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Estar (to be) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to cost, or with the gerund, or, cost

Conjugation of estar

Present tense
I am
you are
he/she is
we are
you all are
they are
Present perfect tense
tenho estado
I have been
tens estado
you have been
tem estado
he/she has been
temos estado
we have been
tendes estado
you all have been
têm estado
they have been
Past preterite tense
I was
you were
he/she was
we were
you all were
they were
Future tense
I will be
you will be
he/she will be
we will be
you all will be
they will be
Conditional mood
I would be
you would be
he/she would be
we would be
you all would be
they would be
Past imperfect tense
I used to be
you used to be
he/she used to be
we used to be
you all used to be
they used to be
Past perfect tense
tinha estado
I had been
tinhas estado
you had been
tinha estado
he/she had been
tínhamos estado
we had been
tínheis estado
you all had been
tinham estado
they had been
Future perfect tense
terei estado
I will have been
terás estado
you will have been
terá estado
he/she will have been
teremos estado
we will have been
tereis estado
you all will have been
terão estado
they will have been
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha estado
I have been
tenhas estado
you have been
tenha estado
he/she has been
tenhamos estado
we have been
tenhais estado
you all have been
tenham estado
they have been
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have been
(if/so that) you will have been
(if/so that) he/she will have been
(if/so that) we will have been
(if/so that) you all will have been
(if/so that) they will have been
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver estado
I will have been
tiveres estado
you will have been
tiver estado
he/she will have been
tivermos estado
we will have been
tiverdes estado
you all will have been
tiverem estado
they will have been
Imperative mood
let's be!
Imperative negative mood
não estejas
do not be!
não esteja
let him/her/it not be!
não estejamos
let us not be!
não estejais
do not be!
não estejam
do not be!

Examples of estar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! - Devia estar aqui!- He's supposed to be here!
! Deviam estar a irritá-los!You're supposed to be annoying them.
! Não posso estar aqui em baixo?I'm not authorized to be down here?
! Por que estou aqui, se mais ninguém tem de estar?Why am I here if no one else has to be?
! - Que eu ainda aqui estou! Caraças!That I'm still here, God damn it!
! Do que estou fugindo ?What am l running away from?
! Em pouco tempo, estou lixada.In short, I am screwed.
! - Aqui estás tu.- There you are.
! - Babs, como estás?- Oh, hey, Babs, how are ya?
! - Judaísmo, onde estás?Where are you?
! - O que estás a fazer aí? !- Why are you there?
! - O que estás a fazer? Pára!What are you doing?
! - A nave está muito danificada.- The ship is heavily damaged.
! - O chip está aí dentro?The brain chip is in there?
! - O meu nome está na lista de vítimas.My name's on the casualty list.
! Então o que estamos aqui a fazer, Paulie?Then what are we doing here, Paulie!
! Já agora, de que estamos a falar?Also, what are we talking about?
! Para quem é que estamos a trabalhar?Who are we working for?
" O que estamos a fazer aqui? "What are we doing here?
! Eles têm estado aqui atrás durante todo este tempo?They've been back here this whole time?
" Os cientistas têm estado investigando"Scientists have been investigating...
"Como estais vós?""How are you guys doing?"
"De que estais a falar?And he's like, "What are you talking about?
"E como estais determinado a ser um súbdito fiel, tomou-nos um grande desejo de falar convosco...""And since you are determined to be a faithful subject, we have conceived a great desire to speak with you..."
"e estais em pecado mortal!"And you are in mortal sin!
! As crianças estão a dormir.The children are sleeping.
! De que estão a falar?What are you talking about?
! Estas são as cartas que estão na mesa.These are the cards we were dealt.
"'Ela pensou que estava enganado Mas realmente nunca o estive# "She thought I was taken in But actually I never was" #
"A pretalhada onde estive não era má gente."Where I was the natives were not bad people.
