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Seguir (to follow) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to observe, indicate, observe, keep, to indicate that someone or something continues doing something, to obey, to keep on

Conjugation of seguir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I follow
you follow
he/she/it follows
we follow
you all follow
they follow
Present perfect tense
he seguido
I have followed
has seguido
you have followed
ha seguido
he/she/it has followed
hemos seguido
we have followed
habéis seguido
you all have followed
han seguido
they have followed
Past preterite tense
I followed
you followed
he/she/it followed
we followed
you all followed
they followed
Future tense
I will follow
you will follow
he/she/it will follow
we will follow
you all will follow
they will follow
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would follow
you would follow
he/she/it would follow
we would follow
you all would follow
they would follow
Past imperfect tense
I used to follow
you used to follow
he/she/it used to follow
we used to follow
you all used to follow
they used to follow
Past perfect tense
había seguido
I had followed
habías seguido
you had followed
había seguido
he/she/it had followed
habíamos seguido
we had followed
habíais seguido
you all had followed
habían seguido
they had followed
Future perfect tense
habré seguido
I will have followed
habrás seguido
you will have followed
habrá seguido
he/she/it will have followed
habremos seguido
we will have followed
habréis seguido
you all will have followed
habrán seguido
they will have followed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I follow
(if/so that) you follow
(if/so that) he/she/it follow
(if/so that) we follow
(if/so that) you all follow
(if/so that) they follow
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya seguido
I have followed
hayas seguido
you have followed
haya seguido
he/she/it has followed
hayamos seguido
we have followed
hayáis seguido
you all have followed
hayan seguido
they have followed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have followed
(if/so that) you have followed
(if/so that) he/she/it have followed
(if/so that) we have followed
(if/so that) you all have followed
(if/so that) they have followed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have followed
(if/so that) you have followed
(if/so that) he/she/it have followed
(if/so that) we have followed
(if/so that) you all have followed
(if/so that) they have followed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera seguido
I had followed
hubieras seguido
you had followed
hubiera seguido
he/she/it had followed
hubiéramos seguido
we had followed
hubierais seguido
you all had followed
hubieran seguido
they had followed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese seguido
I had followed
hubieses seguido
you had followed
hubiese seguido
he/she/it had followed
hubiésemos seguido
we had followed
hubieseis seguido
you all had followed
hubiesen seguido
they had followed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have followed
(if/so that) you will have followed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have followed
(if/so that) we will have followed
(if/so that) you all will have followed
(if/so that) they will have followed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere seguido
I will have followed
hubieres seguido
you will have followed
hubiere seguido
he/she/it will have followed
hubiéremos seguido
we will have followed
hubiereis seguido
you all will have followed
hubieren seguido
they will have followed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's follow!
Imperative negative mood
no sigas
do not follow!
no siga
let him/her/it follow!
no sigamos
let us not follow!
no sigáis
do not follow!
no sigan
do not follow!

Examples of seguir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" ¿Debía seguir a Alfred Gonnet?" Respuesta:And were you supposed to follow Gonet?
" Ése es el camino a seguir! ""That 's the path to follow!"
"...pero si te molestas en seguir una historia, escuchar con cuidado lo que han dicho, "o lo que están autorizados a decir, "te darás cuenta de que esa historia aporta un beneficio a alguien,...but if you bother to follow a story, really listen to what you're told, or what they're allowed to tell, you'd find out that the story has made a profit for someone, or for several people.
"Debemos tener el valor de seguir lo que nos dicta el corazón."We must have the courage to follow our hearts.
"Es posible seguir al demonio a la mente de una persona y prevenir el caos."It is possible to follow the demon "Into a person's mind and prevent his chaos.
" Yo te sigo...""l follow you.."
"Dibuja líneas amarillas sobre el mapa, pero yo las sigo."He draws yellow lines on the map, but I follow them.
"No lo es si sigo hasta el final y derribo este avión"."It's not a threat if I follow through and take down this plane."
"No objetes si te sigo"♫ Don't object if I follow yöu. ♪
"No te opongas si te sigo.""Don't object if I follow you."
