Det skulle ge spelaren som letar möjligheten att kalkylera hans troliga rörelser. | That would give the player seeking him the ability to calculate his likely moves. |
Först behöver vi en datamaskin kraftfull nog att kalkylera tidsresans krånglighet. | Well, first we'll need a computer powerful enough to calculate the intricacies of time travel. |
Hur lång tid tar det att kalkylera koordinaterna? | Gwildor, how long to calculate the coordinates and take us home? |
Inte så mycket förutse som att kalkylera sannolikheterna. | Not predict as much as calculate the probabilities. |
Med kugghjul och spakar designade att kalkylera ett visst datum, | With gears and levers designed to calculate a certain date, |
- De skulle inte kunna kalkylera ett hopp. | They couldn't see squat on dradis. There wouldn't even be a way to calculate a jump out. |
Det skulle ge spelaren som letar möjligheten att kalkylera hans troliga rörelser. | That would give the player seeking him the ability to calculate his likely moves. |
Först behöver vi en datamaskin kraftfull nog att kalkylera tidsresans krånglighet. | Well, first we'll need a computer powerful enough to calculate the intricacies of time travel. |
Hur lång tid tar det att kalkylera koordinaterna? | Gwildor, how long to calculate the coordinates and take us home? |
Inte så mycket förutse som att kalkylera sannolikheterna. | Not predict as much as calculate the probabilities. |
Antikytheran räknar fram datum på solförmörkelser,.. men förbanne mig, om jag inte skulle kunna räkna ut vad den här kalkylerar. | The antikythera calculated dates of solar eclipses, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what this calculates. |
Elementals, vi kalkylerar. | Elementals... we calculate. |
Jag kalkylerar att masken är nu presentabel i en betydande procenttal av hela världens datorsystem. | I calculate that the worm is now present in a significant percentage of the world's computer systems. |
- Det var en kalkylerad risk. | I admit, it was a calculated risk. |
- Jag tog en kalkylerad risk. | - I took a calculated risk. - You're as bad as he is. |
Det var en stor kalkylerad plan, inte sant? | It was all one big calculated ploy wasn't it? |
Det är en kalkylerad risk som är vårt enda val nu. | We're talking about a calculated risk, which is the only option left to us. |
Vissa kan se risken som kalkylerad, men oavsett vad ni skriver så står vi för vår studie. | Some would say a calculated risk, others would say an unnecessary risk, but regardless of what you print when you walk out that door, we stand by our work. |
Jag tar bara de kalkylerade riskerna. | l only take the calculated ones. |
Nu bör du ta kalkylerade risker. | Now is the time you should be taking some calculated risks. |
"Bara frustrerande, irriterande, tvekande, kalkylerande | # They're nothing but exasperating Irritating, vacillating, calculating # |
Jag känner den kalkylerande stirrningen, men var är den bovaktiga hand skakningen och galna skrattet? | I'm feeling the calculating stare, but where's the villainous hand-wringing and maniacal laugh? |
Är det bevisen på att jag är en kalkylerande och oärlig man? | That's it? That's the proof that I'm a calculating dishonest man? |
Så-så du tänker påstå att dumpa de här kropparna här inte var ett kalkylerat drag från Clay Morrow? | Are you gonna tell me that dumping these bodies here... was not a calculated move by Clay Morrow? |