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Plimba (to walk) conjugation

51 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: mosey, wander, go, stroll

Conjugation of plimba

Present tense
I walk
you walk
he/she/it walks
we walk
you all walk
they walk
Present perfect tense
am plimbat
I have walked
ai plimbat
you have walked
a plimbat
he/she/it has walked
am plimbat
we have walked
ați plimbat
you all have walked
au plimbat
they have walked
Past preterite tense
I walked
you walked
he/she/it walked
we walked
you all walked
they walked
Future tense
voi plimba
I will walk
vei plimba
you will walk
va plimba
he/she/it will walk
vom plimba
we will walk
veți plimba
you all will walk
vor plimba
they will walk
Conditional mood
aș plimba
I would walk
ai plimba
you would walk
ar plimba
he/she/it would walk
am plimba
we would walk
ați plimba
you all would walk
ar plimba
they would walk
Subjunctive present tense
să plimb
(so that/if) I walk
să plimbi
(so that/if) you walk
să plimbe
(so that/if) he/she/it walk
să plimbăm
(so that/if) we walk
să plimbați
(so that/if) you all walk
să plimbe
(so that/if) they walk
Subjunctive past tense
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) I have walked
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) you have walked
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) he/she/it have walked
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) we have walked
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) you all have walked
să fi plimbat
(so that/if) they have walked
Past impf. tense
I was walking
you were walking
he/she/it was walking
we were walking
you all were walking
they were walking
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu plimba
do not walk!
nu plimbați
do not walk!
Past pluperfect tense
I had walked
you had walked
he/she/it had walked
we had walked
you all had walked
they had walked
Future alternative 1 tense
am să plimb
I am going to walk
ai să plimbi
you are going to walk
are să plimbe
he/she/it is going to walk
avem să plimbăm
we are going to walk
aveți să plimbați
you all are going to walk
au să plimbe
they are going to walk
Future alternative 2 tense
o să plimb
I am going to walk
o să plimbi
you are going to walk
o să plimbe
he/she/it is going to walk
o să plimbăm
we are going to walk
o să plimbați
you all are going to walk
o să plimbe
they are going to walk
Future perfect tense
voi fi plimbat
I will have walked
vei fi plimbat
you will have walked
va fi plimbat
he/she/it will have walked
vom fi plimbat
we will have walked
veți fi plimbat
you all will have walked
vor fi plimbat
they will have walked
Future in the past tense
aveam să plimb
I was going to walk
aveai să plimbi
you were going to walk
avea să plimbe
he/she/it was going to walk
aveam să plimbăm
we were going to walk
aveați să plimbați
you all were going to walk
aveau să plimbe
they were going to walk
Conditional past tense
aș fi plimbat
I would have walked
ai fi plimbat
you would have walked
ar fi plimbat
he/she/it would have walked
am fi plimbat
we would have walked
ați fi plimbat
you all would have walked
ar fi plimbat
they would have walked
Presumptive tense
oi plimba
I might walk
oi plimba
you might walk
o plimba
he/she/it might walk
om plimba
we might walk
oți plimba
you all might walk
or plimba
they might walk
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi plimbând
I might be walking
oi fi plimbând
you might be walking
o fi plimbând
he/she/it might be walking
om fi plimbând
we might be walking
oți fi plimbând
you all might be walking
or fi plimbând
they might be walking
Presumptive past tense
oi fi plimbat
I might have walked
oi fi plimbat
you might have walked
o fi plimbat
he/she/it might have walked
om fi plimbat
we might have walked
oți fi plimbat
you all might have walked
or fi plimbat
they might have walked