"Las bodas sacan lo mejor de la gente incluso si no sigues todas las tradiciones.'Weddings bring out the best in people even if you don't follow all the traditions.
"Si me sigues, te mato"." If you keep following me, I'll kill you. "
"Todo es posible si sigues sus sueños".Anything is possible if you follow your dreams.
"Yo voy y me sigues con la canasta. ""I come and you follow me with the basket."
"¿Por qué me sigues?""Why are you following me?"
" Él sigue sólo dos cosas""He follows just two things."
"A veces, entre sus brazos, en la timidez que le sigue al amor,"Listen. "There were times, in his arms, when shyness follows love,
"Al alba sigue otra alba y envejecen las noches, y todo el tiempo esta extraña gata"Dawn follows dawn, and nights grow old, "and all the while, this curious cat
"Cuando el fuerte cae, la Aniquilación sigue""When the fort falls Annihilation follows"
"El gato sigue al demonio, las verrugas siguen al gato, y la que yo tengo se va con ellos"."The cat follows the Devil, warts follow a cat, and the one on me is going with them."
"Costumbres y promesas que no seguimos""Customs and promises. We don't follow."
"Cutter" y yo seguimos al viejo ciegamente.Cutter and I followed the old man blindly.
"Trabajar menos, cobrar más" Por qué no seguimos el orden del día."Less work, more money." Let's follow the order of the day.
"Y afortunadamente seguimos la pista ... del Rey Ram."And happily we will all follow... Ram's trail.
'Solamente seguimos órdenes, ' decían."Just following orders," they said.
"Dejaré mi tierra, mis propiedades, y también..." "...a aquellos que me siguen".'I leave my territory, my land, and also... 'you who follow me.
"Donde quiera que vaya, le siguen los escándalos"."Wherever she goes, scandal always follows".
"El gato sigue al demonio, las verrugas siguen al gato, y la que yo tengo se va con ellos"."The cat follows the Devil, warts follow a cat, and the one on me is going with them."
"Ellos me siguen.""They follow me."
"Eres él único que mis ojos siguen""You are the only one my eyes follow"
"Chelsea, casi lo olvidaba tu nueva mejor amiga y yo tuvimos algo de una noche y cuando la dejé, pegó mis testículos a mi muslo y comenzó a acecharme luego creí que podría estar enamorado de ella y la seguí a Inglaterra después, cuando regresó de Inglaterra pensé que estaba muriendo y casi le pido que se case conmigo."Oh, Chelsea, I almost forgot. Your new BFF and I had a one-night stand, and when I dumped her she superglued my nut sack to my thigh and started stalking me. I thought maybe I was in love with her and followed her to England.
"Esa noche, estabas tan deprimido que cuando te fuiste, te seguí ... ""That night, you were so depressed when you left. I followed you..."
"Le seguí a su casa y llamé al timbre."I followed him home and rang the bell.
"No sufras por las cosas insignificantes" y seguí sus sabias sugerencias, una de las cuales era:Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and I followed its wise suggestions, one of which was:
"Por eso le seguí hasta aquí, y por eso hay tantos hombres arrodillados...""That's why I followed you here, and that's why this park if full of kneeling men..."
* Yo salí corriendo llorando * * y tú me seguiste a la calle, *♪ I ran out crying ♪ ♪ And you followed me out into the street ♪
- Asumirán que tú la seguiste.They'd assume you'd followed her.
- Así que la seguiste- So you followed her...
- Así que los seguiste al motel.- So you followed her to the motel.
- Así que me seguiste.So you followed me.
"A la llegada de la especie humana mutante, el Homo sapiens siguió inmediatamente la extinción de sus parientes menos evolucionados"."The arrival of the mutated human species, Homo Sapiens..." "was followed by the immediate extinction of their less evolved kin."
"Ahora un cierto hombre joven... siguió a Jesus... y llevaba solo una tela de lino sobre su cuerpo desnudo"Now a certain young man... followed Jesus... and he wore only a linen cloth... over his naked body.
"Blake siguió la falsa hoguera en la orilla"Blake followed our false fire on shore...
