ell inspeccionava el botí: caminava al voltant de la bestiola; la flairava des d'una distancia confortable; tornava a caminar-li al voltant; es feia més gosat, i la flairava de més a prop; després aixeca el morro, i pega una cautelosa urpada, sense arribar a encertar; en pega una altra, i una altra; comença de fruir el divertiment; s'ensorra fins a l'estómac amb l'escarabat entre les seves urpes, i continua sos experiments; se'n fadiga al capdavall i romangué indiferent i distret. | He surveyed the prize; walked around it; smelt at it from a safe distance; walked around it again; grew bolder, and took a closer smell; then lifted his lip and made a gingerly snatch at it, just missing it; made another, and another; began to enjoy the diversion; subsided to his stomach with the beetle between his paws, and continued his experiments; grew weary at last, and then indifferent and absent-minded. |
-Oh! Tenen una vida escometedora: prenen vaixells, i els calen foc, i agafen els diners i els enterren en indrets paorosos de llur illa, on hi ha fantasmes i coses a vigilar, i maten a tothom en els vaixells: els fan caminar per un tauló. | Tom said: "Oh, they have just a bully time--take ships and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there's ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make 'em walk a plank." |
Fa tres o quatre dies que moc els puntals, ara; pero no puc caminar més d'una milla, Tom: o, si més no, aquest és el meu parer. | I ben on my pins a little, three or four days, now, but I can't walk more'n a mile, Tom--least I don't think I could." |
Martin Luther King va iniciar una campanya de boicot contra els autobusus per protestar contra la discriminació i va instar els seus compatriotes americans a caminar en comptes d'agafar l'autobús. | Martin Luther King launched a bus boycott campaign to protest against the discrimination and urged his fellow Americans to walk instead of taking a bus for work. |
Pensen que el nostre país és bonic i segur, i que per tant, poden fer tot el que vulguen, que poden dur biquinis i caminar per tot arreu... Poden estar segurs portant biquinis... encara que no siguen atractius? | They think our country is beautiful and is safe so they can do whatever they want, they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere...Can they be safe in bikinis... unless they are not beautiful? |
Encara que camino per la vall de l'ombra i la mort. | Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, |
*Estaré satisfet com sempre quan camino.* | ♪ I'll be satisfied as long as I walk ♪ |
- Com camines en silenci, Shep? | - How do you walk quiet, Shep? |
Cada dia camines amb passos més forts, camines amb passos més llargs. | Every day you walk with stronger step You walk with longer step The worst is over |
Tinc això, ja saps, en els peus quan camines massa. | I have these, you know, on your feet when you walk too far. |
Aquesta veu, aquestes dents,... ... aquestes grans orelles, aquesta olor embafadora... Aquests ulls, aquestes mans, aquesta forma de mantenir... ... la sota-roba al lloc sense fer servir les mans quan camina. | That voice, those teeth... ...these big ears, thatstrong odor... ...these eyes, those hands... ...that way of rearranging his underwear without using his hands as he walks. |
Simplement camina fins a el despatx de la seva cap, i diu, "Acabo de tenir un nét." | He just walks into his boss's office, and says, "I just had a grandson. |
I camina de manera bella i tranquil·la com la nit. | And walks in quiet beauty like the night. |
Aquesta veu, aquestes dents, aquestes grans orelles, aquesta olor embafadora... Aquests ulls, aquestes mans, aquesta forma de mantenir la sota-roba al lloc sense fer servir les mans quan camina. | That voice, those teeth these big ears, thatstrong odor these eyes, those hands that way of rearranging his underwear without using his hands as he walks. |
Per tant... Ella arriba a casa... ..obra la porta... ..i camina per el passadís... ..camina cap a dintre, i llavors... ..bam, l'hi dispara just aquí. | So... she comes home... and she opens the door... and she walks in the hallway... she walks down, and then... bam, he shoots her right here. |
Després d'haver escrit la història de la meva vida en aquest bloc, he vist que he caminat tant. | After writing my life story in this blog, I’ve found that I’ve walked so far. |
Tot i així, costa més veure com es destrueixen edificis que recordes, carrers pels que has caminat i paisatges que t'estimaves. És clar, les vides dels milers de persones mortes a la guerra del Iemen són més importants. | Yet, when the places destroyed are buildings you remember, streets you walked down and sights you loved, the pill is harder to swallow...Of course, the lives of the thousands killed in Yemen's war are more important. |