"A razão pela qual me considero uma rapariga milagre é porque tive a felicidade de conhecer o Lanny e o Vince quando estive doente."The reason I consider myself to be a miracle girl is because I had the good fortune to meet Lanny and Vince when I was sick.
"Coltrane, estiveste connosco por pouco tempo,"Coltrane, you were with us only briefly"
"David, estiveste certo o tempo todo."Oh, David, you were right all along.
"Não sei onde estiveste, Cecil.""I can't... I don't know where you were, Cecil."
"O quê?" perguntei com quem estiveste este fim-de-semana?"What?" I said who were you with this weekend?
! - Ele nunca esteve aqui.- He was never here.
" Assim como o sol esteve alto..........."As soon as the sun was up...
"A cidade sem chaminés" Sempre esteve aí."The town Without Chimneys" It was always here.
"A" esteve lá, nessa noite?"A" was there that night?
"Contudo outro acontecimento surpreendente em Washington J. Edgar Hoover, o director do Gabinete federal de lnvestigaçao fez hoje uma declaraçao a negar que o gabinete esteve envolvido em recrutar videntes para a batalha contra o comunismo."""ln yet another startling development in Washington J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved in recruiting psychics in the battle against Communism.""
"Meu querido Capitão, a última vez que estivemos juntos, debaixo das estrelas, senti que estava a guardar os seus sentimentos e palavras doces.""My dearest captain, when last we were together under the stars, I felt you were holding back your true feelings and most tender words.
"Todos estes anos que estivemos separados, quando tudo o que tinha era a tua lembrança.""All those years we were apart, when all I had was the memory of you."
"quando estivemos na vossa pele.""when we were in your shoes.
- A minha irmã e eu estivemos no mesmo acidente, só tive uns arranhões mas...Excuse me. My sister and I were in the same accident. I luckily just walked away with a few bruises, but...
"Ouvi dizer que estivestes doente."I heard that you were sick,
- Onde estivestes?- Where were you?
- Quanto tempo estivestes na taberna?How long were you at this tavern?
- Sabes porque estivestes a chorar?You know why you were crying?
"Na infância, não estive onde os outros estiveram,"From childhood's hour I have not been as others were,
"Os grandes interesses bancários estiveram na raiz da Grande Guerra, por causa das grandes oportunidades lucro.""The large banking interests were deeply interested in the world war, because of the wide opportunities for large profits."
"e da Peste Negra estiveram presentes."and the Black Plague were present.
"que o Joe, o Peter e o Quagmire estiveram contigo ontem à noite."that Joe, Peter and Quagmire were with you last night.
* Fizeste-me feliz * * quando os céus estiveram cinzentos ** You made me happy when skies were gray *
"Em que estarei à vontade"When l will be relaxed
"Logo estarei de volta!"Soon I will be back
"Meu querido marido, quando leres isto estarei a caminho do acampamento do Cao Cao.My dear husband, by the time you read this I will be on the way to Cao Cao's camp
"Minha querida Judy, quando ouvires esta gravação eu estarei morto."My dearest Judy, by the time you hear this tape, l will be dead.
- Há um telhado, estareis a salvo lá.There is a roof, you will be safe there.
Amanhã estareis aqui ao meio-dia.Tomorrow you will be here at midday.
Hoje estareis no Paraíso, homens!You will be in haven this day, my men!
".. Heena estará fora desta casa."Henna will be out of this house."
"A casa estará vazia"?"The house will be empty"?
"A morgue do St Stephen's estará encerrada no período de Natal."St Stephen's Mortuary will be closed over Christmas.
"Aqui estará em segurança", disse-me." Here it will be in security ", I called myself.
"Nós planeamos salvar o Jarod hoje á noite e amanhã tu e eu estaremos a ir para um sitio melhor. ""We plan to rescue Jarod tonight and tomorrow you and I will be on our way to a better place."
- Ambos estaremos mortos...-Both of us will be dead...
