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Destruir (to destroy) conjugation

150 examples

Conjugation of destruir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I destroy
you destroy
he/she/it destroys
we destroy
you all destroy
they destroy
Present perfect tense
he destruido
I have destroyed
has destruido
you have destroyed
ha destruido
he/she/it has destroyed
hemos destruido
we have destroyed
habéis destruido
you all have destroyed
han destruido
they have destroyed
Past preterite tense
I destroyed
you destroyed
he/she/it destroyed
we destroyed
you all destroyed
they destroyed
Future tense
I will destroy
you will destroy
he/she/it will destroy
we will destroy
you all will destroy
they will destroy
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would destroy
you would destroy
he/she/it would destroy
we would destroy
you all would destroy
they would destroy
Past imperfect tense
I used to destroy
you used to destroy
he/she/it used to destroy
we used to destroy
you all used to destroy
they used to destroy
Past perfect tense
había destruido
I had destroyed
habías destruido
you had destroyed
había destruido
he/she/it had destroyed
habíamos destruido
we had destroyed
habíais destruido
you all had destroyed
habían destruido
they had destroyed
Future perfect tense
habré destruido
I will have destroyed
habrás destruido
you will have destroyed
habrá destruido
he/she/it will have destroyed
habremos destruido
we will have destroyed
habréis destruido
you all will have destroyed
habrán destruido
they will have destroyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I destroy
(if/so that) you destroy
(if/so that) he/she/it destroy
(if/so that) we destroy
(if/so that) you all destroy
(if/so that) they destroy
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya destruido
I have destroyed
hayas destruido
you have destroyed
haya destruido
he/she/it has destroyed
hayamos destruido
we have destroyed
hayáis destruido
you all have destroyed
hayan destruido
they have destroyed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have destroyed
(if/so that) you have destroyed
(if/so that) he/she/it have destroyed
(if/so that) we have destroyed
(if/so that) you all have destroyed
(if/so that) they have destroyed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have destroyed
(if/so that) you have destroyed
(if/so that) he/she/it have destroyed
(if/so that) we have destroyed
(if/so that) you all have destroyed
(if/so that) they have destroyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera destruido
I had destroyed
hubieras destruido
you had destroyed
hubiera destruido
he/she/it had destroyed
hubiéramos destruido
we had destroyed
hubierais destruido
you all had destroyed
hubieran destruido
they had destroyed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese destruido
I had destroyed
hubieses destruido
you had destroyed
hubiese destruido
he/she/it had destroyed
hubiésemos destruido
we had destroyed
hubieseis destruido
you all had destroyed
hubiesen destruido
they had destroyed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have destroyed
(if/so that) you will have destroyed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have destroyed
(if/so that) we will have destroyed
(if/so that) you all will have destroyed
(if/so that) they will have destroyed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere destruido
I will have destroyed
hubieres destruido
you will have destroyed
hubiere destruido
he/she/it will have destroyed
hubiéremos destruido
we will have destroyed
hubiereis destruido
you all will have destroyed
hubieren destruido
they will have destroyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's destroy!
Imperative negative mood
no destruyas
do not destroy!
no destruya
let him/her/it destroy!
no destruyamos
let us not destroy!
no destruyáis
do not destroy!
no destruyan
do not destroy!

Examples of destruir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
""Quiero destruir a ese sujeto...""l really want to destroy that fellow up there,""
"... para destruir todos los males""...to destroy all evil"
"A quien un Dios quiere destruir, antes lo enloquece""Whomever God wishes to destroy, he first makes proud."
"Ah, y puede que tengamos que destruir a tu novia"."Oh, and we might have to destroy your girlfriend."
"El amor trae toda la alegría, el amor tiene el poder de destruir.""Love brings all the joy, Love has the power to destroy"
"El sombrero rojo destruyo a mi familia."" Hatred destroyed my family."
"Eliminándome, destruyo a esta familia.""By killing myself now, I destroy the Sakurada family"
"Hoy destruiré al villano del mismo modo en que él destruyo a mi familia""Today I destroy the villain the same way the villain destroyed my family".
"Rojo" destruyo su propia vida.Red destroyed his own life.