Podries haver caminat davant meu. I mai ho hauria sabut. | You could have walked right past me, and I never would have known. |
He caminat per universos on les lleis físiques estaven confeccionades per la ment d'un home pervers. | I've walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. |
Ha acabat els seus cereals, Ha caminat fins a la farmacia, | He finished his cereal, walked to the pharmacy, |
El de no escampo els vostres cervells pel desert? Feu-ho de la manera antiga i camineu. | I don't scatter your brains all over the desert? ¿Comprende? Do it the old-fashioned way and walk. |
Aquesta erupció fa que camineu molt més lent del normal. | That fleabite's got you walking a lot slower than you used to. |
Però si camineu entre ells, podria renéixer el seu coratge. | But if you were to walk among them, it would renew their courage. |
@WillOuda: Els brunzits pràcticament "caminen" per la sala d'estar... tan forts i sorollosos per sobre el cap #Gaza. | @WillOuda: The drones are practically "walking" in the living room ....so loud and noisy over head. #Gaza |
Que caminen com a pensionistes pel bulevard Erkindik, i que els més joves formen una filera per fer-se selfies amb ells. | That they will walk as pensioners down Erkindik boulevard, and the younger generation will form a queue to take selfies with them. |
Els que caminen... en la foscor... han de veure la llum. | The people who walk... in the darkness... have seen the light! |
Els que caminen en la foscor han de veure la llum. | Those who walk in the darkness have seen the light. |
Però si creus que seria massa incòmode per mi treballar aquí baix, només digues "No puc contractar-te", i caminaré per aquella porta i mai més ho diré. | But if you think it would be too uncomfortable for me to work down here, just say, "I can't hire you," and I will walk out that door and never bring it up again. I can't hire you. |
Sí, caminava vora l'aigua i es veu que parlava sola. | She was walking down the waterfront, talking to herself. |
Hinckus caminava cap el hall. | Hinckus was walking along the hall. |
Sí, caminava pel carrer i... | Yeah, I was walking down the street and I remember... |
Dona, 45 kg, calçava un 38, peus plans... ..caminava sola quant va ser assaltada per dos homes. | Female, 90-95 pounds, size 6 shoe, fallen arches, she was walking alone when she was ambushed by two men. |
Hi havia neu a terra i ell caminava cap a mi a través de la neu, així que les seves passes no feien soroll. | There was snow on the ground and he was walking towards me through the snow, so his footsteps made no sound. |
Camini, camini. | I'm walking. |
"Tot i que camini per la vall de l'ombra de la mort, no tindré por de cap mal, perquè Tu ets amb mi. | Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I will fear no evil... for thou art with me. |
La Margaery Tyrell que camini cap al septe d'aquí quinze dies inspirarà mil cançons. | The Margaery Tyrell who walks into the sept a fortnight from now will inspire 1,000 songs. |
Encara que caminis, vegis o et netegis el pompis, sempre és lleig. | I don't care if you can walk, see, wipe your own ass. It's always ugly. |
Que mai seré feliç amb una altra persona mentres tu caminis sobre la Terra. | It's because of something Tom said. That I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walked the earth. |
Però mentre caminis, has de contemplar el que és perdre una oportunitat quan se'ns dóna. | But as you walk, you might contemplate what it is to waste a chance when it is given. |
Tu mantingues la calma i no caminis a més de 50km/h. | Just stay calm and don't walk faster than 30 miles an hour. |
Aquest vespre, hi ha un documental sobre els animalsd’Àfrica.– T’imagines, Amélie, tots aquests elefants i girafes caminant en llibertat pertot arreu? Àfrica deu ser enorme! | Tonight, there's a documentary about animals in Africa. –Imagine, Amélie, all those elephants and giraffes just walking around free allover the place… Africa must be a really big place… |
Arribat a l'Azerbaidjan solia somniar la casa i em veia caminant per les ruïnes del meu poble. | After arriving in Azerbaijan I used to dream about our house and walking in the ruins of our village. |
El caça torna a disparar i el meu amic i jo decidim que és una mala idea seguir caminant cap a la protesta. | The jet empties its load again, so my friend and I decide that it is stupid to continue walking towards the protest. |
- És igual que anar caminant. | - It's only half walking, anyway - Oh, well. |
Et creus molt llest, Eh?. Segueix caminant ... | Don't be a smart-alleck Keep walking... |