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Lukea (to read) conjugation

145 examples
This verb can also mean the following: count, still used in some expressions like mukaan luettuna kotus type 58/laskea, k- gradation

Conjugation of lukea

Present tense
I read
you read
he/she reads
we read
you all read
they read
is read
Past tense
I read
you read
he/she read
we read
you all read
they read
was read
Conditional mood
I would read
you would read
he/she would read
we would read
you all would read
they would read
would be read
Imperative mood
let's read!
be read!
Potential tense
I probably read
you probably read
he/she probably reads
we probably read
you all probably read
they probably read
probably is read
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to read
to read
while reading
while reading
just about to read
Passive infinitives
while not reading
not reading
Passive participles
not read
not read
Present negative tense
en lue
I do not read
et lue
you do not read
ei lue
he/she do not read
emme lue
we do not read
ette lue
you all do not read
eivät lue
they do not read
ei lueta
is not read
Past negative tense
en lukenut
I did not read
et lukenut
you did not read
ei lukenut
he/she did not read
emme lukeneet
we did not read
ette lukeneet
you all did not read
eivät lukeneet
they did not read
oli luettu
had been read
Conditional negative tense
en lukisi
I would not read
et lukisi
you would not read
ei lukisi
he/she would not read
emme lukisi
we would not read
ette lukisi
you all would not read
eivät lukisi
they would not read
Imperative negative mood
älä lue
do not read!
älköön lukeko
let him/her/it not read!
älkäämme lukeko
let's not read!
älkää lukeko
do not read!
älkööt lukeko
do not read!
Potential negative tense
en lukene
I probably do not read
et lukene
you probably do not read
ei lukene
he/she probably does not read
emme lukene
we probably do not read
ette lukene
you all probably do not read
eivät lukene
they probably do not read
Present perfect tense
olen lukenut
I have read
olet lukenut
you have read
on lukenut
he/she has read
olemme lukeneet
we have read
olette lukeneet
you all have read
ovat lukeneet
they have read
on luettu
has been read
Past perfect tense
olin lukenut
I had read
olit lukenut
you had read
oli lukenut
he/she had read
olimme lukeneet
we had read
olitte lukeneet
you all had read
olivat lukeneet
they had read
Conditional perfect tense
olisin lukenut
I would have read
olisit lukenut
you would have read
olisi lukenut
he/she would have read
olisimme lukeneet
we would have read
olisitte lukeneet
you all would have read
olisivat lukeneet
they would have read
olisi luettu
would has been read
Imperative perfect tense
ole lukenut
you have read!
olkoon lukenut
he/she have read!
olkaamme lukeneet
we have read!
olkaa lukeneet
you all have read!
olkoot lukeneet
they have read!
olkoon luettu
has been read!
Potential perfect tense
lienen lukenut
I probably have read
lienet lukenut
you probably have read
lienee lukenut
he/she probably has read
lienemme lukeneet
we probably have read
lienette lukeneet
you all probably have read
lienevät lukeneet
they probably have read
lienee luettu
probably has been read
Present perfect negative tense
en ole lukenut
I have not read
et ole lukenut
you have not read
ei ole lukenut
he/she has not read
emme ole lukeneet
we have not read
ette ole lukeneet
you all have not read
eivät ole lukeneet
they have not read
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut lukenut
I had not read
et ollut lukenut
you had not read
ei ollut lukenut
he/she had not read
emme olleet lukeneet
we had not read
ette olleet lukeneet
you all had not read
eivät olleet lukeneet
they had not read
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi lukenut
I would not have read
et olisi lukenut
you would not have read
ei olisi lukenut
he/she would not have read
emme olisi lukeneet
we would not have read
ette olisi lukeneet
you all would not have read
eivät olisi lukeneet
they would not have read
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole lukenut
you have read!
olkoon lukenut
he/she have read!
olkaamme lukeneet
we have read!
olkaa lukeneet
you all have read!
olkoot lukeneet
they have read!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene lukenut
I probably have not read
et liene lukenut
you probably have not read
ei liene lukenut
he/she probably has not read
emme liene lukeneet
we probably have not read
ette liene lukeneet
you all probably have not read
eivät liene lukeneet
they probably have not read

Examples of lukea

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Astraaliprojektio." Tuo pitäisi lukea.CORDELIA: "Astral Projection." I should read up.
"Britit osaavat lukea, mutta mitä hyvää se on saanut aikaan?""British can read and what good has it done them?"
"Ei" seurasi pyyntöäsi lukea uudestaan Cordya.That "no" was the one that comes after you asking me to read Cordy again.