- Anoche casi destruyo a Corah.- Last night I almost destroyed Corah.
"¿Por qué nos destruyes?"Why did you destroy us?
- ...y destruyes todo a tu paso....destroying everything in your path!
- Linda, destruyes algo... que ninguno encontrará en otra parte.- Linda, you're destroying something that neither of us will ever find anywhere else.
- No destruyes tu propia reserva.You don't destroy a personal supply.
- Si la destruyes se puede perder la conexión.If you destroy it, the connection could be lost.
" Meditad sobre Él, que crea, sustenta y destruye."Meditate upon Him who creates, sustains and destroys"
" destruye gradualmente el sentido de la compasión"gradually destroys the sense of compassion
"Bueno aquí dice que destruye todo menos el empaste de los dientes.""Well, it says here it destroys everything but the fillings in their teeth.
"Bueno, dice aquí que destruye todo menos los empastes de sus dientes.""Well, it says here it destroys everything but the fillings in their teeth.
"Cuando Dios destruye, primero trae la locura.""Then God destroys first the mad man. "
"Es más seguro ser lo que destruimos que por la destrucción Moran...'Tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell...
"Es más seguros que ser que destruimos'Tis safer to be that which we destroy
"Es más seguros ser lo que destruimos que por destrucción morar en la alegría dudosa.'Tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.
"Los tiburones son una molestia, un tiburón muerto es un buen tiburón, matémoslos a todos". Pero si los matamos a todos, destruimos todas las cadenas de comida de un ecosistema marino entero y, bien, la mayor parte de nuestro oxígeno proviene del océano, así que deberíamos ser más cuidadosos."Sharks are a nuisance, a dead shark is a good shark, let's kill 'em all." But if we kill 'em all, we destroy all food chains of an entire marine ecosystem and, well, the majority of our oxygen comes from the ocean,
"Luego destruimos el resto."Then we destroyed the rest.
Blade, Necesita saber que hay una oportunidad del virus lo destruís también.Blade, you need to know that there's a chance the virus could destroy you, too.
Bueno, destruyendo a Davros, destruís a los Daleks.-Destroy Davros and you destroy the Daleks.
Sin embargo, si lo conseguís, si destruís el Anillo Único... se desvanecerá todo lo que construimos con los tres.Yet, if you succeed, if the One Ring is destroyed all we built with the three will fade.
"Las guerras destruyen el mundo y un fantasma recorre el campo de escombros"."Warsdestroytheworld... andvisibleamongthe debrisflowsandimmenseaghost. "
"Los Hulks destruyen Washington DC.""Hulks destroy Washington DC."
"Los hombres destruyen el camino del prodigo"Men have destroyed the roads of wonder
"Me opongo a las revoluciones, porque destruyen lo bueno viejo tanto como crean lo bueno nuevo"."I am opposed to revolutions for they destroy as many good old things as they create good new ones".
"Si puedes ver como destruyen la obra de tu vida...""If you can destroy the work of your life"
"Nadie debe tenerla, excepto yo. Por eso la destruí."No one must have it but me, so I destroyed it.
, Lo destruíI destroyed him.
- Destruyendo tu vida como yo destruí la de el.By destroying your life like I destroyed his.
- Esta mañana destruí la cinta.I just destroyed it this morning.
- La destruí.I destroyed it.
- Claro que es posible. ¿Puedes mirar a papá a los ojos todos los días... sabiendo que destruiste su santuario y no decírselo?You can look Dad in the eye, knowing you have destroyed his sanctuary?
- Dijeron que destruiste las cintas.They said that, uh, you destroyed all the cassettes.
- Entonces tú lo destruiste,- So you destroyed it instead,
- Lo destruiste.- What destroyed.
- No, tú la destruiste.No, you destroyed it.
"... destruyó todo, la felicidad y el amor ...""... All was destroyed, happiness and honor ..."
"El Alcalde que destruyó a Godzilla"."The mayor who destroyed Godzilla."
"El destino se perdió, y se destruyó el camino.""The destination was lost, and the path destroyed"
"El notable alto que destruyó mi vida" protagonizada por Mouse."The b+ that destroyed my life"" starring mouse.
