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Calcular (to calculate) conjugation

77 examples

Conjugation of calcular

Present tense
I calculate
you calculate
he/she calculates
we calculate
you all calculate
they calculate
Present perfect tense
tenho calculado
I have calculated
tens calculado
you have calculated
tem calculado
he/she has calculated
temos calculado
we have calculated
tendes calculado
you all have calculated
têm calculado
they have calculated
Past preterite tense
I calculated
you calculated
he/she calculated
we calculated
you all calculated
they calculated
Future tense
I will calculate
you will calculate
he/she will calculate
we will calculate
you all will calculate
they will calculate
Conditional mood
I would calculate
you would calculate
he/she would calculate
we would calculate
you all would calculate
they would calculate
Past imperfect tense
I used to calculate
you used to calculate
he/she used to calculate
we used to calculate
you all used to calculate
they used to calculate
Past perfect tense
tinha calculado
I had calculated
tinhas calculado
you had calculated
tinha calculado
he/she had calculated
tínhamos calculado
we had calculated
tínheis calculado
you all had calculated
tinham calculado
they had calculated
Future perfect tense
terei calculado
I will have calculated
terás calculado
you will have calculated
terá calculado
he/she will have calculated
teremos calculado
we will have calculated
tereis calculado
you all will have calculated
terão calculado
they will have calculated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha calculado
I have calculated
tenhas calculado
you have calculated
tenha calculado
he/she has calculated
tenhamos calculado
we have calculated
tenhais calculado
you all have calculated
tenham calculado
they have calculated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have calculated
(if/so that) you will have calculated
(if/so that) he/she will have calculated
(if/so that) we will have calculated
(if/so that) you all will have calculated
(if/so that) they will have calculated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver calculado
I will have calculated
tiveres calculado
you will have calculated
tiver calculado
he/she will have calculated
tivermos calculado
we will have calculated
tiverdes calculado
you all will have calculated
tiverem calculado
they will have calculated
Imperative mood
let's calculate!
Imperative negative mood
não calcules
do not calculate!
não calcule
let him/her/it not calculate!
não calculemos
let us not calculate!
não calculeis
do not calculate!
não calculem
do not calculate!

