Anna mulle üks sekund, arvutan ära palju sa mulle sees oled. | Give me a second and let me calculate how much you into me for. |
Kas ma arvutan valesti? | Do I miscalculate ? No. |
Kui arvutad täpse tiigertoori... sinu triibukiirendusest... võtad ruutjuure oma vastupõrkest ja vertikaalse situatsiooni indikaatorist... ja su triibusoonik verdrustiast peaks rikošett... su hüdro... kiirendatud orbiidiks! | If you calculate the specific Tiggerjectory... of your stripecelleration dicipherus... by the square boot of your rebounce, your vertical situituation indicator... and your stripersonic springnertia should ric-a-ticochet... your hydranific fu-silly-age... into an accelerometric de-orbit! |
Kui sa arvutad aja mis kulub linna hävitamiseks ja edasiliikumiseks, siis jõuame iga Maa peamise linna hävitamiseni järgmise 36 tunni jooksul. | If you calculate the time it takes to destroy a city and move on, we're looking at the worldwide destruction of every major city in the next 36 hours. |
Kuidas arvutad aega, et inimese surmast tuleks teaduslik mitte, aga emotsionaalne? | How do you calculate the moment when a person's death becomes scientific rather than emotional? |
Ainult silmuskvantgravitatsioon arvutab mustade aukude entroopiat. | Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes. |
Antikythera mehhanismiga arvutati päikesevarjutuste kuupäevi. Aga olgu ma neetud, kui suudaksin mõista, mida see siin arvutab. | The antikythera calculated dates of solar eclipses, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what this calculates. |
Galileo seadus langevatest esemetest arvutab aja,mille jooksul mingi asi kukub teatud teepikkuse vabalangemisel. | Galileio's Law of Falling Bodies calculates the time in which an object will travel a certain distance in complete freefall. |
Me oletame, arvustame, vaidleme, arvutame, vastame ja imestame. | We speculate, criticize, argue, calculate, reflect and wonder. |
Kui te, füüsikud, arvutate nüüd iga küpsetatud lihatüki,... kaalu ja arvu. | Now, you physics majors can calculate the mass and volume of every meat loaf you make. |
Siis vaatavad nad su suguvõsa üle ning arvutavad su tuleviku teenimise potentsiaali. | DWIGHT: Then they check your family tree and calculate future earnings potential. |
Hiljem arvutasin, et kõigest sellest hävingust ja raisatud ressurssidest, mis kulutati sõjale, oleks vabalt jätkunud, et täita kõikide inimeste vajadused siin planeedil. | I later calculated that all the destruction and wasted resources spent on that war could have easily provided for every human need on the planet. |
Just nii, nagu arvutasin. | Just as I calculated. |
Kui olin mõõtnud täpselt Joshua juurest leitud ämbliku jala arvutasin, et ämblik peks olema nii suur. | After taking careful measurements of the exoskeleton I found at Joshua's I calculated the spider was the size shown here. |
Mnjah, nad arvutasid valesti. | Well, they miscalculated. |
Njah, nad arvutasid valesti. | Well, they miscalculated. |
Chloe arvutas välja uue hüperruumi kursi. | Chloe calculated a new FTL course. |
Ducky arvutas kui kaua läks Leitnant Schilzil aega muumiaks muutumiseks? | Ducky calculated the time it took Lieutenant Schilz to mummify? Okay. |
George arvutas välja oma lennu nurga ja kiiruse, - kui sillalt alla tahtis hüpata ka Ursula. | As the king of the jungle quickly calculated the angle and velocity of his next big swing... Ursula felt like jumping off a bridge herself. |
Asteroidil on ebatavaline kuju, aga me arvutasime, et selle pikkus ühest otsast teise on ligikaudu 137 kilomeetrit. | The asteroid has an irregular shape, but we've calculated its length from end to end to be approximately 137 kilometres. |
Esimene kord arvutasime me valesti. | We calculated wrong the first time. |
Lõbu pärast arvutasime välja siinse keskmise IQ. Arvake, kui palju tuli. | Just for fun, we calculated the average IQ here. |
Me arvutasime välja viis erinevat Tähevärava koordinaati 300 valgusaasta raadiuses P3A-194-l, Voliani süsteemis. | We've calculated five possible Stargate coordinates within a 300 light year radius of P3A- 194, the Volian system. |
Jälle arvutasite valesti, pr. | You miscalculated this again. |
Gune, arvuta nende lennutrajektoor välja. | Gune, calculate their trajectory. |
Olgu, arvuta siis tõenäosus. | Okay, then calculate a probability profile. |
Zhang Mingshan, mine arvuta tahvlil. | Zhang Mingxian, calculate on the blackboard. |
Emil pidi arvutama, kui palju on toitu tarvis, et hoida nad ainult kolm kuud elus, kuni tunnelid on valmis. | Emil was asked to calculate how much to feed them to keep them alive just three months until the tunnels were completed. |
Emil pidi arvutama, kui palju on toitu tarvis,... hoida nad ainult kolm kuud elus, kuni tunnelid on valmis. | Emil was asked to calculate_BAR_how much to feed them... keep them alive just three months_BAR_until the tunnels were completed. |
Hoollmata tele punktuaalsuse puudumlsest olen sunnltud selle vastu võtma ja skoorl ümber arvutama. | So, in spite of your lack of punctuality, which is astounding I have no choice but to accept this submission... (EXCITED WHISPERING) ...and to recalculate. |
Kahjuks pole üks tllm tagasl jõudnud, seega pean arvutama poollku punktlsummaga. | Sadly, one team has not returned, so therefore I am forced to calculate the results with their score as an incomplete. |
Lahkumiseks pean uue kursi arvutama. | For us to leave, I need to calculate a new bearing, and, uh, to do that... |
"Kui mulle antaks inimese vanus, rass, amet, elukoht..." "...abielu seis ja meditsiiniline elulugu..." "...saaksin suure tõenäosusega välja arvutada, kui vanaks ta elab." | If I'm given a man's age, race, profession place of residence, marital status, and medical history I can calculate with great probability how long that man will live. |
- Hästi, seega? - Suudad sa selle välja arvutada? | - Can you calculate that? |
- Suudad sa selle välja arvutada? | - Can you calculate that? |
'Sa arvutanud, et Magnussen oleks kasutada fakti oma osalust... " asemel teabe jagamise politseiga, kui on tema MO. | 'You calculated that Magnussen would use the fact of your involvement...' rather than sharing the information with the police, as is his MO. |
Ainus mis ma ütlen, kui ma olnuks seal katusel, oleks ma välja arvutanud klaasi nurga. | All I'm saying is, if I was on that roof, I would have calculated for the angle of the glass. |
Keegi on valesti arvutanud. | Someone miscalculated. |
Xander ütles, et on välja arvutatud, et mänguvõimalusi on rohkem... kui terves universumis aatomeid. | Sandra said it has been calculated there are more possible go games... that there are atoms in the universe. |