema bancário e financeiro funcionam, pois senão teríamos uma revolta amanhã mesmo.""It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford, 1922"
- ...e quero que todos entendam...- and I want you to all understand it. - Excuse us.
- Com certeza. Mas, é necessário que entendam que eu não sou o meu marido, e que podem esperar mais de mim no cargo.- Absolutely, but I think it is critical that people understand I am not my husband, and that they can expect more of me in office.
- Desculpe nao. - Talvez nao entendam.Maybe they didn't understand it.
- Mas... Queremos que entendam as duas que o vosso pai e eu... ainda nos amamos.We need you both to understand that your father and I...
Maria, por favor, entendei.Mary, please understand.
Mas entendei, se Florença acolher os exércitos franceses, os exércitos Sforza poderão marchar ao lado da França.But understand that if Florence admits the French armies, then the Sforza arms may march with France.
Vede o vosso alvo, entendei aquilo a que quereis apontar... Não o deixeis voar só fisicamente.See your target, understand what you're aiming for, don't just physically let fly.
- Não está entendendo.- You're misunderstanding.
Acreditamos que temos que lidar com isso, lutar contra isso, de uma forma fundamental, entendendo que não são erros que foram executados e completados há 150 anos, mas são males que se fazem a CADA DIA.to come to grips with that, in a fundamental way, understanding that they are not wrongs, that were done and completed, a 150 years ago. They're wrongs, that are continued every single day.
Espero que o Meritíssimo não esteja ofendido, entendendo que os policias muitas vezes devem pôr a segurança pública à frente do interesse pessoal.I hope Your Honor is not offended, understanding that police officers are oftentimes required to put public safety ahead of personal interest.
Estás entendendo-me mal.You are misunderstanding me
Eu não tenho dúvida que os homens tendem para o seu benefício próprio, e mesmo entendendo que um homem que trai um amigo, ou um compromisso possa a estar a realizar uma accão razoável para alcançar os seus fins,l have no doubt that all men tend to act in their own personal interest, and while understanding that a man when betraying a friend or breaking a promise may be taking a reasonable course of action to attain his goals,
"É tarefa minha convencer-vos a não virar costas por não a entenderem.""It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don't understand it.
- Ajuda as crianças a entenderem... os sintomas das doenças.- It helps the kids understand symptoms for our health segment.
- Faz sentido. Historiadores medievais podem ter atribuído os poderes do aparelho a um manto, por não o entenderem e a sua descoberta a Artur, por deferência para com o rei no poder na altura.Medieval historians could well have attributed the powers of the device to a cloak, simply because they didn't understand it, and they could have credited its recovery to Arthur, out of deference to the king who was in power at the time.
- Obrigada por entenderem.Thank you for understanding.
-Não poderei fazer nada se as pessoas não entenderem o que digo.-There's nothing l can do, if people don't understand what l say.
* Canta se assim entenderes *♪ Sing it if you understand ♪
- Faz o que for preciso... para encontrar os corpos do Albert e do Erwin para entenderes que ela é uma assassina.- do you need to find Albert's and Erwin's dead bodies before you understand that she's a murderer.
- Obrigado por entenderes.- Thanks for understanding.
- Pondo em termos que é melhor entenderes, se não te separares, tens que te demitir.- To put it in terms you might better understand, If you don't split, you must quit.
-Sim. -Obrigada por entenderes. -Ok.- Thank you for understanding.
""Porque é a Harriet tão cabeluda?"", o guia completo para entendermos os nossos amigos travestis.Why is Harriet so Hairy? The definitive guide to understanding our transvestite friends.
"Porque é a Harriet tão cabeluda?", o guia completo para entendermos os nossos amigos travestis.Why is Harriet so Hairy? The definitive guide to understanding our transvestite friends.
- Fico feliz por isso. Assim podemos entendermos melhor.Good, then we understand each other anyway.
A Flicka vai ficar em casa do Toby por uns tempos, até nos entendermos.Flicka's gonna stay at Toby's place for a while... till you and I come to an understanding.
A sua filha é a pedra fundamental Para entendermos o que aconteceu com os 4400.Your daughter is the rosetta stone for understanding what happened to the 4400.

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