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Perceber (to understand) conjugation

116 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: realize, to notice, to realize

Conjugation of perceber

Present tense
I understand
you understand
he/she understands
we understand
you all understand
they understand
Present perfect tense
tenho percebido
I have understood
tens percebido
you have understood
tem percebido
he/she has understood
temos percebido
we have understood
tendes percebido
you all have understood
têm percebido
they have understood
Past preterite tense
I understood
you understood
he/she understood
we understood
you all understood
they understood
Future tense
I will understand
you will understand
he/she will understand
we will understand
you all will understand
they will understand
Conditional mood
I would understand
you would understand
he/she would understand
we would understand
you all would understand
they would understand
Past imperfect tense
I used to understand
you used to understand
he/she used to understand
we used to understand
you all used to understand
they used to understand
Past perfect tense
tinha percebido
I had understood
tinhas percebido
you had understood
tinha percebido
he/she had understood
tínhamos percebido
we had understood
tínheis percebido
you all had understood
tinham percebido
they had understood
Future perfect tense
terei percebido
I will have understood
terás percebido
you will have understood
terá percebido
he/she will have understood
teremos percebido
we will have understood
tereis percebido
you all will have understood
terão percebido
they will have understood
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha percebido
I have understood
tenhas percebido
you have understood
tenha percebido
he/she has understood
tenhamos percebido
we have understood
tenhais percebido
you all have understood
tenham percebido
they have understood
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have understood
(if/so that) you will have understood
(if/so that) he/she will have understood
(if/so that) we will have understood
(if/so that) you all will have understood
(if/so that) they will have understood
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver percebido
I will have understood
tiveres percebido
you will have understood
tiver percebido
he/she will have understood
tivermos percebido
we will have understood
tiverdes percebido
you all will have understood
tiverem percebido
they will have understood
Imperative mood
let's understand!
Imperative negative mood
não percebas
do not understand!
não perceba
let him/her/it not understand!
não percebamos
let us not understand!
não percebais
do not understand!
não percebam
do not understand!

Examples of perceber

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! - Porque precisas de perceber...Because you need to understand- Okay.
! - Tens de perceber...You must to understand!
"As verdades são fáceis de perceber"All truths are easy to understand
"Bem, é muito difícil para eu perceber"Well, it's very hard for me to understand
"Instruções na página 2." Começo a perceber os 600 dólares.Instructions on page two." I'm starting to understand the $600.
"Agora eu percebo".Uh, "now I understand".
"Ainda que me custe muito reconhecê-Io, "percebo-te agora melhor que nunca.Although it hurts me to admit it, l understand you more than ever.
"Apenas não percebo mais nada disto.I just don't understand any of it anymore.
"Libertá-la". Não... não percebo.- I don't understand.
"Não percebo nada disto, não percebo mesmo nada disto."I don't understand this, I don't understand it at all. Will you give it to her again?"
"A" fez com que eu e o Caleb acabássemos, percebes?This "A" broke me and Caleb up, do you understand?
"Acho que não percebes como funciona uma separação!""I don't think you understand how being broken up works!"
"Não percebes isto?"Notyoudo understandthat?
"Não quero chegar a lado nenhum. "Sou uma aventureira, "só que tu não me percebes porque não tens sentido de humor."I said I didn't care, I was just an adventuress but she wouldn't understand because she had no sense of humor.
# Fiz um acordo com o diabo não percebes? #I made a deal with the devil don't you understand?
"Ninguém percebe o que se passa."Nobody understands what's going on here.
- Agora ele percebe inglês.Yeah, now he understands english.
- Ah. então ele sempre percebe?Oh, he understands something.
- Ela não te percebe, Sayid.- She doesn't understand, Sayid. She understands me.
- Ela percebe chinês?She understands Chinese?
- Já percebemos a situação, ok?Listen, I think we understand the situation, okay? Do me a favor.
- Michael, nós percebemos porque é que...- Michael, we understand why you...