- Diz-me quando tudo isto vai terminar e quando estaremos seguros?Tell me when you finish and we will be safe?
- E estaremos reunidos.And we will be reunited.
"A acompanhar-me estarão a minha mulher, Joyce e os 3 batatinhas,"Accompanying me will be my wife Joyce and three small fries,
"As mães estarão contra as suas filhas, e as filhas contra as suas mães.""Mothers will be against their daughters, and daughters against their mothers."
"Eles estarão melhor contigo a olhar por eles, "em vez de serem eles a cuidarem sempre de mim.They will be better off with you taking care of them instead of them always taking care of me.
"Hoje, estarão comigo no Paraíso". Por isso, não temas."Today you will be with me in paradise, so fear not."
"Os nossos espíritos estarão com vocês sempre."Our spirits will be with you always.
"...estaria muito interessada em conhecer-te e falarmos melhor.""...would be very interested in meeting up and talking it over."
"Disse também que o motorista, o Manolo, "estaria á minha espera no aeroporto, no Jaguar branco dele.He also said his driver, Manolo, would be at the airport... to whisk me off in his white Jaguar.
"Então fui para o mar, o único lugar onde estaria seguro,And so I took to the seas. The one place there I knew I would be safe.
- Já estarias morto.Then you would be dead now. No.
- Passei o dia a pensar se estarias aqui.I was wondering all day if you would be here.
A Bonnie disse que estarias aqui.Bonnie said that you would be here.
A mamã disse que estarias aqui de manhã... mas não acreditei nela.Mommy said you would be here in the morning, but I didn't believe her.
A tua audácia é louvável, mas para lá daqueles portões estarias em perigo permanente.Your boldness is commendable, but outside those gates you would be in danger at all times.
"Se dependesse de mim, estaríamos juntos para sempre."I cried like a big dumb homo". "And if it was up to me, we would be together forever.
- Não, mas estaríamos a ajudá-la, não a mutilá-la.Would you turn him away? No, but we would be helping him, not maiming him.
- Se assim fosse, estaríamos mortos.- Lf we were, we would be dead.
- Se tivesse tomates, você e eu estaríamos a ir lá para fora agora mesmo.- lf you had a set of nuts, you and me would be stepping outside right about now.
"Se a mamã tivesse dividido uma sandes... Com o Jer e com o Copton eles hoje estariam vivos.""If Mama Cass had shared a sandwich with Karen Carpenter, they both would be alive today."
- A Mãe e o Pai estariam orgulhosos...- Mom and Dad would be proud
- E estariam errados.And they would be wrong.
- Eu sei. todos estariam muito melhor... - Deveríamos ter te ouvido.- I know... everyone would be a lot better off...
A água onde eu estivera a nadar estava muito gelada e quando deixei cair a toalha, tinha encolhido significativamente!The water that l had been swimming in was very cold and when l dropped the towel there had been significant shrinkage.
Aquilo que me diz contradiz as declarações do Mr. Skarssen no relatório do acidente da Gendarmerie, onde afirmou que o Mr. Clément estivera a trabalhar com ele desde as 10 da manhã.What you're telling me conflicts with Skarssen's statement in the gendarmerie's accident report which was that Clement had been working with him since 10 a. m.
Como se o barco estivera ali um longo período de tempo dentro de água.It was like the boat had been out there a long time... taking on water.
Depois de perceberem que a patroa deles estivera sentada a 1 metro de distância, na noite anterior, o Andrew e o Stu puxaram pela cabeça para se lembrarem de todas as coisas incriminadoras que podiam ter dito.Narrator: After realizing that their boss had been sitting three feet away the night before, Andrew and Stu racked their brains for everything incriminating they could have said.
Frankie estivera em três equipas da US Postal, mas em 2000, na segunda vitória de Lance, Frankie recusou dopar-se.Frankie had been on three US Postal teams, but in 2000, Lance's second Tour win, Frankie wouldn't dope.