"El sabio siguió la estrella hasta que se paró dónde estaba el niño."The wise men followed the star until it stopped over the place where the child was.
"Gallina Grande fue a buscar bayas y Gallina Pequeña la siguió."Big Chick went looking for berries and Little Chick followed.
No, le seguisteis.No, you followed him.
O sea que me seguisteis.So you followed me.
Todos juntos descubrieron a la víctima yendo a pie por el sendero, que todos lo seguisteis unidos, y lo encontraron muerto de nuevo todos juntos.You were all together as you watched the victim walk away down the trail, you all followed him together, and you found him dead - again all together.
¿Me seguisteis?You followed me?
"'Es imposible decir qué fue lo primero que le vino a la mente... "'la visión de esa joven o los actos que siguieron.It is impossible to say which came first to his mind -- the sight of this young girl or the resolution which followed.
"Así, Gallina Penny, Pato Lucky, Ganso Goosey y Pavo Lurkey, siguieron a Zorro Loxy a un oscuro agujero. ""So Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Loosey Goosey and Turkey Lurkey followed Foxy Loxy to a dark hole."
"En Belén, hace 2.000 años, fue improvisado un alojamiento, los Reyes Magos siguieron unas indicaciones algo confusas, y los pastores entregaron los regalos que tenían más a mano.'In Bethlehem, 2,000 years ago, accommodation was makeshift, 'the Wise Men followed somewhat confused directions, 'and the shepherds gave the nearest gifts that came to hand.
"Me siguieron como un lunar al nacer."They followed me like a birth mole...
"Señor Yun, seguiré todas tus instrucciones.""Mr.Yun, I will follow every your instructions."
"Te seguiré a dónde sea.."l will follow you everywhere..
"Te seguiré donde sea que vayas."I will follow you wherever you go.
"Te seguiré hasta la eternidad"."I will follow you to the end of time."
"Yo seguiré la trayectoria del avión y encontraré el cuchillo".I will follow the path of the plane and I find the knife."
- Lo abrirás, tú me seguirás.- I'll open it up, you will follow.
A donde yo voy tu no puedes seguirme... pero me seguirás después.You cannot follow me now where I am going... but later you will follow me.
Ahora, tú nos seguirás y a la tercera noche regresaré a por ti... Después regresaremos aquí, a Lop, esperaremos dos días y entonces...Now, you will follow us and on the third night, I will walk back to you, then we're gonna ride back here to Lop, wait for two days and then, return to the caravan,
Ahora, tú nos seguirás y en la tercera noche regresaré contigo.Now, you will follow us, and on the third night, I will walk back to you.
Dos, si logramos hacer la estafa seguirás mis instrucciones hasta el más mínimo detalle sin excepciones.Secondly, if we pull this con, you will follow my instructions to the smallest detail, no exceptions.
"Cuando tengas un hijo, seguirá tu ejemplo más que tus consejos.""When you have a child, he will follow your example more than your advice."
"Tu tendrás el voto de Doug Wilson... el resto lo seguirá.""you get doug wilson's vote... the rest will follow."
"Un robot militar que seguirá ordenes de cualquiera... y nunca cuestionará nada"."A jarhead drone who will follow anyone's orders and never question anything."
"mas seguirá el camino y las empresas del noble Bruto..."but will follow the fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus
"y todo lo demás seguirá su camino!"and everything else will follow all by itself!"
- ...el día de hoy. - Los seguiremos a donde vayan.We will follow where they go
- Tú señala el camino y te seguiremos.- You lead the way and we will follow.
- ¡Entona el himno y te seguiremos!- A song.. Sing it and we will follow you!
A donde quiera que vayas los niños y yo te seguiremos.Wherever you're going the children and I will follow.
Así dispuestos, los seguiremos con el grueso del ejército, cuyo apoyo en los flancos se reforzará con lo mejor de nuestros caballeros.They thus directed, we will follow in the main battle... whose puissance on either side shall be well winged with our chiefest horse.
A partir de mañana, seguiréis un estricto código para vestir.Starting tomorrow, you will follow a strict dress code.
