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Promener (to walk) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of promener

Present tense
je promène
I walk
tu promènes
you walk
il/elle/on promène
he/she/it walks
nous promenons
we walk
vous promenez
you all walk
ils/elles promènent
they walk
Present perfect tense
j’ai promené
I walked
tu as promené
you walked
il/elle/on a promené
he/she/it walked
nous avons promené
we walked
vous avez promené
you all walked
ils/elles ont promené
they walked
Past impf. tense
je promenais
I was walking
tu promenais
you were walking
il/elle/on promenait
he/she/it was walking
nous promenions
we were walking
vous promeniez
you all were walking
ils/elles promenaient
they were walking
Future tense
je promènerai
I will walk
tu promèneras
you will walk
il/elle/on promènera
he/she/it will walk
nous promènerons
we will walk
vous promènerez
you all will walk
ils/elles promèneront
they will walk
Past perfect tense
j’avais promené
I had walked
tu avais promené
you had walked
il/elle/on avait promené
he/she/it had walked
nous avions promené
we had walked
vous aviez promené
you all had walked
ils/elles avaient promené
they had walked
Past preterite tense
je promenai
I walked
tu promenas
you walked
il/elle/on promena
he/she/it walked
nous promenâmes
we walked
vous promenâtes
you all walked
ils/elles promenèrent
they walked
Past anterior tense
j’eus promené
I had walked
tu eus promené
you had walked
il/elle/on eut promené
he/she/it had walked
nous eûmes promené
we had walked
vous eûtes promené
you all had walked
ils/elles eurent promené
they had walked
Future perfect tense
j’aurai promené
I will have walked
tu auras promené
you will have walked
il/elle/on aura promené
he/she/it will have walked
nous aurons promené
we will have walked
vous aurez promené
you all will have walked
ils/elles auront promené
they will have walked
Present subjunctive tense
que je promène
that I walk
que tu promènes
that you walk
qu’il/elle/on promène
that he/she/it walk
que nous promenions
that we walk
que vous promeniez
that you all walk
qu’ils/elles promènent
that they walk
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie promené
that I have walked
que tu aies promené
that you have walked
qu’il/elle/on ait promené
that he/she/it have walked
que nous ayons promené
that we have walked
que vous ayez promené
that you all have walked
qu’ils/elles aient promené
that they have walked
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je promenasse
that I would walk
que tu promenasses
that you would walk
qu’il/elle/on promenât
that he/she/it would walk
que nous promenassions
that we would walk
que vous promenassiez
that you all would walk
qu’ils/elles promenassent
that they would walk
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse promené
that I had walked
que tu eusses promené
that you had walked
qu’il/elle/on eût promené
that he/she/it had walked
que nous eussions promené
that we had walked
que vous eussiez promené
that you all had walked
qu’ils/elles eussent promené
that they had walked
Conditional mood
je promènerais
I would walk
tu promènerais
you would walk
il/elle/on promènerait
he/she/it would walk
nous promènerions
we would walk
vous promèneriez
you all would walk
ils/elles promèneraient
they would walk
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais promené
I would have walked
tu aurais promené
you would have walked
il/elle/on aurait promené
he/she/it would have walked
nous aurions promené
we would have walked
vous auriez promené
you all would have walked
ils/elles auraient promené
they would have walked
Imperative mood
let's walk!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie promené
have walked
ayons promené
let's have walked
ayez promené
have walked

Examples of promener

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"A la claire fontaine m'en allant promener""In the clear fountain. walk my way"
"Défense de promener les chiens !"'Dogs walking not allowed! '
"J'ai hâte de me promener de nouveau dans les forêts de pins.I can't wait to walk through those old piney woods again.
"Je suis allé me promener avec Yvette, l'amie dont je t'ai parlé."I went for a walk with Yvette, the friend I told you about. "
"Je vais le promener."I'll take him for a walk.
"Ah, j'ai encore promené son cheval aujourd'hui."Ha, walked a horse again today.
"Le jeudi, M. John Brown s'est promené dans les collines,"On Thursday, Mr John Brown walked on the slopes,
- Oui. Tu as promené le chien ? - OK, je vais noter.Uh, yeah, so have you walked the dog lately?
- Tu t'es promené dans le noir avec les rats et les serpents et les toiles d'araignées.You walked around In the dark with rats and snakes And spiderwebs.
-Je me suis promené.-I walked.
"Je marche dans la verdure Je me promène sans butTo walk slowly through the green and let thoughts wander
"Prends un chien, ne prends pas de chien, je ne le promène pas, je ne le nourris pas, je ne le soigne pas.""Get a dog, don't get a dog, I'm not walking it, I'm not feeding it, I'm not picking up after it."
"Qui promène qui ?" en est une que j'apprécie particulièrement."Hey, who's walking who?" is one I particularly enjoy.
"car votre adversaire, le diable, se promène comme un lion qui cherche quelqu'un à dévorer.""because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a lion, seeking whom to devour."
- Alors, on se promène?- You been taking a walk, boy?
"promenez-vous, allez discuter avec vos amis.""walk around, cavorting with your friends."
- Vous vous promenez ?- Out for a walk?
- Vous vous promenez avec ?- You walk around with it?
-Vous vous promenez seule ?-Are you walking around all by yourself, miss?
"Belle inconnue, rousse, combinaison verte, promenant chiens à Washington Square Park.""Beautiful stranger, red hair, green jump suit, walking dogs in Washington Square Park."
"Une femme promenant son chien a vu le sofa"A woman walking her dog spotted the bloody sofa
- C'est mieux que Lex se promenant avec une télécommande pour Robot-Clark.It's better than Lex walking around with a remote control to a Clark-bot.
- Ce matin en me promenant sur les bords de la Loire, j'ai vu un petit mulot. - Je vous écoute.This morning, walking on the Loire River side I saw a small field mouse.
Alors que diable faisait-il ici, se promenant avec une arme à feu, menaçant de se suicider ?Then what the hell was he doing walking around with a gun, threatening to kill himself?

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