- Miss Morningside nós percebemos a importância que este concurso tem para si...- Miss Morningside we understand how important this beauty pageant--
- Nada. Sabemos que na América as pessoas pagam pelos seus cuidados de saúde, Mas acho que nós não percebemos...We know in America people pay for their healthcare, but I guess we don't understand that, 'cause we don't have to deal with that.
- Não percebemos.- Professor, we don't understand.
"A resposta, usando um termo geralmente percebido""the answer, to use a term generally understood"
"disse-lhe que tinha percebido e que nunca mais lhe metia medo.He told him that he understood. He would never scare him again.
- Deves ter percebido mal. - Claro.You must have misunderstood me.
- Devo ter percebido mal.I must've misunderstood.
Era melhor como antes! - Não percebeis nada! Agora é que amo melhor, que amo bem!You don't understand.
Não percebeis nada?Don't you understand anything?
Não percebeis o significado disso, mas tenho mais em comum com um cão, do que tenho convosco.You don't understand what that means, but... I have more in common with a dog than I have with you.
Não percebeis.You don't understand.
Não percebeis?Can't you understand?
"Alguns dos teus convidados não percebem que estás aí sentado a pensar" "em Física e a passar um bom bocado e parece que estás a sofrer."Some of your guests don't understand... that you're thinking about physics and having a wonderful time.
"Sei que não percebem porque tive que vir... mas volto brevemente.'I know you don't understand why I had to go, 'but I'll be back soon.
* As pessoas não percebem *== sync, corrected by elderman == ♪ 'cause people don't understand ♪
"Como você se lembrará, Spielrein foi o caso em que nos conhecemos, por essa razão, sempre a considerei com especial gratidão e afecto, até que percebi que ela sistematicamente planeava seduzir-me."As you will not doubt recall, Spielrein was the case that brought you and me together, for which reason I've always regarded her with special gratitude and affection... until I understood that she was systematically planning my seduction.
"Nunca percebi porque não fazes o mesmo."I've never understood why you don't do the same. Hank."
"Nunca trabalhei tanto na minha vida e percebi tão pouco."I've never worked so hard in my life and understood so little.
- Até hoje nunca percebi a expressão "uma criança numa loja de doces"I never understood the phrase "kid in a candy store" until today.
- Desculpe, acho que percebi mal.I think I misunderstood.
- Acho que não me percebeste.I don't think you understood me.
- Com o olhar, fazer sinal de que percebeste- With your eyes, you have to make her understand you've understood.
- Nunca percebeste?- You never understood?
- Não, Emily, percebeste mal.- just like at the bakery and-- - No, Emily, - you have misunderstood this whole situation.
- Não, não percebeste nadinha.- No, you haven't understood a thing.
"O Barão Safferstätt, que se apaixonara por mim, percebeu terrivelmente mal o que queria dizer!""Baron Safferstätt, burning with passion for me, had terribly misunderstood me!"
- Deve ser eliminada, percebeu?- She has to be put out of the way, understood?
- Disse à presidente sobre o envolvimento de Suvarov e ela percebeu que não tinha alternativa.I told the president about Suvarov's involvement, and, um... she understood- not that she has an alternative.
- E ninguém percebeu porquê.- And no one understood why.
- E pelo que percebeu, foi uma tentativa de comprar terrenos por meios fraudulentos, perto dos estádios que seriam construídos para os Jogos Olímpicos.And as you understood it, there was an attempt to buy land cheaply through fraudulent means near the stadiums that would be built for the Olympics.
- Eles perceberam o que se passou.They understood what went down.
Achas que eles perceberam?Think they understood?
Agora vamos lá ver se perceberam bem a lição!It's hightime we check, if everybody understood the lecture.
Ainda não perceberam!You haven't understood!
Assim que perceberam a gravidade da situação, alguns deles falaram.Once they understood the gravity of the situation, several of them spoke up.
Parecerei conhecido de todos e a ninguém suspeito. Sem dizer palavra, perceberei todas as línguas.I won't say a word, will understand every language.