Lu Tong y Lu Da del Clan Chaoyang, cortaos vuestro brazo derecho y venid a reclamar a vuestro padre Lu Long antes de 15 días, o vuestro padre morirá... y vosotros dos seguiréis su ejemplo.Lu Tong and Lu Da of Chaoyang Sword Clan, Cut off your right arm and come here to claim your father Lu Long within 15 days. Or your father will be killed, ...and you two will follow suit.
Morgan... les seguiréis, en otro Consejo de Tribu.Morgan... you will follow them in a separate Tribal Council.
Os pido que juréis aquí, ante mí y ante Cristo que mientras viva e incluso después de mi muerte, seguiréis por el camino que os indiqué hace años.I ask you to swear here to me and to Christ while living even after my death, will follow the path that you indicated years.
Si me mandáis a la muerte, ¡allí me seguiréis!Send me to my death... and yours will follow!
"...sus cabezas y sus mentes te seguirán.""their hearts and minds will follow."
"Respeta a tus soldados como a tus hijos, y ellos te seguirán en los valles más profundos.""Regard your soldiers as your children... and they will follow you into the deepest valleys."
"Su vuelo en primera clase de vuelta a Londres". "Los restos de su familia y de su amigo le seguirán"."Your first-class flight back to London-- your family and your friend's remains will follow.
"Sólo los que se sacrifiquen ellos mismos, "seguirán los pasos de Kuain Jen, "para regresar como un Dios".That that if it sacrifices and to read Kwan Yin's prayer it will follow their steps to the hell and he/she will return as a god.
"seguirán el programa de hoy para las secciones Y-2.""will follow today's program for Y-two sections."
- Mingo seguiría este rastro, senor Helius.Mingo would follow these tracks, Mr.Helius !"
- Sabía que Shahir te seguiría.I knew Shahira would follow you.
- Verdad. - La invasión seguiría.- Invasion would follow.
A un presidente a quien seguiría a cualquier lado, aunque el viento sople fuerte en nuestra contra.A president whom I would follow anywhere, no matter how strong the wind blows against us.
Antes de la envolvente Rassilon, dejó pistas para su sucesor, que sabía que le seguiría.Before Rassilon was bound, he left clues for his successor, who he knew would follow him.
Cuando me fui a casa, pensé que me seguirías.When I went home, I thought you would follow me.
Dijiste que eras un soldado y que seguirías mis órdenes.You said that you were a soldier and you would follow my orders.
Dijiste que me seguirías.You said that you would follow me.
Dijiste que seguirías mi consejo y dejarías que yo llevara la compañíaYou told me you would follow my lead and let me run the company.
El día que se fue de aquí, me dijo que seguirías su camino.The day she left here, she told me you would follow in her path.
Ellos sabían que seguiríamos hacia abajo a Khalid Ansari hasta Borz Altan y la C.B.O.T., y sabía que traeríamos aquí a Mykola.They knew we would follow down Khalid Ansari to Borz Altan and the C.B.O.T., and they knew we would take Mykola here.
Realicé las primeras líneas y decidimos que seguiríamos a los otros equipos porque no queríamos quedarnos atrás.I got like the first couple lines and we just decided we would follow the other teams because we didn't want to follow behind.
Sabe que lo seguiríamos.He knows that would follow.
Sabía que le seguiríamos.He knew we would follow him.
Sabían que seguiríamos la señal del transpondedorThey knew we would follow the transponder signal.
De no tener encima a Kaatamo, seguirían los caballos alrededor del pantano.If Kaatamo wasn't on his coattails, they would follow the horses around the swamp.
Dijeron que nos seguirían las provisiones.They said provisions would follow.
Dijiste que nos seguirían.I thought you said no one would follow us.
El ejército nunca seguirá al delfín, pero ellos seguirían a la Dama de Lorraine.The army would never follow the dauphin, but they would follow the Maid of Lorraine.
El plan era que saliese sin ser visto de mi cabaña y fuese a esta choza... y los demás me seguirían.And the plan was that if I would make it out of my hut... into this hut over here, without being seen, the other guys would follow me.
