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Menghancurkan (to destroy) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghancurkan

Present tense
I destroy
Past tense
sudah menghancurkan
I destroyed
Present perfect tense
sudah menghancurkan
I have destroyed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghancurkan
I will have destroyed
Future recent tense
menghancurkan nanti
I will destroy
Future distant tense
menghancurkan kelak
I am going to destroy
Present continuous tense
sedang menghancurkan
I destroy
Past distant tense
dulu menghancurkan
I (a long time ago) destroyed
Past recent tense
menghancurkan tadi
I (recently) destroyed
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghancurkan
I (just now) destroyed

Examples of menghancurkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan saat ini, aliansi dengan Skotlandia akan menghancurkan Perancis.And right now, an alliance with Scotland could destroy France.
Anak-anak menghancurkan kota.Those kids are destroying the city.
Aku akan menghancurkan kios ikan dan racun semua ikan-nya!I'll destroy his fish stall and poison all his fish!
Ini akan menghancurkan planet ini?It's going to destroy the planet?
Jika Anda menghancurkan dia, dan menghancurkan ratu.We gotta shut 'em down, Ben. Destroy him, destroy the queen.

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