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Berakting (to act) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berakting

Present tense
I act
Past tense
sudah berakting
I acted
Present perfect tense
sudah berakting
I have acted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berakting
I will have acted
Future recent tense
berakting nanti
I will act
Future distant tense
berakting kelak
I am going to act
Present continuous tense
sedang berakting
I act
Past distant tense
dulu berakting
I (a long time ago) acted
Past recent tense
berakting tadi
I (recently) acted
Past very recent tense
baru saja berakting
I (just now) acted

Examples of berakting

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kalau kita sedang berakting, ayo pergi jalan-jalan.If we're acting, let's go all the way.
Aku menulis, mendesain, menyutradarai, dan berakting dalam ratusan film.I wrote, designed, directed, and acted in hundreds of movies.
Jika aku punya, aku pasti juga bisa berakting seperti Dae Woong.If I had that, then I can act like Dae Woong, too.
Kau suka berakting sebanyak kau suka aku.You like acting just as much as you like me.
Krystal, kau berhenti berakting Ini bukan polisi nyata.Krystal, you can drop the act. This isn't a real cop.

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