"Ei, oletko..." Pitääkö minun lukea tämä uusnorjaksi? -Se on Jon Fossea."Oh, is it... " I have to read it in New Norwegian?
"Anna kun luen sen sinulle.""Let me read it to you."
"Etsin tämän kateushirviö-tytön ja luen hänelle tarinan - ja sulatan hänen jäisen sydämen." Hobitti sanoi, "Kiitos," - ja hobitti ja Jumala elivät onnellisina elämänsä loppuun asti, koska rakastivat niin toisiaan."I will go find this jelly monster girl" "and I will read her a story and melt her icy heart." And the hobbit said, "Thank you", and the hobbit and God lived happily ever after because I love her so much.
"Jos luen tämän kohdan, pyysit ottamaan rennosti.""If I am reading this section, then I can only assume "you have told me to relax.
"Miksi luen samaa kirjaa kuin kolme vuotta sitten?""Why can't I hang out with my friends? Why am I reading the same book I read 3 years ago?"
"Minä makaan alasti sohvalla ja luen Shakespearen sonetteja."I lay on a chaise longue nude, reading sonnets from Shakespeare.
"Daniel, jos luet tätä, Kobran tarina on tappanut minut."Dear Daniel, if you're reading this, "then this Cobra story is the one that finally got me.
"Ennenkuin luet viestisi -"Before you read your message...
"Hei Bones, kun luet tätä, olen jo...""Dear Bones, by the time you read this I will already be-"
"Hyvä tri Mänttiberg, jos luet tätä, olen kuollut. ""Dear Doctor Jerk-berg, if you're reading this, I'm dead.
"Jos luet tämän, tiedoksi: muratti alkaa kasvaa."If you are reading this know that a network of ivy will grow.
"Jos Bert lukee sata kirjaa vuodessa, hän saa millaiset synttärit tahansa.""If Bert reads a 100 books in a year, he can have any birthday he wants." That's airtight.
"Klo 17. Lazlo lukee näytelmäänsä Hauserille ja Wallnerille.""5 p.m. Lazlo reads the first act of his anniversary play to Hauser and Wallner."
"Potilastiedoissani lukee.:And my discharge sheet reads, 'recovered.'
- Hän kai lukee ajatuksemme.- He reads our very mind.
- Ei, luemme runoutta.No, we are gonna sit around reading feminist poetry.
- Hautaamme kirjeet siinä, - ja tasan vuoden kuluttua tulemme kaivamaan ne ylös, luemme ne ja ehkä saamme vastauksen.- Why? - We're gonna put 'em in here and bury them, and exactly a year from now, we're gonna come back and we're gonna dig it up, read the letters, and maybe then we'll have the answer. - What's the question?
- Koska olemme hyviä esittämään, luemme sen illallisen jälkeen.Tell you what. I'm good at voices, you're even better, so we'll read it out after dinner.
- Me kaikki luemme.Of course I read his blog.
- Me luemme.We're reading.
"Gloria ja Cynthia, kiitos että luette tämän nöyrän kirjeen.""Dear Gloria and Cynthia, thank you so much for reading this humble letter.
"Jos luette tätä, sota on jatkunut - ja kohtalonne todistajana on selvinnyt teille." Hän tiesi."Dear sir, if you're reading this now, then the war has resumed" "and your destiny to bear witness made manifest." Washington knew you were a Witness.
"Olen jo kaukana, kun luette nämä kurjat rivit."I will be far away when you read these sad lines.
"Opitte tästä pikku veijarista lisää aikuisena" "kun luette herra Alexander Worplen hienon kirjan Amerikan linnuista."You will learn much more about this rascal when you are grown-up and read Mr Alexander Worple's wonderful book, American Birds.
"Autuaat ovat ne, jotka lukevat ja kuulevat profetian sanat - ja ottavat vaarin siitä, sillä aika on lähellä""Blessed are those who read and hear the prophecy and take it to heart because the time is near."
"He istuvat ja lukevat ja ballerina tanssii Mozartin tahtiin."They're just sitting there and they're all reading. There's a little ceramic ballerina going around playing Mozart music.
"He naivat ensin vähän aikaa, lukevat välillä Kungfutsea" 'tulevat taas takaisin naimaan, lopettavat...""Well, first they screw a little bit, then they read a little Confucius, come back, screw a little bit more, then they stop again..."
"Hienot naiset tietävät pitää varansa - he lukevat kirjoja tämmöisistä juonista.""Ladies know what to guard against "because they read novels that tell them of these tricks."
