No dubtaré a ferir-te per salvar el nostre planeta. | I won't hesitate to injure you to save you and our planet! |
Hem de tindre en compte en cada moment que ens poden ofendre o ferir. | We could get insulted or injured any time. |
Només perquè no et puguen ferir | Just because you can't be injured |
No vas poder ajudar-lo, quan el van ferir. | You couldn't help it Martin was injured. |
Ningú podia ferir el fill preferit d'Odin. | Nothing could injure Odin's favourite son. |
Aminath Shifleen, un periodista del diari Haveeru Daily, va ser ferit mentre cobria la protesta. | Aminath Shifleen, a journalist at Haveeru Daily, was injured while covering the protest. |
A la mateixa ciutat es va llançar una granada a la casa del candidat del partit Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) Zulfiqar Afghani's, però afortunadament ningú no va resultar ferit. | In the same city, a grenade was thrown at a Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarian (PPPP) candidate Zulfiqar Afghani's house, luckily no one was injured. |
Van aconseguir un cotxe per fugir, que no se sap si els estava esperant, i Martin va morir en el conseqüent tiroteig entre els presoners i el personal penitenciari, en el que també va resultar ferit un oficial de la policia, Sherman Maynard. | A getaway car was either waiting or acquired and in the ensuing shootout between the prisoners and the protective services Martin was shot dead, and one police officer, Sherman Maynard, was shot and injured. Maynard subsequently died on the operating table at the nearby Port of Spain General Hospital. |
I el nostre pilot Luarvik està ferit de gravetat. | And our pilot Luarvik was severely injured. |
Durant les investigacions, el meu company va resultar ferit. | During the investigations, my partner was injured. |