Goiz ibili dira. | [ Woman ] They were quick. |
- Erretzen ibili zarete. | - You've been smoking. |
- Beraz, lanpetuta ibili zara han? | - So, you've been busy, then? - Yeah. |
Nola ibili zara zu? | How about you? |
Batzuetan kontuz ibili behar da Kororekin. Bere aho handiak berarengandik urrundu ahal gaitu. | Gotta watch that Koro sometimes. |
Gizontzar lerro luze bat ibiltzen du, heltzen da gizon txikitxo batengana lerroaren azkenean... eta esaten dio: "Nor zara zu?" | You know, and he goes down a long line of very big men and he gets to a little man in the back and he says, "Who the hell are you? |
Gizontzar lerro luze bat ibiltzen du, heltzen da gizon txikitxo batengana lerroaren azkenean... eta esaten dio: | There's a foreman of a logging camp, he's trying to hire a crew. |
Hemen mundu guztia itsasuntzian ibiltzen da? | Everyone here works in boats? |
Ez dakite txirringan ibiltzen ere! | They can't even ride a bike. |
Mutil horiek ez dakite ibiltzen, istilua besterik ez dute egiten. | Those kids don't know how to behave. They're just raising hell. |
Ez naiz itzulinguruka ibiliko. | We won't mince words. |
Linusengana itzuli nitzen, eta esan nuen "Haizu, noizbait pentsatu duzu" "egunen baten hemen ibiliko zinela, eta Linux" "CNBC-ko gaia izango zela?". | I turned to Linus and I said "Gee, did you ever think, you know, you'd walk in here some day and Linux would be THE theme on CNBC?". and Linus said in his joking way said "Oh Absolutely!". |
Kontuz ibiliko zara? | You will be careful? |
Ez dituzu zamatzen ibiliko, edo bai? | Them are not going to go charging, or Yes? |
- Ez da ibiliko. | - It'll never work. |
Goazen, ibil zaitezte, igo zazue. | Come on, come on, come on, get on! |
Goazen, ibil zaitez. | Go, go. |
Gizaki aske bat naiz, ibil askatasunarekin, zeina orain erabiltzen dut zu uzteko. | I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you. |
Ongi ibil zaitezke. | You can run well. |
Aurpegia guztiz altxata ibil zaitezke. | Hold your head up high. |