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Llegir (to read) conjugation

59 examples

Conjugation of llegir

Present tense
I read
you read
he/she reads
we read
you all read
they read
Present perfect tense
he llegit
I have read
has llegit
you have read
ha llegit
he/she has read
hem llegit
we have read
heu llegit
you all have read
han llegit
they have read
Future tense
I will read
you will read
he/she will read
we will read
you all will read
they will read
Conditional mood
I would read
you would read
he/she would read
we would read
you all would read
they would read
Past perfect tense
havia llegit
I had read
havies llegit
you had read
havia llegit
he/she had read
havíem llegit
we had read
havíeu llegit
you all had read
havien llegit
they had read
Past impf. tense
I was reading
you were reading
he/she was reading
we were reading
you all were reading
they were reading
Imperative mood
let him/her read!
let's read!
let them read!
Imperative negative mood
no llegeixis
don't read!
no llegeixi
don't let him/her read!
no llegim
let's not read!
no llegiu
don't read!
no llegeixin
don't let them read!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria llegit
I would have read
hauries llegit
you would have read
hauria llegit
he/she would have read
hauríem llegit
we would have read
hauríeu llegit
you all would have read
haurien llegit
they would have read
Future perfect tense
hauré llegit
I will have read
hauràs llegit
you will have read
haurà llegit
he/she will have read
haurem llegit
we will have read
haureu llegit
you all will have read
hauren llegit
they will have read
Preterite past tense
I read
you read
he/she read
we read
you all read
they read
Past anterior tense
haguí llegit
I had read
hagueres llegit
you had read
hagué llegit
he/she had read
haguérem llegit
we had read
haguéreu llegit
you all had read
haguéren llegit
they had read
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) read
(so that you) read
(so that he/she) reads
(so that we) read
(so that you all) read
(so that they) read
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was reading
(so that you) were reading
(so that he/she) was reading
(so that we) were reading
(so that you all) were reading
(so that they) were reading
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi llegit
(so that I) have read
hagis llegit
(so that you) have read
hagi llegit
(so that he/she) has read
hàgim llegit
(so that we) have read
hàgiu llegit
(so that you all) have read
hagin llegit
(so that they) have read
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués llegit
(so that I) had read
haguessis llegit
(so that you) had read
hagués llegit
(so that he/she) had read
haguéssim llegit
(so that we) had read
haguéssiu llegit
(so that you all) had read
haguessin llegit
(so that they) had read
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi llegir
(so that I) read
vagis llegir
(so that you) read
vagi llegir
(so that he/she) read
vàgim llegir
(so that we) read
vàgiu llegir
(so that you all) read
vagin llegir
(so that they) read
Periphastic past tense
vaig llegir
I read
vas llegir
you read
va llegir
he/she read
vam llegir
we read
vau llegir
you all read
van llegir
they read
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver llegit
I had read
vas haver llegit
you had read
va haver llegit
he/she had read
vam haver llegit
we had read
vau haver llegit
you all had read
van haver llegit
they had read

Examples of llegir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Allo de «Consagrat a la memoria de…» i així per l'estil, hom ho havia pintat en el seu temps, pero hom ja no hauria pogut llegir-ho en el major nombre d'elles, ara, baldament hi hagués hagut més llum."Sacred to the memory of" So-and-So had been painted on them once, but it could no longer have been read, on the most of them, now, even if there had been light.
El senyor Dobbins fulleja el llibre distretament per una estona, i després l'aixeca i s'aconducta en la seva cadira per llegir.Mr. Dobbins fingered his book absently for a while, then took it out and settled himself in his chair to read!
Que jo per tes boscúries aní, totes florides; vora el Tallapoosa vaig córrer, llegir vaig; he oit del Talassee les ones enfurides, i el flanc del bell Coosa he vist de l'alba al raig.For I have wandered through thy flowery woods; Have roamed and read near Tallapoosa's stream; Have listened to Tallassee's warring floods, And wooed on Coosa's side Aurora's beam.