Depois fomos até a mesma ponte sobre o riacho... aquela onde estivéramos antes.Afterwards we went to the same bridge over the stream... the bridge that we had been to before.
Receio que a revolução tenha sido em vão se... um lavrador da Virginia estiver penhorado a um corrector nova-iorquino, que por sua vez, está penhorado a um banqueiro londrino.I fear our revolution will have been in vain if a Virginia farmer is to be held in hock to a New York stockjobber who in turn is in hock to a London banker.
Mas se eu entrar no céu e se os meus parentes estiverem a olhar por mim, muitos dos relacionamentos teriam sido comprometidos.But if I do get into heaven and my relatives have been watching over me, a lot of relationships will have been compromised.
! Talvez esteja.Maybe I am.
" Talvez eu esteja a ser enganado. Talvez a ser trapaceado. "Maybe I am being conned, maybe I am being fooled.
"'O que crê em mim, ainda que esteja morto..."'He that believeth in me, though he were dead...
"... serei eu... "... a amar-te... "... onde quer que eu esteja."that will be me... loving you... wherever I am.
"...voltarei para levar-te comigo... " " para que onde estiver, estejas também. "I shall return to take you with me, so that where I am, you may be, too.
"Estamos onde quiser que estejamos.""lt's everywhere that we want to be."
"Talvez estejamos em casa pelo Natal", escreveu."Perhaps let us be in house for the Christmas", it wrote.
"Talvez estejamos todos para lá de arranjo."Maybe we're all beyond repair.
"Pobres sem roupa, onde quer que estejais" ele diz... "que os golpes desta impiedosa tempestade".'Poor naked wretches, wherefore ye be', he says... 'that bide the pelting of this pitiless storm'.
- Madame, o Rei ainda está confinado aos seus aposentos por ordem dos seus médicos, mas manda-vos o seu pesar e espera que estejais bem.- Madam, the King is still confined to his chambers by his physicians' orders, but sends his regrets and hopes you are well.
Depois de ir e vos preparar um lugar, voltarei, para que, onde eu estou, também vós estejais."And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and where I am, you may be also."
! Por favor, estejam em casa. Por favor, estejam em casa.Please be home, please be home, please be home, please be home.
"Ainda que os amantes estejam perdidos,"Though lovers be lost love shall not
"Caso esteja perto de morrer, e os aparelhos só estejam a adiar a minha morte, em primeiro lugar, quero ser alimentado por sonda, segundo, só quero a sonda se o meu médico recomendar, e terceiro... não quero ser alimentado por sonda.""In the event that I am close to death "and life support would only postpone that moment of my death, "I, A, want to receive tube feeding,
"E possamos nós ser abençoados com filhos e filhas que estejam vivos e bem para trabalhar para Ti e nutram respeito por Ti.""And may we be blessed with sons and daughters who are alive and well to work for You and be in awe of You."
"Espero que estejam todos bem e que todos se estejam a portar bem."I hope you're all doing okay, and that everyone's being good.
- Estai calado, estai quieto.- Be silent, be still. Be silent--
Estai calado, estai quieto.Be silent, be still.
"Como toda a gente, ainda que tenha plena consciência da minha própria solidão, mesmo estando rodeado de pessoas, e de frequentemente perder a esperança de ser capaz de comunicar com elas.""Yet, like everyone else, I am acutely conscious sometimes of my own isolation, even in the midst of people, and I often give up hope of ever being able to really communicate with them,"
A Senhora com quem estivestes a conversar, quando era suposto estardes à procura de Monsieur Gontier.That lady you were talking to, when you were supposed to be finding Monsieur Gontier.
! Já eram para estarem aqui!These deployments should have been ready!
" Esta é a época para estares feliz "# 'Tis the season to be jolly #
"Agradecimento"... na qualidade de estarmos agradecidos, prontos para mostrar reconhecimento, e retribuirmos a amabilidade."Gratitude: The quality of being thankful, "readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. "
- Pensei que estivesse a colaborar.I thought I was being supportive.