"Kirjoitan tämän siinä toivossa, että ihmissilmät lukevat sen joskus."I write this in the hope that it will some day be read by human eyes."
Ajatuksemme luetaan ja sitten esineet valmistetaan.Yes. Somehow our thoughts are read and these things are manufactured.
Kummankin sormuksen tieto on hyödytöntä yksinään, - mutta kun sormuksia luetaan yhdessä, ne avaavat toistensa koodit.The data on each ring is indecipherable on its own but when they are read together, their codes unlock each other.
Niin kauan kuin hänen kirjojaan luetaan ja laulujamme lauletaan, - meistä jokainen voi elää ikuisesti.As long as his books are read, his paintings admired, as ong as our songs are sung, we may each of us live forever.
"En kuullut hänestä ennen kuin luin lehdestä, että hän on kuollut."I did not hear about Kayla again until I read of her death in the times two days ago.
"Kirjeesi, tunteesi, osanottosi, toiveesi ja lämpösi" "koskettivat minua syvästi, kun luin sydämellisen viestisi. "Your letter, feelings, concerns, desires and warmth... literally jumped off the page at me... when reading your heartfelt message.
"Minä luin jostain, että te suutelette ja teille tulee suhde.""Dear David, I read somewhere that you and Maddie were going to kiss and have a big affair.
"Minä luin kirjanne." "Tulin surulliseksi, kun luin, mitä teille on tapahtunut. "I read your book... and I really felt sad about what happened to you.
"Näin juuri omani." "Se oli gorilla kirjasta jonka luin lapsena.""I just saw mine, it was a gorilla from a book I'd read as a kid.
"Missä olit, kun luit Joyce McKinneystä?""Where were you when you read the Joyce McKinney story?"
"Muutos on valinta." Mistä tuon luit?"Change is choice"? Where'd you read that?
"Älä lue", ja sinä luit silti?"Do not read," and you read it?
- Ei ole, luit jo kaiken.- There isn't anymore. You've read everything in the house.
"Fingerling eläintarhassa." Äitini luki sitä minulle, kun olin pieni."Fingerling at the zoo." My mother read it to me when I was a kid.
"Hautakivessä luki vain yksi sana:""The epitaph read only one word:
"Hän asetti silmälasinsa nenälleen, rykäisi kurkkuaan ja luki ääneen..."- "he propped his glasses on his nose, Cleared his throat, and read aloud."
"Hän kurkisti kerran tai pari kirjaa, jota hänen siskonsa luki. "Mutta siinä ei ollut kuvia eikä vuoropuheluja.Once or twice, she had peeked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations.
"Hän luki New York Timesin jutun.He read the article about you in Sunday's New York Times. He's a doer, Bob.
"Danielle vaarassa?" Mehän luimme sitä eilen illalla?Danielle in Danger? Didn't we read that last night, Bridge?
- Ei pidä paikkaansa, luimme arvostelut.That's not true. We read the reviews.
- Ja me luimme synkkiä tarinoita Pohjolasta.- As we read to each other dark stories of the North. - No.
- Me kaikki luimme tehtäväraportit.- We all reread the mission reports. - OK.
- Niinkö? Muistatko sen tapaturman josta luimme?yeah. you know that one freak accident we read about in the paper?
! Te luitte...You were reading...
"Herr" Wiesenthal - luitte päiväkirjan."Herr" Wiesenthal you read the diary.
- Juurihan te luitte sen!You've just read it, haven't you?
- Kuulitte vai luitte?- Heard or read?
- Muinaisjäänne. Jos luitte lehdestä, se todistetaan mitättömäksi.The Fulcrum is an irrelevant relic, uh, which, in case you haven't read Cathcart's piece in the Post, is being systematically debunked as we speak.
"Perjantain vastaisena yönä - mujahideenit lukivat meille Jemaah Islamiyahin vaatimuksen..."In the early hours of Friday morning the Mujahideen read us the bayan of the Jama Islamiyya Moussalaha...
- Olet yksi harvoista jotka sen lukivat.- You are one of the few that read it.
-He lukivat kuulemma Nietzscheä.It says here they read Nietzsche.
-Kaikki lukivat.Really? You read it?
Mutta sinulle varmasti luettiin iltasatuja - toisin kuin isäni minulle.Yeah, but I bet you were read fairy tales at bedtime... not like what my dad did.
Jos joku antaisi minulle Hesarin, - lukisin siitä jatkotarinan.And if someone handed me an issue of The New Yorker, I would read the fiction.