"El viejo" ser psicótico de Eva que casi destruyó mi amistad con Matty mientras saboteaba mi relación con Luke."The old" being psycho Eva who almost destroyed my friendship with Matty while sabotaging my relationship with Luke.
- No, vosotros destruisteisNo, you guys destroyed his life.
- ¿Cómo destruisteis el resto de la vida?- As you destroyed the rest of life?
Este es un negocio construido sobre la reputación, y vosotros destruisteis la mía.This is a business built on reputation, and you guys destroyed mine.
Fingisteis ser una pareja gay y básicamente destruisteis el momento más sagrado en la vida de mi hijo.Yeah. You pretended to be a gay couple and then basically destroyed the most sacred moment of my son's life.
Vosotros destruisteis mi familia.You people destroyed my family.
! - Se destruyeron todos los suministros de la cubierta B, Señor.- All the supplies on B-deck were destroyed, sir.
"los unicos que destruyeron tu vida""The ones who destroyed your life"
- Lo tiraron. - ¿Lo tiraron o lo destruyeron?- Thrown way or destroyed?
- Los destruyeron a todos ellos?- They destroyed all of them? - No.
"Hoy me destruiré, amigo mio.""I will destroy myself today, my friend."
"¡La destruiré... " "si no gira como quiero!I will destroy it, if it does not rotate the way I want! "
- Ahora destruiré esta película.Now I will destroy this movie.
- Háganlo o los destruiré.Do as I say, or I will destroy you both.
- ¡Díme que destruirás mi cerebro!-Tell me you will destroy my brain!
Apenas el cristal sea mío, destruirás a Corsair y a sus Starjammers.As soon as the crystal is mine, you will destroy Corsair and his Starjammers.
En aras de una vida, tú destruirás el mundo.For the sake of one life, you will destroy the world.
No puedes culparte por eso. Si lo haces, destruirás todo lo bueno que te queda.Y-you can't blame yourself for it,to if you do that, you will destroy everything you have left that's good.
"El gobernante que ha de venir destruirá la ciudad y el santuario"."The ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary."
"No te acerques a mí. Esta tormenta te destruirá"Don't come close to me, this storm will destroy you.
"Si alguno destruye y despojos la casa de Dios, Dios le destruirá."If anyone defiles and spoils god's home, god will destroy them.
"Si no liberas lo que está dentro de ti, Lo que no liberas te destruirá. ""If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
"Tu posición te destruirá."Your stand will destroy you.
"En ese campo destruiremos vuestros culos como nunca antes los habían destruido."On that field we will destroy your asses like they've never been destroyed before.
# Somos una plaga para el planeta. # # ...y lo destruiremos. # ...o soltáis al tipo que quieren.We are a stain on the planet. and we will destroy it. Or release the bloke that they want.
# Somos una plaga para el planeta. # # ...y lo destruiremos. Lo destruiremos... # # ...con todas las especies que lo habitan, # #...a menos que los humanos sean totalmente depurados. #We are a stain on the planet and we will destroy it... destroy it...along with all the species that inhabit it unless humans are dramatically culled.
- Lo destruiremos.We will destroy him.
- Te odiamos, te destruiremosDie! - We hate you. We will destroy you.
Presionándolo, destruiréis este bunker y todo lo que hay en él.Press it and you will destroy this bunker and everything in it.
Vos y María, con todos vuestros ideales, destruiréis este país.You and Mary, with all your ideals, will destroy this country.
"Los empleados de Satán destruirán el mundo""The satanic salesmen will destroy the world."
"Los saltos en el tiempo destruirán el mundo".Time jumps will destroy the world. Crackpot.
"Si soy impura me destruirán""."If I am impure. ...then the flames will destroy me".
"Tus ovarios me destruirán"Your ovaries will destroy me
"Hacer otra cosa no sólo me destruiría a mí, sino a nuestro amor.To do otherwise would destroy not only me, but eventually our love.
"Y triunfará sobre los que nos destruiría."and will triumph over those who would destroy us.
- Eso nos destruiría.- That would destroy us.
- La destruiría. - ¿Ser como nosotros?It would destroy her.