Continuo sob observação, porque... se passa qualquer coisa errda com as minhas pernas, é como se... mas estivessem a arrancar.I'm still under observation, because I have something wrong in my legs, it feels like they were being pull off.
- Pensei que estivesses detida.I thought you were being detained.
Como se estivéssemos a ser perseguidos por Zombies em motas de motocross.Like we were being chased by H.I.V-positive, flesh-eating zombies on motocross bikes.
"Eu, Agnes Northcott, estando de perfeita saúde física e mental"...I Agnes Northcote, being of sound mind and body...
"Eu, Hatchet Jack... estando lúcido de cabeça e as pernas partidas... quero doar o rifle aqui a meu lado... a quem quer que o encontre."I, Hatchet Jack..." being of sound mind and broken legs... do hereby leaveth my bear rifle... to whatever finds it.
"Mas as suas roupas estando rasgadas desde a parte de cima do seu corpo... ""But her clothes being torn from all the upper part of her body... "
Deveis estar tão entusiasmada por estardes de volta a França, após todas as vossas aventuras aqui. - Calai-vos, Mark.You must feel so excited to be back in France, after all your little adventures here.
Então digamos que estais triste por não estardes comprometido.Then let us say you are sad because you are not merry.
"Estou muito feliz por estarem aqui. "Mesmo que não falemos, o que importa são estes momentos."So we drew up a list of people that we'd like to be on the show.
"Não acredito que as pessoas estão buscando pelo sentido da vida, mais do que procuram a experiência de estarem vivas.""I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life, as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."
"Terão esquecido os velhos tempos e como era então estarem vivos?"Have they forgotten the old days?" "What it was like being alive?"
"Obrigada por estares aí ."thanks for being here.
"Quero agradecer-te por criares o Frankie, por estares presente para ele."I want to thank you for being there for Frankie.
"e ainda mais agora por estares doente."even more now because you're ill.
"Antes de estarmos juntos, amei muitas vezes, ou assim pensava." Before we were together I'd been in love many times, or so I thought.
"Fugíamos de uma festa, tu e eu, "mas não encontrávamos nenhum lugar tranquilo "para estarmos sozinhos, para fazermos amor.We were fleeing a party but could 't find a place to be alone and make love.
"Há apenas a segurança de estarmos um com o outro.""There is only the safety of being with each other."
"Onde é suposto estarmos"?"Supposed to be"?
A Lana nunca faria uma coisa dessas a não ser que estivesse a ser coagida.Lana would never, ever do something like that unless she was being coerced.
A menos que estivesse de passagem... estava escondido por perto.Unless he was traveling through, he was being harbored nearby.
A primeira vez que os vi juntos, pedi para que ela piscasse duas vezes se estivesse a ser refém.First time I saw them together, I asked her to blink twice if she was being held hostage.
A única coisa que deixaria isso melhor era se estivesse preso àquela belezura, bem ali.The only thing that would make it any better is if it was being hooked up by that... foxy, little dish over there.
E essa ficha, em particular, foi localizada ontem à noite como se estivessem no carrinho da Sala Rialto.And these particular chips were scanned last night as they were being put on a cart for the Rialto Room.
Foi como se estivessem a segurar as minhas pernas.It felt like my legs were being held.
- Sei que vais ou faço-te desejar que estivesses a ser queimado vivo pelo fogo de Celestis.Oh, I know you will. Or I will make you wish you were being burned alive by the fires of Celestis.
E se estivesses a ser baptizada?What if you were being baptized?
Então se estivesses a ser queimado na fogueira e alguém te desse para a mão uma arma...So if you were being burnt at the stake and someone handed you a gun...
Entretanto estávamos debaixo de fogo como se estivéssemos à chuva.In the meantime we were being shelled like we were standing in the rain.

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