Lupasin, että jos hän ei näkisi sinun hääpäivääsi, - niin lukisin tämän kirjeen sinulle.That, were he not able to attend your wedding day... l would read this letter to you.
Minä lukisin se teille.And would read it to you.
Että lukisit hänen novellinsa.That you would read her novel...
Niin. Olisi hauskaa jos lukisit ja arvostelisit sen.It would mean a lot of me if you would read it and give me some notes.
Alexander Franklin James lukisi Baltimoressa Jessen murhasta.Alexander Franklin James would be in Baltimore when he would read of the assassination of Jesse James.
Haluan aikuisten tarinoita, joita Lucy lukisi.I'm sick of children's stories. I want something more grown-up, like lucy would read.
Ja kuvassa lukisi:And the caption would read... Hope...
Maineeni on ollut kyseenalainen siitä lähtien, kun sanoin Judith Krantzille, - ettei kukaan yli 14-vuotias lukisi hänen fiktiotaan.My reputation has been in question ever since I told Judith Krantz that no 14-year-old would read her fiction.
Samalla tavalla kuin me lukisimme kauppalistaa.The way you and I would read a list of things to buy at the market.
Uskon, että Crellick pani sen sinne ja halusi meidän löytävän sen, - koska lukisimme sen ja ymmärtäisimme jotain.I think Crellick put it there. I think he wanted us to find it because we would read it and understand something.
Mutta sitten pimeänvoimat lukisivat meidän ajatukset ja murskaisivat ne kuin höyhenen.But then the Dark One would read our minds and crush them like blood pumpkins.
Tämä on hauska kirja. Ei sellainen, jota luettaisiin ennen itsemurhaa.It's a light, funny book, not the kind of thing that a man would be reading just before shooting himself.
"Ellet lue tätä sääntökirjaa, pääsi ajellaan.""lf you do not read this rule book, your head will be shaved."
"Kun elämä alkaa muuttua vanhuuden tähystimeksi..." En lue tätä."When the stirrups of life start to feel like the speculum of old age..." Nick, I'm not reading this.
"Ole ystävällinen ja lue.""Please read."
"Sterling kulta, ethän lue tätä ääneen..."Dear Sterling. You probably should not be reading this out loud, bec --
"lue tää taas kirja. "Tähtikatseest' unta nää."and nodding by the fire, take down this book and slowly read and dream of the soft look your eyes had once,
- Edustaja lukekoon päätöksen.The foreman will read the verdict.
"Jos haluatte tietää puolustukseni, lukekaa Sieppari ruispellossa.""If you want my defence, all you have to do is read...
- Joo. Painakaa ruutua ja lukekaa ehdot.Addons Touch the screen to read terms and conditions.
-Mitä hel... lukekaa luvut 1 - 16.- What the -- please read chapters 1 through 1 6.
Jos luulevat niin, lukekoot kirjamme.Do they think that they should read our book.
Lapset lukekoot.I want them to read.
Hän ei kirjoittanut muisteluja omille lapsenlapsilleen - koska hän ei uskonut kenenkään rakastavan tarpeeksi lukeakseen ne.She wouldn't write down her memories... because nobody loved her enough to read them.
Luuletko, että joku putkimies Illinoisista, - säästää jopa 25 vuotta, tullakseen tänne risteilyaluksella, - lukeakseen sokeriplantaasien huonoista ajoista?You think some plumber from Normal, Illinois, saves up for 25 years to come here on a cruise ship to read about bad times in the sugar plantation?
Mutta jos on liian päissään lukeakseen...Yeah, but if you're too loaded to read them...
(puhelin soi) Olin lukemassa sitä!(phone ringing) I was reading that!
- Et, olin lukemassa.- No, I was reading.
- Istut lukemassa oppikirjoja?So you've been sitting down here reading textbooks? No, I found my diary.
- Ja hiljainen, aina lukemassa.And such a quiet boy. Always reading.
- Miksi seisoisin lukemassa takki napitettuna?- It's a poor idea. Why would I be standing up with my jacket buttoned, reading?
"Kirk lakkasi lukemasta ja minä jurottamasta."He says, "Yeah, Kirk stopped reading, and I stopped moping."
- Ei. Ehkä noin voimakkaalla naisella on kyky estää minua lukemasta itseään.But maybe a woman as powerful as she is has the ability to prevent me from reading her.
- Lakkaa lukemasta sarjakuviani.Stop reading my comics!
- Yksi heistä voisi estää muita lukemasta Declanin mieltä.One of them could be blocking the other two from reading his mind.
Askelmittarisi lukemasta ei taida olla hyötyä.- l hardly think that your pedometer reading... will be much use.