Cuando tomaste el trabajo, sabías que matando al chico me destruirías.When you took the work, you knew that by killing the boy you would destroy me.
De acuerdo. Te quedaste la lista de Atenas, Lillian. aunque quedamos en que la destruirías.You kept the Athens list, Lillian, even though we agreed that you would destroy it.
Dijiste que destruirías su espíritu, no su cuerpo.You said that you would destroy the spirit, not her body.
Me destruirías.You would destroy me.
Si te vas ahora, podrías ayudarles pero destruirías todo por lo que han luchado y sufrido.If you leave now, help them you could... but you would destroy all... for which they have fought and suffered.
Dijiste que destruiríamos a Los Vengadores, que haríamos un mundo mejor.You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world.
Pero me pregunto ¿habría alguna diferencia si te doy mi palabra de que destruiríamos la matriz trajectora en cuanto nosotros la hubiéramos usado?But l wondered, would it make any difference if l gave you my word that we would destroy the trajector matrix as soon as we'd used it?
Porque destruiríamos nuestras armas... para demostrar que estamos deseosos de vivir en paz.Because we would destroy our arms to prove we're willing to live in peace.
Si le quitamos a su familia, la destruiríamos.If we took her family away from her, it would destroy her.
Él entendió en ese entonces que la sociedad iba en un curso de colisión entre la naturaleza y sí misma - insostenible a todo nivel y si las cosas no cambiaban nos destruiríamos, de una forma u otra .He understood back then that society was on a collision course with nature and itself - unsustainable on every level and if things didn't change we would destroy ourselves, one way or another.
Abrió el Libro de las hojas y leyó las palabras que sabía destruirían ese penoso trabajo para siempre.He opened the Book of Leaves and read the words he knew would destroy that wretched work... ..forever.
Dijeron que no era arte y que yo no sabía cual era mi lugar, y, si no lo traía de vuelta en tres días, lo destruirían.They said it wasn't art and that I didn't know my place, and, if l didn't take it back in three days, they would destroy it.
Dijeron que si no abjuraba públicamente de mis creencias, los dioses destruirían nuestro mundo.They said that if I did not publicly recant my beliefs, the gods would destroy our world.
Hay salvaguardias incorporadas que destruirían cualquier forma de vida alienígena.There are safeguards built in That would destroy any alien lifeform
La política y la sociedad brillante me destruirían.Politics and brilliant society would destroy me.
! No destruya la nave!Do not destroy the ship!
"Aquel que con maldad destruya, borre, o retire de su lugar, ésta, mi proclama firmada" podrá ser entregado a Ishtar"BENTLEY: "He who with malice destroys, effaces, or removes from its place this, my signed attestation, may he be denounced by lshtar."
"Deja que la oscuridad de la noche atestigue y destruya a los que se resistan, así no me harán daño"."Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist
"Que se muera para que no se mofe de aquellos que confiaron en él y los destruya como me ha destruido a mí"."Let him be killed that he may not mock those who have trusted him and destroy them as he has destroyed me. "
"soportara el peso de los mundos, atandole los miembros, moliendo sus huesos hasta que salve a la creación... o la destruya""He will have the weight of worlds upon him... "binding his limbs, grinding his bones to meal... "until he saves creation... or destroys it."
"Esta tarjeta teletransporta a tu enemigo para que lo destruyas en persona. "This card teleports your enemy to you so you can destroy him in person."
"Esta tarjeta teletransporta a tu enemigo para que lo destruyas en persona.""This card teleports your enemy to you so you can destroy him in person."
"No dejaré que destruyas Southfork""I won't let you destroy Southfork"
"No destruyas mi mundo" "No me castigues por amarte""Don't destroy my world"
- Entonces no la destruyas.Then don't destroy her. It's more than that.
- Bueno, mejor destruyamos esto.Well, I better destroy this.
- No, no hasta que destruyamos Roma. Destrozada y aniquilada.Not before Rome is destroyed and wiped off the map.
- Quiere que los destruyamos.- He wants us to destroy them.
A menos que lo destruyamos primero en el mar, como debe ser.Unless we destroy him first, at sea where he should be destroyed.
A menos que lo destruyamos, nos destruirá.Unless we destroy it, it'll destroy us.
