- Ez du gosaldu? | - Isn't he having any breakfast? |
Bat gauean, eta bat goizean, gosaldu ondoren. | One in the evening, and one in the morning, after meals. |
Baina esnatu denez, goazen, gosaldu beharra dugu eta. | But she's up, so let's go. Get some breakfast. |
Esan dudana da lehenik gosaldu egin beharko zenukela. | I said you must eat breakfast first. |
Ni gosaltzen nengoen, kafe bat nahi zuen galdetu diot. | She was going in, and I offered her a coffee. |
Istripu bat, heriotz ergel bat... gaileta bategaitik itota gosaltzen ari zela. | An accident, it was terrible. He choked on a biscuit during breakfast. |
Goazen hemendik edo hespetxean gosaltzen amaituko duzu. | - It is better than free coffee in prison. |
Gero gosaltzen egongo dira. | Later, they'll be having breakfast. |
- Zer gosaltzen zenuen? | - What did you have for lunch? |