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Fungere (to act) conjugation

23 examples

Conjugation of fungere

Bokmål present tense
I act
Bokmål past tense
I acted
Bokmål future tense
vil fungere
I will act
Bokmål conditional tense
ville fungere
I would act
Bokmål imperative tense
I act
Bokmål present perfect tense
har fungert
I have acted
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde fungert
I had acted
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha fungert
I will have acted
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha fungert
I would have acted
Nynorsk present tense
I act
Nynorsk past tense
I acted
Nynorsk future tense
vil fungere
I will act
Nynorsk conditional tense
ville fungere
I would act
Nynorsk imperative tense
I act
Nynorsk present perfect tense
har fungert
I have acted
Nynorsk past perfect tense
hadde fungert
I had acted
Nynorsk future perfect tense
vil ha fungert
I will have acted
Nynorsk conditional perfect tense
ville ha fungert
I would have acted

Examples of fungere

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Sverger dere å fungere som sheriffer og opprettholde Texas' lov?Do you swear to act as deputy sheriffs and uphold the laws of Texas?
Hvem som bør etterfølge ham, er en selvfølge. Særlig hvis du får denne til å fungere!I should think his successor would be a foregone conclusion... especially if you're the one to actually make this thing work.
Det kommer nok til å fungere.Contact. There. I think that's going to work.
Nei da, men jeg kjenner folk som har hemmelige polyamorøse forhold, men bare de som er ærlige med hverandre, som dere, får det til å fungere.which is what Ben said that you guys were to each other, who actually make it function. But, you know, it's-- I mean, not that it's polyamorous.
For hvis vi ikke har disse tingene å fungere som en form for eksorsisme eller en katalysator for oss , vi begynner å legge merke til disse tingene i oss selv og det er det vi ikke ønsker.Because if we don't have these things to act as a form of exorcism or a catalyst for us, we start to notice these things in ourselves and that's what we don't want.
Men som offiser matte du vel fungere som leder, kommandere menn og holde moralen oppe?But as an officer you surely had to act in an executive capacity, you had to command men, be responsible for the morale?
Han kan fungere som tolk.He can act as interpreter.
Sverger dere å fungere som sheriffer og opprettholde Texas' lov?Do you swear to act as deputy sheriffs and uphold the laws of Texas?
- Det vil ikke fungere.-It's not practical. It won't work.
Hvordan kan jeg fungere uten alle fakta?How can I function, if I don't have all the facts?
Den fungerer på samme måte som den andre masken.It works on exactly the same principle as the other mask.
Vi vil ikke favorisere noen, men nå fungerer du som korporal.Now, we don't want to show any favoritism about this but you're now an acting corporal.
-Man fungerer etter sine behov.We act according to our needs.
Dr Michaels er blodomløpsekspert og fungerer som navigatør.Dr Michaels is a circulatory specialist and will act as your navigator.
Men å se det virkelig, ett av universets mirakler, hvor åndedrettsyklusen fungerer...But to actually see one of the miracles of the universe, the engineering of the cycle of a breath...
Han har funnet ut hvorfor boksen fungerte som en barriere.He's working on new cell lines... improved cell lines And he discovered why the sound booth acted as a barrier
Først fungerte de forsterkede EEG-ene som en nøkkel.In the first experiment, our amplified EEG-is, they acted like a key.
De første lydene fungerte som et signal, en tiltrekningskraft.The first sounds acted as a beacon, drawing the entity to our world.
"Jeg anbefaler at han blir gitt fungerende rang som kaptein."I would like to recommend that he be given the acting rank of captain."
Blant dere tar jeg én mann med offiserserfaring... som fungerende løytnant.From you I'll accept one man with some experience of command... as an acting lieutenant.
- Er du fungerende sjef?You acting C.O.?
Dette tilhørte kaptein Colt, sir, og siden du er fungerende kompanisjef, sa er det du som ma skrive brevet.This belonged to Captain Colt, sir, and being as you're acting CO, I guess you'll be the man who'll write the letter.
Jeg vet, sir, at jeg bare er fungerende messeoffiser, men det krever min fulle oppmerksomhet, og er til alles beste.I know, sir, that I'm just an acting mess officer, Colonel, but the job requires my full attention. It's to everyone's benefit.

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