- Ehkä olet huono lukemaan ihmisiä.Maybe you're just bad at reading people.
- Etkö ole vähän vanha lukemaan sarjakuvia?It's about to get worse too. Aren't you a bit old to be reading comic books?
- Haluan vain päästä lukemaan sohvalle. - Joitain emme.You know, I just wanna be home, reading on opposite ends of the sofa.
- Jos olet hyvä lukemaan ihmisiä...If you're so good at reading people
"Kutsu Harvin henkeä lukemalla Isä Meidän takaperin.""You are to call upon the dark spirit of the Warden Harvis... "by reading the Lord's prayer"... Oh, my. "In reverse".
- Ajattelin, että lukemalla jotain...- I thought by reading something that...
- Hän osaa lukea. Hän kuluttaa vapaa-aikaansa lukemalla, ei kuuntelemalla.It means she spends her leisure time reading, not listening.
- Meidän pitää kai aloittaa lukemalla se.I suppose we should start by reading it.
- llmeisesti hän voittaa lukemalla ajatuksia. - lhanaa.- Apparently he wins by reading his opponents' minds.
Cecil ei näytä hänelle kirjettä lukematta sitä.Cecil will not let her see a letter without reading it first.
En voi olla lukematta sitä.I can't stop reading it, you know.
Hyväksyin lukematta!I clicked without reading!
Hyväksyit roolin lukematta näytelmää.John, accepted the paper without reading the play.
Hän allekirjoittaa kaiken lukematta.He signs anything without reading it.
- Millaisen lukeman saimme?What kind of reading did we get?
- Minkä lukeman sait?What's your reading?
- Päällikkö, saatko lukemia gravitaatio jäännöksistä kuljetussysteemin ympärillä? - Saan lukeman matalatasoisesta häiriöstä.Chief, are you reading any graviton flux around the transfer systems?
- Saan lukeman.I'm getting a reading.
- Se antaa korkeamman lukeman.It'll give a higher positive reading.
"Lehden lukeminen" tarkoittaa masturbointia, eikö vain?Wait, reading a magazine means masturbating, right?
"Testamentin lukeminen voi itse asiassa olla suuri helpotus."The reading of a will can actually come as a kind of relief.
- Ei, lopeta lukeminen.Stop reading.
- Eikä sinun tarvitse huolehtia - heidän lähettämistään hienoihin kouluihin. Heitä ei kiinnosta - lukeminen tai numerot.And you don't have to worry about sending them to fancy schools because they're not interested in reading or numbers.
- Kuinka kirjan lukeminen sujui?- So, how did your book reading go? - Oh, fine.
"Nimeni on Abby ja rakastan kirjojen lukemista-""Oh, my name's Abby, and I love reading Tolstoy.
- En ymmärrä kirjan lukemista kahteen kertaan.I never could get into reading a book twice.
- Harjoittelen lukemista.A reading game.
- Hän on kirjannut lukemista.- She read the reading.
- Pää kiinni, lukeva hinttari.Back off, reading rainbow.
- Runoja lukeva vegaani, luoja!A poetry-reading vegan. Oh, my God!
- Tämä ajatuksia lukeva paska ei onnistu.This mind-reading crap won't fly. - No!
Joku runoja lukeva nynny!Yeah, some poetry-reading wimp.
Nimittäin ylpeästi huulipunaa käyttävä AfterElleniä lukeva tyttöystävä.And by girlfriend, I mean out and proud, lipstick-loving, AfterEllen-reading girlfriend.
"En lukenut Iliasta.You just got to pay attention to their mouths. "I did not read the Iliad.
"Herra McNamara, ette varmasti ole koskaan lukenut historiankirjaa.""Mr. McNamara, you must never have read a history book.
"Hyvä päätoimittaja. Olen lukenut lehteänne kuusi vuotta."Dear Editor, I read your magazine for six years.
"Häilyvä." Joku on lukenut sanakirjaa."Mercurial." Someone's been reading...
"Hän oli lukenut tarinoita lapsista, jotka olivat palaneet" -For she had read several stories about children who had gotten burnt,
- Gauss-lukema pomppasi taivaisiin.The gauss readings has jumped off the charts.
- Malek, mikä on lukema?- Malek, what's that read?
- Michelle, hanki minulle laakson lukema.MAN: Michelle, get me the valley reading. MICHELLE:
- Miehen lukema on 95.He's reading 95, Chief.
- Mikä kvadrantin lukema on?What do you read? 28.
Saneltu, mutta ei luettu."Dictated but not read."

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