Després aparegué una senyoreta bruna, d'ulls negres i de cabell negre, que romangué muda per un moment sensacional, assumí una expressió tragica, i comença de llegir, en to acompassat:Next appeared a dark-complexioned, black-eyed, black-haired young lady, who paused an impressive moment, assumed a tragic expression, and began to read in a measured, solemn tone:
Quan el jutge va llegir els motius de l’acusació vam tenir esperança.When the judge read out the grounds it sounded positive, he had virtually nothing against them.
@shahanasiddiqui: M'aguanto les llàgrimes mentre llegeixo sobre el rescat miraculós de Reshma.@shahanasiddiqui: Holding back tears as I read through Reshma's miraculous save!
Jo mateixa no puc donar suport econòmic a la gent que llegeixo per la meva situació de precarietat a Espanya, primer, i després, com a emigrant a Costa Rica, tot i que pago la quota a la companyia telefònica pel fet d'estar-hi connectada i poder accedir a tots els continguts.I myself can’t support the people I read due to my precarious situation in Spain, first of all, and secondly, as an immigrant in Costa Rica, though I pay the phone company so that I can be connected and access content.
Aquí ens trobem, quasi 17 anys després de l’establiment d’aquesta pau i llegeixo que el president del Tadjikistan, Emomali Rahmon, recorda ara a la població la importància de la pau, de l’enteniment mutu i de la tolerància.Here we are almost 17 years on from the establishment of that peace and I read Tajik president Emomali Rahmon is reminding the population of the importance of peace, mutual understanding and tolerance.
Te'n vaig pagar una part, no? –Un dòlar i mig. –Sí, però en efectiu. –Mira–t’ho, veuràs que no t’enganyo. –Els contes els llegeixo a la nit.I traded, didn't I? –For a buck and a quarter. –But in cash. –See if you can find a flaw. –I read fairy tales at night.
- No llegeixo rucades, jo.- I don't read those bloody things.
No llegeixes els diaris?We had to put 'em in the bag. Don't ya read the papers?
- No llegeixes els diaris ...- Haven't you read the papers...
Tu llegeixes ments.You read minds.
Per què llegeixes aquell llibre?Why are you reading that book anyway?
S'hi llegeix: "Protegiu els nens contra els antiavalots i el país contra la dictadura!.Mentre que alguns manifestants van tornar cap a casa després de l'anunci de divendres, d'altres van passar la nit a l'epicentre de les protestes a Kíev, la plaça de la Independència (Maidan Nezalezhnosti).The text reads: "Defend your children against and your country - against the dictatorship! December 1 at 12:00″While some protesters went back to their homes after the announcement on Friday, others remained through the night at the main protest site in Kyiv, Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square).Reports say that the majority of those attacked by police were students, some of whom had traveled from other regions to participate in the Euromaidan rallies.
A la inscripció al costat de l'agent de policia es llegeix "Bon i sagnant any nou!":The inscription next to the policemen reads "Happy Bloody New Year!":
El partit de l'oposició Svoboda va publicar aquesta foto d'una jove amb una pancarta en què es llegeix "Ennuegueu-vos amb el vostre arbre de Nadal", la qual va córrer com la pólvora a les xarxes socials.Opposition party Svoboda posted this photo of a girl with a sign that reads "Choke on your Christmas tree!" , which immediately went viral on social networks. Mykhailivska: Articles from Ukraine's Constitution, UN Statute, and Bible verses are posted on the stanchions
A la Xina, la totalitat de l'expressió es llegeix com a "tothom al carrer sap que hi ha a la ment d'en Sima Zhao".In Chinese, the whole expression reads, "Everyone on the street knows what's in Sima Zhao's mind."
Kervenson Succès, un alumne de 5è curs llegeix un llibre escrit per un altre estudiant, «Una cura per a ser una plaga», imprès en crioll, francès i anglès.Fifth-grader Kervenson Succès reads a student-authored book, "A Cure for Being a Pest," printed in Creole, French and English.