- O meu filho perceberá.Oh, my son will understand.
Desculpe falar francamente, mas acha que um menino de 5 anos, perceberá o que se passa num casamento?Well, excuse me for speaking my mind, ma'am, but do you really think a five-year-old will understand the goings-on of an Episcopal wedding?
O Martin perceberá.- Oh, Martin will understand. Ha!
O juiz perceberá porque tu mentiste.And the judge will understand why you lied.
É, como percebereis, uma posição especial e privilegiada.It is,you will understand that, a special and privileged position.
Os americanos perceberão.The Americans will understand.
Achaste que eu perceberia?But you thought I would understand.
Disseram-me com toda a confiança que apenas ele perceberia a mensagem.I was told in sincere confidence that no one but he would understand this message.
E ele perceberia... O que tenho de fazer aqui.And he would understand what I have to do here.
Era o dia 212 e o nascer do sol passara há muito, mas achámos que o tenente perceberia.It was day 212, and sunrise had long since passed but we figured the LT would understand.
Menina Henry, se a minha mãe estivesse lúcida, ela perceberia.Ms Henry, if my mother were lucid, she would understand.
Achei que me perceberias.I thought you would understand me.
Achei que... de toda a gente, perceberias isto.I figured you, of all people, would understand that.
Não pensei que perceberias se visses tudo.I didn't think that you would understand if you saw the whole picture.
Se percebesses o ditado latino "Mors tua vita mea", perceberias porque o fiz.If you understood the Latin saying, "Mors tuavita mea" you would understand why I did it.
Se o rei e a rainha fossem inteligentes, perceberiam que o monstro fora do castelo vê tudo.Now if the king and the queen were smart, they would understand that the monster outside the castle sees all.
"A vida não faz sentido sem ti "e não há ninguém que me perceba.Life is nothing without you and there is no one who understands me.
"Talvez perceba porque é que quero assistir ao julgamento de Eichmann."You will perhaps understand why I want to attend Eichmann's trial.
- Achei que falar com alguém que perceba o que estou a passar só poderia ajudar-me.I figured talking to someone who understands what I'm going through can only help.
- Duvido que ele perceba palavrões.I doubt he understands curse words.
- Espero que perceba a minha falta de afeição, pelo nosso histórico recente, Delegado.I hope you understand if that doesn't strike me as the fondest notion, given our recent history, Marshal.
- Deixa-me explicar-te isto de forma a que percebas de vezIt wasn't me. Let me explain this to you in a way you might understand.
- E quero que percebas isso.-And I want you to understand that.
- Espero que percebas. - Estou a tentar perceber.I hope you understand Im trying to understand
- Espero que percebas.I hope you understand. Yeah.
- Não estou à espera que percebas,I don't expect you to understand, Bones, though. Yeah.
Diz que gosta muito de nós e que só precisa que nós percebamos que ele precisa de tempo.And that he loves us, and he just needs for us to understand that he needs time.
Embora nem sempre percebamos porque nos privam tão cedo da vida, ainda percebemos menos o que fazemos aqui, pedimos-Te que abençoes este serviço e esta família.- though we don't always understand why we are taken so soon from this life, dear Lord, much less why we were placed here to begin with, we ask you bless this service and this family.
Mas, por outro lado, é importante que percebamos todas as emoções em jogo.But it's important for us to understand all the emotions in this.
Quer percebamos isso ou não depende do nosso sentido de percepção, a nossa vontade de comunicar.Whether we understand that or not depends on our sense of perception, our willingness to communicate.
É indispensável que percebamos o que lhe diz.It's crucial we understand what you're saying.
Quer que percebais que esta troca de prisioneiros é oferecida de boa fé.He wants you to understand that this exchange of prisoners is offered in good faith. Good faith?
Quero que percebais porque vos deixei.I want you to understand why I left you.
Talvez não percebais, estou a tratar do assunto mais importante do Rei.Perhaps you don't understand. I am about the King's most urgent business.