Examples of calcular

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Alguma maneira de calcular onde aterrou?Any way to calculate where it landed?
- Ele não é o único com uma fórmula para calcular o valor de um falecido.He's not the only one with a formula to calculate a decedent's worth.
- Impossível de calcular.- Impossible to calculate.
- É impossível de calcular.Impossible to calculate.
-É impossível calcular, Capitao.- It is impossible to calculate, Captain.
Com base na dilatação das pupilas, temperatura e funções motoras calculo uma probabilidade de 83% de que não vais puxar o gatilho.Based on your pupil dilation, skin temperature and motor functions l calculate an 83°/o probability that you will not pull the trigger.
Mas calculo sobretudo os custos de produção faço os cálculos dos custos desde a primeira edição em capa dura, desculpe, até à mole.But mostly I calculate production costs... from-- Calculation costs from... first-edition hardcover to, sorry, softcover.
Medi as duas, e calculo que a criatura tenha 2,10m de altura.By extrapolating from both, I calculate the creature's seven feet tall.
Notei certo grau de impaciência quando calculo intervalos de tempo ao segundo exato.I have discovered a certain impatience when I calculate a lengthy time interval to the nearest second.
Quando as tuas pernas crescerem... calculo que serás um dos maiores pastores de nuvens do mundo.Well, when your legs lengthen... I calculate you will be among the great cloud haulers of the world.
Desta vez, não há alavanca para desviar o eléctrico. Mas, há um homem gordo ao lado dos carris e tu calculas que ele pesa o suficiente para descarrilar o eléctricoThis time there's no lever to make the trolley swerve but theres an obese man standing next to the track and you calculate that he wheights just enough to derail the trolley.
E calculas.And you calculate.
Parece que estás lá, mas só observas e calculas.You observe and calculate.
Quando calculas o momento em que a morte de uma pessoa se torna científica em vez de emocional?How do you calculate the moment when a person's death becomes scientific rather than emotional?
A Anticítera calculava datas de eclipses solares, mas raios me partam se consigo perceber o que calcula esta.The antikythera calculated dates of solar eclipses, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what this calculates.
A Cruz Vermelha calcula que até agora já morreram mais de 300 mil crianças. por desitratação ou fomeThe International Red Cross calculates that up to the present, more than 300.000 children have died from hunger, or dehidration.
A física quântica calcula apenas possibilidades. Mas se aceitarmos isso, a questão imediatamente passa a ser que escolha temos que fazer dentre as possibilidades para iniciarmos o evento da experiência?[ Man ] Quantum physics calculates only possibilities... but if we accept this, then the question immediately comes... who, what, chooses among these possibilities... to bring the actual event of experience?
A lei de Galileo da queda livre calcula do seguinte modo o tempo que um objecto se encontra em queda livre:Galileio's Law of Falling Bodies calculates the time in which an object will travel a certain distance in complete freefall.
Avaliação dos danos da batalha... calcula que o alvo primário, mísseis SCUD foram suprimidos.Battle damage assessment calculates primary target, Scud warheads...
Baseados nos seus movimentos, nós calculamos onde eles vão atacar.Based on their movements, we've calculated where they will strike.
Dos ossos encontrados, calculamos que o Argentinossauro era uns colossais 35 metros, e pesava até 75 toneladas.From the bones that were found, we've calculated that Argentinosaurus was a colossal 35 metres long, and weighed as much as 75 tonnes.
E calculamos quanto receberiam quando voltassem. 148 673 dólares.And we have calculated what you are collectively entitled to in back pay... $148,678.
E, a partir daí, calculamos a sua...And from that, calculate their...
Elementais- calculamos.Elementals... we calculate.
"En Primeur" é um investimento calculado.En Primeur is a calculated investment.
- Corri um risco calculado.Oh... I took a calculated risk.
- Deve ter calculado... - Calculou.-lt must have calculated-- -lt did.
- Devo admitir que era um risco calculado.I admit, it was a calculated risk.
- Foram um risco calculado.- They were a calculated risk.
Contudo, os nossos computadores calculam os possíveis riscos para os nossos Activos.However, our computers do calculate possible risks to our Actives.
Depois confirmam a árvore genealógica e calculam o potencial do rendimento futuro.DWIGHT: Then they check your family tree and calculate future earnings potential.
Dizia que não podíamos estar no planeta alienígena, porque calculam que tenha o dobro da gravidade da Terra.He said we couldn't be on the alien home world... because they calculated it at over two gravities.
Firmas não defendem ninguém, elas calculam riscos.Firms don't practise law, they calculate risk.
Não sabemos como Venusianos calculam o tempo ou como vivem.We don't know how Venusians calculate time or how long they live.
- calculei-o.I've calculated it.
A Jenna Parish disse que estava a ser construído no Novo México então apanhei a metragem da Casa da Morte em que treinaram hoje, e calculei o tamanho do maior e melhor lugar que podiam comprar.Jenna Parish told you that it was being built in New Mexico, so I took the square footage of the kill house that you trained in today, and I calculated the size of the biggest and best facility that money could buy.
Acabo de perceber que não contei com a mudança da maré quando calculei quanto tempo temos para tirar o Owen de lá.Because... I just realized I didn't account for the tidal changes when I calculated how long it was going to take for Owen to be submerged.
Antes de desistir, calculei mais de 3,000 formas de controlar os meus movimentos, os meus hábitos.Before I quit, I calculated more than 3,000 ways in which to track my movements, my habits.
Baseado na tua amostra de sangue inicial, calculei o tempo estimado até o veneno acabar com a tua vida.Based on your initial blood sample, I have calculated the estimated time Before the poison ends your life.
- Não calculaste a hora de chegada?Haven't you calculated our time of arrival?
