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Lire (to read) conjugation

33 examples

Conjugation of lire

Present tense
je lis
I read
tu lis
you read
il/elle/on lit
he/she/it reads
nous lisons
we read
vous lisez
you all read
ils/elles lisent
they read
Present perfect tense
j’ai lu
I read
tu as lu
you read
il/elle/on a lu
he/she/it read
nous avons lu
we read
vous avez lu
you all read
ils/elles ont lu
they read
Past impf. tense
je lisais
I was reading
tu lisais
you were reading
il/elle/on lisait
he/she/it was reading
nous lisions
we were reading
vous lisiez
you all were reading
ils/elles lisaient
they were reading
Future tense
je lirai
I will read
tu liras
you will read
il/elle/on lira
he/she/it will read
nous lirons
we will read
vous lirez
you all will read
ils/elles liront
they will read
Past perfect tense
j’avais lu
I had read
tu avais lu
you had read
il/elle/on avait lu
he/she/it had read
nous avions lu
we had read
vous aviez lu
you all had read
ils/elles avaient lu
they had read
Past preterite tense
je lus
I read
tu lus
you read
il/elle/on lut
he/she/it read
nous lûmes
we read
vous lûtes
you all read
ils/elles lurent
they read
Past anterior tense
j’eus lu
I had read
tu eus lu
you had read
il/elle/on eut lu
he/she/it had read
nous eûmes lu
we had read
vous eûtes lu
you all had read
ils/elles eurent lu
they had read
Future perfect tense
j’aurai lu
I will have read
tu auras lu
you will have read
il/elle/on aura lu
he/she/it will have read
nous aurons lu
we will have read
vous aurez lu
you all will have read
ils/elles auront lu
they will have read
Present subjunctive tense
que je lise
that I read
que tu lises
that you read
qu’il/elle/on lise
that he/she/it read
que nous lisions
that we read
que vous lisiez
that you all read
qu’ils/elles lisent
that they read
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie lu
that I have read
que tu aies lu
that you have read
qu’il/elle/on ait lu
that he/she/it have read
que nous ayons lu
that we have read
que vous ayez lu
that you all have read
qu’ils/elles aient lu
that they have read
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je lusse
that I would read
que tu lusses
that you would read
qu’il/elle/on lût
that he/she/it would read
que nous lussions
that we would read
que vous lussiez
that you all would read
qu’ils/elles lussent
that they would read
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse lu
that I had read
que tu eusses lu
that you had read
qu’il/elle/on eût lu
that he/she/it had read
que nous eussions lu
that we had read
que vous eussiez lu
that you all had read
qu’ils/elles eussent lu
that they had read
Conditional mood
je lirais
I would read
tu lirais
you would read
il/elle/on lirait
he/she/it would read
nous lirions
we would read
vous liriez
you all would read
ils/elles liraient
they would read
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais lu
I would have read
tu aurais lu
you would have read
il/elle/on aurait lu
he/she/it would have read
nous aurions lu
we would have read
vous auriez lu
you all would have read
ils/elles auraient lu
they would have read
Imperative mood
let's read!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie lu
have read
ayons lu
let's have read
ayez lu
have read

Examples of lire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Si tu veux lire, Mme Greg voudra bien t'apprendre.If you want to read, I'm sure Mrs Greg will teach you.
" Je ne sais pas lire. ""I can't read."
" Je vais lire un des sermons à haute voix. ""l will read one of the sermons aloud."
""ll est en train de lire"", paraít-il.l was to tell you that he´s reading it.
"Arrête de lire tout le temps." Joker."Stop reading all the time." I'm out.
! Ils ont lu trop de romans d'espionnage!Someone's been reading too many spy novels.
! Je l'ai lu dans un magazine.I read it in a magazine
! T'as jamais lu Sartre de ta vie !You've never read Sartre in your life!
" Cher David, j'ai lu que Maddie et vous alliez vous embrasser et vous aimer."Dear David, I read somewhere that you and Maddie were going to kiss and have a big affair.
" Trois de mes professeurs ont lu tes nouvelles, je t'appelle plus tard ""i had three professors read your stories.
" Cher Lewis, quel bonheur de recevoir tes lettres, à chaque fois que j'en lis une je me sens plus proche de toi. "GLADYS READING: " Dear Lewis, how lovely to receive your letters, each time I read one I feel closer to you "
" Chère moi, si tu lis ceci, je pense que tu es maintenant un docteur de poneys ou une serveuse payée au rabais"."Dear me, if you're reading this, "I'm guessing you're now a pony doctor or an underpaid waitress."
" Si tu lis ceci, c'est que je suis mort."If you're reading this, it means I'm dead.
"Alors, lis l'histoire et suis les oiseaux. "Oui."so read the story and follow the birds.
"Bonjour Jasper. "Si tu lis ce mot, ou du moins, "si tu le fais lire à Henry..."Morning Jasper, if you're reading this note or more likely if you're making Henry read it to you, then my alarm clock mysteriously failed to wake me and I was forced to rush to the airport without our usual talk but you boys
Bien, lisons ceci d'accord ?Well, let's read along here, shall we?
Il y a eu beaucoup de réponses, donc lisons en certaines à haute voix.I got a lot o' responses, so let's read some aloud.
" Moi, Duncan Morrow, suis le seul auteur de ce document, si vous lisez ces lignes, c'est qu'on m'a déterrer.""I, Duncan Morrow, am the sole author of this document, "which, if you are reading, means someone dug me up.
" Si vous lisez ces mots, je ne dois probablement plus être de ce monde, et non pas , je le crois, à cause de cette abominable maladie. ""If you're reading this note I am probably already long gone, "not I suspect as a result of this dreadful illness.
" Si vous lisez ça, il est probablement perdu ou a des ennuis.""If you're reading this, he's probably lost or gotten into trouble."
"Cher Rehan, si vous lisez cette lettre..."'Dear Rehan, if you are reading this letter.. '
"Cher docteur Jerk-berg, si vous lisez ceci, je suis déjà mort."Dear Doctor Jerk-berg, if you're reading this, I'm dead.
Bien que j'aie lu le procés verbal de cette affaire... et je suis d'accord avec certaines choses que M. McNeal a trouvé...While I have read the transcript ofthis case... and am familiarwith some ofthe things Mr. McNeal found...
C'est impossible que vous ayez lu ce nom.You couldn't have read Kim In-sook's name
Il se peut que vous ayez lu des articles sur mon prochain invité.You may have read about my next guest in the newspapers recently.
Quelle coïncidence, qu'on m'ait attribué... ce sujet... et que vous ayez lu mon unique livre.What a coincidence, that I'd be assigned to this story and you'd have read my only book.
Quoi que vous ayez lu dans les journaux, notre gouvernement n'a trouvé aucun vaisseau spatial.Regardless of what you may have read in the tabloids, there have never been any spacecraft recovered by our government.
Quoique vous ayez lu dans les journaux, notre gouvernement n'a trouvé aucun vaisseau spatial. Croyez-moi.Regardless of what you may have read in the tabloids, there have never been any spacecraft recovered by our government.
"J'ai rougi en la lisant."I blushed reading it. "
"J'étais le grand brun lisant Salinger dans le downtown 1 (train) .""I was the tall, brown-haired guy reading Salinger on the downtown 1."
"Mais en lisant ce livre, "j'ai l'impression de parler avec toi.But, reading that book, l fee l like l,m ta lking to you.
"Sa photo, lisant le journal du jour." C' est toi le poète !This is a picture of him reading today's newspaper. You're the poet.
"en lisant le Notre-Père...""by reading the Lord's prayer"...

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