Tačiau, atsižvelgiant į jo dydį ir savybes, palyginti su kitais sraigtasparniais, jis vis dar turi leistis paruoštoje aikštelėje (ant cemento platformos), o tai reiškia, kad jis netinkamas užduotims dykumose arba leistis ant naftos platformų. | At the same time, given its size and characteristics, compared with other helicopters, it still needs to land on prepared ground (cement platform) which means it is unsuitable for missions in the desert, or for landing on oil platforms. |
Juodieji vanagai, duotas leidimas leistis. | Black Hawks, you're clear to land. |
Mes ketiname leistis. | We're coming in to land. |
Jie prašo leidimo leistis. | They signal for permission to land. |
Įstatymo pažeidimas baudžiamas, nebandykite leistis. | Under penalty of law, do not attempt to land. |
Jis puikiai pakilo, bet kai leidosi, nutiko kažkas siaubinga. | He nailed the takeoff, but when he landed, something terrible happened. |
Degalai matyt išsiliejo, kai leidosi. | Gas leak must have caught on the landing. |