Aunque tengáis que matarle, no destruyáis las piedras.Even if you have to kill him, don't destroy the stones.
Debéis dejar de luchar ahora mismo, antes de os destruyáis mutuamente.You need to stop fighting now before you destroy each other.
Mordred, no destruyáis vuestro propio ejército.Mordred, cease before you destroy your entire force.
No dejaré que destruyáis las aspiraciones que tiene mi hijo en torno al Rey.I will not let you destroy the aspirations having my son around the King.
No destruyáis el talismán, es demasiado poderoso, demasiado importante.Don't destroy the talisman - it's too powerful... too important.
"Aconsejo envíen flota de inmediato y lo destruyan. ""Advise you send fleet there at once and destroy it. "
"No queremos que las antiguas leyes de la vida se destruyan"."We don't want the antique rule of life destroyed".
"O de que te destruyan.""Or they destroy you."
"Pero les ruego por todo lo decente y sagrado... "... que no destruyan mi plantación. "But I beg you with all that is decent and holy, don't destroy my plantation.
"Y después de que los gusanos en mi piel destruyan este cuerpo, coman mi carne...""And though after my skin worms destroy this body, eating my flesh...
Eso es lo imperdonable... que haya puesto su venganza por sobre todo... y que se destruyera a si mismo.That is the unforgivable thing: to have put his revenge above everything else... and to have destroyed himself.
Bueno, puede que el padre de Thorvin Hampton destruyese a su familia, pero Thorvin no hizo nada malo.Well, Thorvin Hampton's father may have destroyed your family, but Thorvin didn't do anything wrong.
- El viejo dijo destruid la cabeza y quemad el cuerpo.- The old man said destroy the head and burn the body.
En homenaje a su equidad y por la continuidad de su sabiduría... destruid el muro del tintorero.In homage to his equity and his wisdom... destroy the wall!
Presionad todo el rato... destruid su defensa, arrebatádsela.Press all the time... destroy their defense, rapture it.
¡Matones del Cine, destruid el cine comercial!Hooligans the film destroy the commercial cinema as it exists.
- Los destrui.l destroyed them.
! EI reino de Dios será destruido!The Kingdom of God will be destroyed.
Cuan fácilmente destruis las cosas.How easily you destroy things.
! Me están destruyendo!They're destroying me!
.. me he encerrado en este bunker, destrui las muestras y las notas, la infeccion se mueve muy lento pero la sientoTom, Grace, and everyone. I, uh... have sealed myself inside this bunker. I've destroyed the samples and archived my notes.
Lo destrui.I destroyed it.
No me gusto, asi que destrui un monton de lugares.I didn't like it so I destroyed a bunch of places.
Padre destrui a personas.Father I destroyed people.
" Amor destruido por todos ellos""Love destroyed all of them"
"... los americanos saben que uno de estos partidos será destruido...""... the American people know that one of these parties will be destroyed..."
"... quien tenga miedo será destruido.""...the one who got scared was destroyed."
"... y destruido las vidas ¡de nuestro pueblo!- "... and destroyed the lives of our people!
Si no lo destruis, la juventud de San Diego acabará permanentemente colocadaIf you don't destroy it, San Diego's youth will become permanently high.
Vah... qui destruis templum Dei... et in triduo illud reaedificas... salva temet ipsum.Hah! Hah! You who would destroy the temple of God... and built it in three days, save yourself.
la inmortalidad es excelente el poder es brillante pagando con sangre destruis tu alma y tu cuerpoImmortality is magnificent Power is bright By paying in blood, you can destroy your soul and life
"Bueno, yo estoy destruyendo todo mi equipo y mis comunicaciones."Well, I am destroying all my equipment and communications.
"Crueles son las manos del tiempo que se arrastran sin sosiego... destruyendo lentamente pero sin piedad, lo que ayer mismo era joven."Cold are the hands of time that creep along relentlessly, "destroying slowly but without pity that which yesterday was young.
"Se está destruyendo, no puedo seguir mirando."Everybody who love's me is always crying. "He's destroying himself.
"gozaban destruyendo las carreras...""enjoyed destroying the careers..."

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