"O realizador tem medo que as pessoas não vos percebam."- Oh, certainly not. - "The director's just a little bit worried that maybe people can't understand what you're saying."
"Para que os nossos descendentes percebam bem "o que temos sofrido como nação, "precisamos de documentos normais, cartas e diários.If our descendants are to understand fully, what we as a nation have had to endure, then what we really need are ordinary documents, letters and diaries.
- "Faz com que percebam".Oh, make them understand.
- Então faz com que percebam.So make them understand.
- Só quero que percebam.- I just want you to understand...
# agora acabou # # e estás um dia mais velha # # percebendo que o teu coração está mais frio # # vai ter com ele #♪ now it's over ♪ ♪ and you're one day older ♪ ♪ understanding that your heart is colder ♪
Meu pai percebendo que a virilidade se acercava... começou a me ensinar a usar a espada.My father, understanding that manhood was nearly upon me, began to teach me how to use my sword.
Não podemos continuar as duas assim, eu não percebendo uma palavra do que quer dizer...Let's the two of us stop being I guess with me ... I'm not understanding a word you're saying, you understand ...
Quero dizer, apareceu-te gradualmente ou acordaste uma manhã, percebendo de repente os mistérios do universo?- The knowing. I mean, did it come upon you gradually, or did you wake up one morning, suddenly understanding the mysteries of the universe?
- Digo-te o que farei. Falo com os das limusines para te darem mais um tempo. Explico-lhes bem a situaçäo para eles perceberem.I'll meet these limo guys, tell 'em to leave you alone in a way they'll understand.
- Reclamação anónima que fazes por teres medo, e que se descobrirem, vão tratar-te como lixo ao contrário de perceberem ou tentar perceber que não foi uma coisa insignificante que fizeste porque quebraram-te o coração.It was an anon... An anonymous complaint, which you file because you're afraid if people find out it was you, they'd treat you like crap instead of understanding or even trying to understand that it wasn't some frivolous thing you did
A esperança é, que o tempo que os dois passaram aqui... Tenha vos ajudado a perceberem o que fizeram.The hope is, the time you two spent in here has helped you understand just what you've done.
A mãe disse-me que mentiu quando lhe perguntaram da Abby, mas se eles perceberem que estava só a tentar proteger a reputação do pai...Mom told me she lied when they asked her about Abby, but if they understand she was just trying to protect dad's reputation...
Acho que o mais importante, que os potenciais investidores devem perceberem é que a prevenção de fraudes e a detecção de fraudes estão ambas a melhorar rapidamente, e os seguros são uma industria de 4 triliõesI think the most important thing for potential investors to understand is that fraud prevention and fraud detection are both improving rapidly, and insurance is a $4 trillion industry.
"Bem, se recusas a perceberes o que estou a dizer, então o que posso dizer?"Well, you refuse to understand what I'm saying, so what can I say?
"Matar", dá para perceberes?What part of "dead" don't you understand?
- Então liga-me quando perceberes.Well, why don't you call me back when you do understand what l'm talking about.
- Estou a falar de tu perceberes o álcool um pouco melhor.I'm talking about you understanding alcohol just a little bit better.
- Garanto-te, Nick, que quando perceberes o que estou a fazer, verás que estou muito lúcido.- I assure you, Nick, once you understand what I am doing, you will see that I am very, very sane.
- Para o percebermos melhor.- So we understand him better.
- Se não percebermos, como vamos superar?If you don't understand it, how do you expect to beat it?
Ainda assim, ate nós percebermos o que se está a passar, preferia jogar pelo seguro.But until we have a better understanding of what's going on, l'd prefer to err on the side of caution.
Aqui na Universidade de Göttingen, ainda o podemos ler, se percebermos latim.Here at the University of Gottingen, you can still read it if you can understand Latin.
Até percebermos esse papel, não o vamos encontrar.Until we understand what the role is, we're not gonna find him.

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