Então calculaste as fortunas de todo o mundo!So you have calculated the fortunes of the whole world!
Isso quer dizer que, em alguns jogos, calculaste todas as jogadas, na tua cabeça.That means in some games you've calculated every move in your head.
Já calculaste o coeficiente de tracção?Have you calculated your tire traction coefficients?
Já calculaste quantas horas as mulheres perderam... decidindo que sapato pôr?Have you ever calculated how many hours' women have wasted... deciding on what kind of shoes to wear?
A 10.000 metros, a altitude de um avião comercial, calculou um sucesso de 0.6%.For 32,000 feet, cruising altitude for a commercial airliner, he calculated a .006 success rate.
A Chloe calculou uma nova rota FTL.Chloe calculated a new FTL course.
A Dra. Isles calculou que podia estar até o quilómetro 40,5.Dr. Isles calculated he could be all the way to mile 25.5.
A Ordem nunca calculou com precisão o calendário Mesopotâmico.The Order never accurately calculated the Mesopotamian calendar.
A equipa de Trajectórias e Impactos calculou que o impacto se deu a mais de 1000 km/h.The impact-prediction team calculated impact at over 800mph.
Agora continuam a falar desta resistência heróica e que os americanos calcularam mal a guerra e durará mais meses.And now you keep telling us about this heroic resistance, and that the Americans miscalculated and that the war will go on for months.
Com um telescópio imenso, calcularam a distância... de uma estrela a milhões de quilometros.With a huge telescope, they calculated the distance... to a star millions of miles away.
Em Moscovo, calcularam... que 2 e 4 são iguais a um e beberam champanhe Krim à irmandade alemã.In Moskow, they calculated that 2 and 4 equals one and drank Krim Champagne to all-German brotherhood.
Então eles calcularam errado, porque cada um do meu povo morre a serviço da ilha.Well, then they've badly miscalculated, 'cause every single one of my people is prepared to die in service to this island.
Então, calcularam as probabilidades, tal como os fazedores de probabilidades de Las Vegas, e disseram: "Muito bem, as probabilidades são diminutas sob condições normais".So, they have calculated the odds, much as, uhm, Vegas odds makers do, and said ok, well, very little odds under normal conditions.
Madox calculará as milhas.Madox will calculate how many miles.
Muito bem, tenho um programa de computador escrito por mim que calculará a data do parto com grande precisão.Okay, now, I have a computer program here that I have written myself that will calculate your due date very accurately, okay?
"Cale-se e calcule"?"Shut up and calculate"?
- Oficial Táctico, calcule um alvo para interceptar.- T.A.O., calculate a target to intercept.
...calcule a distância e decerto atingirá o seu alvo, tal como em quase todas as coisas, tal como disparar.... calculate the distance and you're sure to hit the mark in about most things as well as shootin'.
Certamente não subscrevo a interpretação "cale-se e calcule", prefiro a visão "cale-se enquanto calcula".I certainly don't subscribe to "Shut up and calculate". I prefer the "Shut up WHILE you calculate" view.
Já posso ter o meu jantar, ou precisa que eu calcule pi para si, também?Now can I have my supper, please, or do you need me to calculate pi for you, too?
Assim, calculando o número, o aspecto e a classe de insectos podes obter a data exacta da morte.Now I see. By calculating the presence and the growth of the flies or the maggots, you can pinpoint the exact... date of death.
Contacto é desconhecido, ...definir a faixa 2A e calculando soluções. Sonar, não à nada.Contact is unknown, ... Define the range and calculating 2A solutions.
Dado que sabemos a proporção entre DNP e ANP nas amostras, calculando a taxa de decomposição... diz-nos que a origem do DNP tem aproximadamente 25 anos.Given that we know the ratio of DNP to ANP in the samples, calculating the rate of decomposition tells us that the source of DNP is roughly 25 years old.
Está a ser calculando enquanto nós falamos.He's calculating that as we speak.
Mas calculando a altura do Jack Rice, - permitindo ao ângulo... - Leiga.But calculating Jack Rice's height, allowing for the upward angle-- layman here.
Este instrumento irá permitir aos navios calcularem a sua localização exata no mar.This instrument would allow a ship to calculate its precise location at sea.
Este instrumento permitirá aos navios calcularem a sua localização exacta em alto mar.This instrument would allow ship to calculate its precise location, while at sea.
Este instrumento permitirá aos navios calcularem a sua localização precisa em alto mar.This instrument will allow a ship to calculate its precise location while at sea.
Se calcularem sucesso e falhanço como eu sempre fiz, em dinheiro a dividir por sofrimento humano, a aritmética diz que eu falhei por completo.If you calculate success and failure as I always have, in money divided neatly into human suffering, the arithmetic says... I failed completely.
Gwildor, quanto tempo para calculares as coordenadas e levar-nos para casa?Gwildor, how long to calculate the coordinates and take us home?
Se calculares com o número correcto de anúncios, 4 em vez de 64, consegues uma visão muito mais realista.If you calculate with the right number of ads - 4 instead of 64 you get a much more realistic figure.
Um bilião de dólares quando tu calculares os lucros da internet...- Yeah. Billion-dollar industry when you calculate profits from the Internet...
Bom, se calcularmos, quanto tempo leva até o gelo seco a sublimar, teremos o tempo e a distância, de ir e voltar ao local do crime.All right, so if we calculate how long it takes for this dry ice to melt, we'll get a time and a travel radius to and from that crime scene. Why's he leave the cooler behind?
O Sparks forneceu-nos os dados para calcularmos a posição e a rota.Sparks gave us enough to calculate The last position and heading.
Regule o soro para 60 gotas por minuto até calcularmos os requisitos de fluido.Run the plasma at 60 drops a minute until we calculate the fluid requirements.
Se calcularmos um valor numérico para as secções que não se enquadram.If we calculate a numerical value - For the anomalous sections - exactly.

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