A la imatge original llegim "Cops are gays" (La policia és gai) que va dirigida als policies, molt criticats per l'ús excessiu de la força contra els manifestants.The graffiti originally read "Cops are gays" in a way aiming to insult police officers, heavily criticized for the brutal use of force against protesters.
Però alguns llegim.But someone reads.
Però, Sue, si llegim les teves gestes, semblen massa bons per ser veritat.But, Sue, reading your record of accomplishments, they seem almost too good to be true.
Per tal d’ajudar els teus pares, el teu professoro les persones que hagin llegit amb tu aquesta petita història a explicar-te millor què és la cooperacióal desenvolupament i què podem fer per intentarpal·liar la pobresa al món, la Unitat d’Informació i Comunicació de la Direcció General de Desenvolupament (Comissió Europea) n’ha publicat un manual pedagògic més detallat.To help your parents, your teacher, or those who have readthis little story with you, to tell you a little bit more aboutdevelopment co-operationand what we can all do to try toease poverty in the world, the Information and Communication Unit of the Directorate-General for Development (European Commission) has published a more detailed teaching manual.
Pero Michalis Chrysochoidis, actual ministre de Desenvolupament, Competitivitat i Navegació i antic ministre de Protecció Ciutadana, va admetre en una entrevista televisiva que havia signat el memoràndum sense ni tan sols haver-lo llegit, adduint que, "simplement, tenia unes altres obligacions en aquell moment, com ara combatre la delinqüència".Michalis Chrysochoidis, current minister for development, competitiveness and shipping and former minister of citizen protection, admitted on a morning television show interview that he signed the IMF memorandum without having read it at all, arguing that "simply, he had other obligations during that time, as he was fighting against crime":
Heu llegit la llei?Did you read the law?
Si no fos perquè va escriure sobre això, molta gent no hauria llegit l'article.If she hadn’t written about it , then many people would not have read the article.
No he llegit tots els comentaris de la gent il·lustre, però després de fer-los una ullada, sembla que tots dos equips són bons - els homòfobs contra els "admiradors dels qui fingeixen ser dones".I haven't read all the comments of the honorable people, but having skipped through them it seems both teams are good - the homophobes vs 'admirers of pretending to be women'.
L'escena era desagradable, però hi havia una cosa clara: una banda era pacífica i una altra, no (llegiu això).The scene was ugly, but ONE thing was clear: One side was peaceful, the other side was not (read here).
Per a més informació sobre l'ètnia uigur, la minoria musulmana de la Xina, llegiu ací .For some background on Uyghurs, China's Muslim minority read this.
Mireu una mica la televisió, llegiu algun diari, ara sóc una cosa així com famós.Watch some television, read a newspaper, I'm kind of famous right now.
Només llegiu les notícies, res més.You're newsreaders, that's all.
Bé, deixaré que llegiu el menú.Well, I'll let you guys read the menu.
Malauradament, els Khmer no llegeixen gaire; a més a més, no gaires persones estan interessades en escriure.Unfortunately, Khmer people don't read a lot; therefore, not many people are interested in writing.
Tots llegeixen les notícies.Everybody reads the same news.
Quan elles llegeixen el teu perfil, no... no et fa sentir exposat?When they're reading your profile, does it... does it make you feel exposed?
Suposo que realment llegeixen el seu correu.I guess they really do read their mail.
Mostra'm el Plató salvatge i el llegiré.Show me the savage Plato, and I will read him.
Rei, fica't al llit i la mama te'l llegirà de seguida.Sweetheart, get into bed and mommy will read to you in a minute.
Vine, llegirem el testament.Come, we will read the Will.