Examples of plimba

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"...si într-o zi când printesa se plimba prin grădinile regale..." "...a observat un frumos trandafir rosu de care nu-si amintea să-l fi văzut înainte""And one day, when the little princess was walking in the royal gardens she noticed a lovely pink rose which she could not remember having seen before.
"Bucătarul poate plimba vaca printr-o cameră încălzită.""The chef can just walk the cow through a warm room."
"Cine mă va plimba?" "Cine mă va hrăni?""Who's going to walk me? Who's going to feed me?"
"Dacă vremea va fi frumoasă vă veţi putea plimba.""If the weather is fine, you might care to walk it.
"Dificultatea de a traversa câmpul" era povestea unui fermier din Alabama care într-o zi se plimba pe un câmp, când a dispărut."The Difficulty of Crossing a Field" was about an Alabama farmer who one day was taking a walk across the field when he just disappeared.
"Am să mă plimb trist gândindu-mă la ea"I'm gonna walk around sad, thinking about her
"Am să plec să mă plimb pe plajă.""l'll take a walk along the beach"
"Când mă plimb cu tine"# When I'm walking out with you
"De ce mă plimb prin oraş, când eu locuiesc în Brooklyn?""Why am I walking around the city when I live in Brooklyn?"
"Eu o să te ţin de picioare. Şi o să alunec înăuntru iar apoi o să te plimb primprejur."And I'll slide in and then I'll walk you round."
"Când te plimbi într-un vis, dar ştii că nu visezi..."♪ When you walk in a dream ♪ But you know you're not dreaming... ♪
"De ce te plimbi pe întuneric?"Why are you walking around in the dark? Go turn on the lights."
"Frumoasă roşcată... care plimbi câini în Washington Square Park. ""Beautiful stranger, red hair, green jump suit, walking dogs in Washington Square Park."
"Il plimbi si ciupesti un rinocer.""You walk him and pitch to the rhino."
"Pentru că atunci când te plimbi prin foc,"For when you walk through fire,
"Johnny Chase se plimbă pe lângă portul Hewlett" "cu aceiaşi ochi care au condus Gokstad-ul" "din serialul 'Viking Quest.""Johnny Chase walks around Hewlett harbor with the same vacant eyes that manned the decks of the gokstad in the short-lived, highly glofied 'Viking Quest.'"
"Se plimbă la rând ore bune."He just goes for, I don't know, likes his long walks."
- Cine îl plimbă ?- Who walks him?
- Se plimbă des.- She walks a lot.
- Uşor ? Ea îmi zice cum se plimbă cu copilul altuia în pântec ?She tells me how she walks around with another man's baby inside of her!
"Aşa cum ne plimbăm împreună. ""As we walk together."
"Îmi place că se holbează când ne plimbăm braţ la braţ.""I enjoy their stares, walking arm in arm together."
"Ştiu că drumurile noastre se vor despărţi, dar hai să ne mai plimbăm putin."I know our paths part ahead but let's walk along some more
- Ai timp să ne plimbăm puţin?You got a minute to take a walk?
- Am putea să ne plimbăm puţin?- Could we maybe go for a walk?
"Asta-i tot, doar v-ati plimbat pe plaja!"It's all, just walked on the beach!
"Dacă suntem uniți și ne-am plimbat împreună""If we are united and we walked together"
"De cand ne-am plimbat mâna în mâna."♪ Since we walked hand in hand. ♪
"Joi, D-l. John Brown s-a plimbat pe dealuri,"On Thursday, Mr John Brown walked on the slopes,
"Ne-am plimbat prin Central Park şi am discutat multe lucruri. ""We walked around in Central Park and talked about lots of things. "
Vrem doar sã vã plimbați cu noi prin ceea ce sa întâmplat.We just want you to walk us through what happened.
- Astăzi mă plimbam pe lângă râu şi... - Nu.- I was walking along the river today and--
- Ieri mă plimbam printre merii lui Chuck. Dacă mergi exact pe costişă, după ce reuşeşti să ocoleşti garajul lui Ben, dai cu privirea de casa ta dinspre partea cu prăpastia.Yesterday l was walking in Chuck's apple trees lf you go right up to the edge of the cliff you just manage to peer round Ben's garage and you get a view of your house from the side facing the gorge
- Ma plimbam.- I was walking.
- Oarecum. Mă plimbam spre centru într-o seară, iar tipa asta super sexy a dat peste mine, şi mi-a observat tricoul.I was walking downtown one night, and this super hot chick, she runs up to me, and she notices my shirt.
- Îmi plimbam câinele.I hate swimming. - I was walking my dog.
Am auzit că te plimbai cu Sam alaltăieri seară, Denise.I heard that you were walking out with Sam the other night, Denise.
Ce s-a întâmplat când plimbai câinele?I... What happened when you were walking the dog?
M-ai lăsat să cred că plimbai câinele.You let me believe you were walking the dog.
Vreau sa stiu de ce te plimbai la stadion in momentul acela.I want to know why you were walking by the stadium at that minute.
am fost când te plimbai prin cartierul ei.I was when you were walking in her neighbourhood.
Cel mai incredibil lucru este faptul ca in acele corpuri de rigips se afla oameni adevarati care se plimbau prin oras, apoi alergau pentru vietiile lor, iar apoi au murit aici.The amazing thing is, inside those plaster casts are real people who were walking around in Pompeii, then running for their lives, and then died here.
Cred că ei se plimbau pe aici noaptea trecută, să vadă împrejurimile, poate,I'm thinking they were walking down here last night to get a view of the skyline, maybe.
Da, asta e cartea cu care se plimbau unii dintre locuitori.Yeah it's the book that some of the villagers were walking around with.
Heisenberg şi Bohr se plimbau pe un drum de ţară prin DanemarcaHeisenberg and Borg were walking in the Danish countryside... talking about physics.
Oamenii se plimbau printre ele, alegeau dintre ele de parcă era un fel de vânzare la stradă.People were walking by, picking through them like it was some kind of yard sale.
Am cunoscut mult mai multe tipe plimbând câinele ăla.I met more chicks walking that dog.
Am văzut un băiat fără un braţ plimbând un câine cu 3 picioare.I saw a one-armed boy walking a three-legged dog.
Blonde plimbând.Blondes walking around.
Nu, a venit să vadă doi homo bătrâni plimbând căţelul.No, he came to see two old queens walking a dog.
Probabil au văzut-o plimbând câinele.They've probably seen her walking the dog.

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