- Cine naiba le-ar pricepe? | Who the hell understands that stuff? |
- Că nu pricepe regulile terapiei de grup. | Only that he doesn't understand the rules of group therapy. |
- Dar nimeni nu pricepe. | None of us understand! |
- Nimeni nu poate pricepe asta. | -Nobody could understand this. |
- Nu pot pricepe. | - I can't understand. |
- Acum chiar nu mai pricep. | Now I truly do not understand. |
- Acum pricep. | - I understand now. |
- Asta nu pricep. | Here's what I'm not understanding. |
- Ba pricep. | - No, I understand. |
- Cred, pricep. | - I think I understand. |
"Mămico, te rog". Şi cred că tu i-ai spus: "Nu pricepi că nu ţi-o cumpăr? | I believe your exact words were, "What part of no do you not understand? |
- Chiar nu pricepi ? | You don't understand. |
- Chiar nu pricepi asta? | - Don't you understand that? |
- Da' mi trebuie 100% un amărît sigur, pricepi? | But I need a 100% certified loser, understand? |
- Doris, nu pricepi? | Doris, don't you understand? |
ADN-ul este aproape descifrat, dar noi pricepem doar cinci procente din informaţia pe care o posedă. | The DNA is almost deciphered, yet we only understand five percent of the information it carries. |
Am uitat cât de bine ne pricepem la asta. | I forgot how well We understand that. |
Când înţelegem structura acestei reţele de comunicaţii, începem să pricepem mai mult despre urzeala societăţii. | When we understand the structure of this communication net, we stand to grasp a good deal more about the fabric of society. |
De obicei eu şi şerifii ne înţelegem mult mai bine când, uh... când pricepem acest lucru imediat. | Marshals and I usually get along better when we understand that right away. |
Nici măcar nu pricepem cum se joacă jocul ăsta. | We don't even understand how this game is played. |
- Ai priceput? | - Is that understood? |
- Am întrebat: aţi priceput? | - I said is that understood? ! |
- Aţi priceput? | - Am I understood? |
- Da! Să ridice mâna cine-a priceput ceva. | - Hands up if you understood it ! |
Chiar nu pricepeți nimic? | Do you not understand? |
Voi pricepeți că explozia a avut loc în secolul 21 ? | Do you guys understand the explosion occurred in the 21st century? |