-És una mentida de bon ésser… és una mentida de bon ésser… No permetré que em sapiga greu.- Així, doncs, cerca la butxaca del gec. Un moment després llegia el tros d'escorça de Tom entre un doll de llagrimes i dient: -Ara podria perdonar al noi, baldament hagués comes un milió de pecats!A moment later she was reading Tom's piece of bark through flowing tears and saying: "I could forgive the boy, now, if he'd committed a million sins!"
Després que l'himne fou cantat, el reverend senyor Sprague es gira envers una taula d'avisos i llegí en alta veu advertiments de reunions i societats i altres coses, i arriba a semblar que la llista s'estendria fins a l'espatec del Judici Final; singular costum que és encara conservat a America, fins i tot a les ciutats, en mig d'aquesta epoca d'abundosos diaris.After the hymn had been sung, the Rev. Mr. Sprague turned himself into a bulletin-board, and read off "notices" of meetings and societies and things till it seemed that the list would stretch out to the crack of doom--a queer custom which is still kept up in America, even in cities, away here in this age of abundant newspapers.
Després s'aixeca una noia prima i melangiosa, la faç de la qual tenia la interessant pal·lidesa que causen les píndoles i la indigestió, i llegí un Poema.Then arose a slim, melancholy girl, whose face had the "interesting" paleness that comes of pills and indigestion, and read a "poem."
Només un cartell vermell on es llegeixi, en lletres blanques: "Prou matances.Only a red banner reading in white letters: "Stop the killing.
La veritat s’hi amaga enterrada com una frase... ...dins d’un llibre que espera que algú la llegeixi.The truth Iies buried Iike a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read.
Mira, només tenia com uns deu Minuts de reunió aquest matí, Però estic prou segur que ells només volen Que llegeixi el que està en el 'prompter', així que...Look, I only had, like, ten minutes of briefing this morning, but I'm pretty surey just want me to read what's on the prompter, so...
Tinc una transcripció parcial de la conversa , si vol que se la llegeixi.I have a portion of the conversation transcript if you'd like me to read it.
Però jo vull que me'l llegeixi l'oncle John.But I want Uncle John to read to me!
Serà millor que llegeixis això.You'd better read this.
No ho llegeixis, signa!Don't read it, sign it!
No llegeixis el llatí.Do not read the Latin.
Que llegeixis?What are you reading?
No, No ho llegeixis, Digna-ho.no. Don't read it. Say it.
I si us plau... No els llegeixin.And please...do not read into that.
Deixa que llegeixin les cartes d'amor.Let them read your love letters.
Quan totes les altres coses foren sabudes, la vídua digué: -Tot llegint al llit, vaig adormir-me, i vaig anar dormint mentre hi havia tot aquell renou.When all else had been learned, the widow said: "I went to sleep reading in bed and slept straight through all that noise.
Al cap de poc comença la taleia de jugar a fet, i Tom i Becky s'hi esmerçaren amb zel, fins que l'esforç ana esdevenint enujós. Després davallaren, errívols, per una sinuosa avinguda, tenint les candeles en l'aire i llegint l'entremesclada teranyina de noms, dates, adreces postals i divises, mitjançant les quals les parets de roca semblaven pintades amb frescos… de fum de candela.Presently the hide-and-seek frolicking began, and Tom and Becky engaged in it with zeal until the exertion began to grow a trifle wearisome; then they wandered down a sinuous avenue holding their candles aloft and reading the tangled webwork of names, dates, postoffice addresses, and mottoes with which the rocky walls had been frescoed (in candle-smoke).
Hola ABIN, esteu a l'altra banda, còmodament asseguts, llegint els nostres missatges??? #vemprarua #ogiganteacordou #protestobhHi there ABIN, are you sitting comfortably out there reading our messages??? #vemprarua #ogiganteacordou #protestobh
He pogut descobrir notícies al llarg dels anys només llegint i verificant detingudament informació de blogs i de continguts de xarxes socials.I’ve managed to break a few stories over the years only by reading and verifying information on blogs and content on social media carefully.
Està llegint un llibre.She's reading a book.

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