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Berjalan (to walk) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berjalan

Present tense
I walk
Past tense
sudah berjalan
I walked
Present perfect tense
sudah berjalan
I have walked
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berjalan
I will have walked
Future recent tense
berjalan nanti
I will walk
Future distant tense
berjalan kelak
I am going to walk
Present continuous tense
sedang berjalan
I walk
Past distant tense
dulu berjalan
I (a long time ago) walked
Past recent tense
berjalan tadi
I (recently) walked
Past very recent tense
baru saja berjalan
I (just now) walked

Examples of berjalan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Mengapa harus berkendara 5 jam, lalu berjalan 2 jam lagi kemari?So why drive for 5 hours, walk for another 2 hours and come here?
Dia berjalan di bidang yang dengan senapan dimuat!He walked on that field with a loaded shotgun!
Tapi George ... sementara aku melakukan yang terbaik Itu tidak berjalan menyenangkan saja.But George... while I'm doing my best it's no fun walking alone.
Beraninya kau berjalan pergi!How dare you walk away!
Mungkin akan ada wartawan saat aku berjalan di koridor.Pictures of me might be taken when I walk in the corridor.

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