"...siga al enemigo y trate de evitar que el enemigo se lleve nuestras armas."...to follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy from carrying away the guns.
"Necesito decidir dónde pertenece mi corazón, para que el resto de mi lo siga"."I need to decide where my heart belongs before the rest of me can follow."
"No dejes que le siga con la película."'Don't let him follow him with the film.'
"No siga los pasos de los maestros, buscan lo que buscaban.""Don't follow in the footsteps of the masters, seek what they sought."
"Peligro e infortunio para el que siga este camino con un corazón oscuro"."peril and woe to him who follows this path With a dark heart." this is it.
"No me sigas", decía."Don't follow me", he said.
"No me sigas"."Don't follow me".
"No me sigas, oh doncella..."Don't follow me, O damsel...
"No sigas tus impulsos ...""Don't follow your impulses..."
"Que sigas mis pasos para demostrar que me quieres.""following in my footsteps to show that you loved me.
- Así que Grace me dice que sigamos él, así que lo hacen durante horas, sólo caminar dos metros detrás de él.- So Grace tells me to follow him, so I do for hours, just walking eight feet behind him.
- Bien, sigamos ese coche.- Alright, follow that trolley.
- Bueno, sigamos el arma.- Well, we follow the gun.
- Claro... sigamos el olor...- Yeah, let's go follow the smell.
- Creo que dijo que sigamos el caño.- I think he said follow the pipe.
- No nos sigáis hasta el pub.-Don't follow us up to the pub. -We won't.
- Y no me sigáis.- And no following.
- ¡No sigáis!- Don't follow me!
-No me sigáis.- Don't follow me.
Ahora os pido, que me sigáis al este donde creo que la victoria nos espera, porque la voluntad de Dios es que ningún tirano vuelva jamás a gobernar.Now, I ask you to follow me east where I believe victory awaits us, for God has willed that no tyrant will ever rule.
"Aquellos que me sigan no caminarán en la oscuridad,"They that follow me shall not walk in darkness,
"Aquellos que sigan a falsos profetas estarán malditos"."All those following false prophets are doomed."
"No me sigan a mí, sigan al niño.""Don't follow me, follow the child"
"Procura que no te sigan"."Make sure you're not followed"
"y no sigan mis mandatos,"and not follow my commands,
Pero primero, necesito saber algo, ¿Es posible que Nick conociera a alguien en el lago que le siguiera?But first I need to know, is it possible that Nick met someone at the lake that would have followed him?
"Gato, sigue al diablo. Verrugas, seguid al gato"."cat, follow devil, warts, follow cat.
"Pueblo alemán, seguid al Grofaz"."German people, follow the Grofaz."
"no café, no trabajo." ¿Lo entendéis? Solo seguid los organigramas, y si tenéis alguna duda, preguntadle a Hunter."no coffee, no workee." Get it? Just follow the flowcharts, and if you have any questions, ask hunter.
- No. seguid el rastro.Just keep following the trail.
- Y seguid vuestros sueños.- and follow your dreams.
"Y persiguiendo cabritos"And following the roe
- John Logan. ¿Lo estabas persiguiendo?- John Logan. Were you following him?
- Me estás persiguiendo.You're following me. Just a little bit.
- No nos están persiguiendo.- They're not following.
- ¿Lo estabas persiguiendo?- Were you following him?
" Sí ", seguido de cuatro signos de exclamación ."Yes," followed by four exclamation points.
"... Porque es posible que el espíritu maligno no las ha seguido ..."'..because it is possible that that evil spirit has not followed you..'
"...distorsión sensorial, seguido de la muerte.""...sensory distortion, followed by death."
"A través de la puerta abierta llega el sonido de un fuerte golpe, seguido por un grito sobrenatural".Quote: "Through the open door there comes the sound of a heavy blow, followed by a piercing unearthly scream."
"Almuerzo con el Hombre del Año del Condado Bronx" a las 1 3 horas seguido por la reunión del Comité Queens en Jackson Heights."Bronx Borough President's Man of The Year Luncheon" at 1 300, followed by Queens Committee board meeting in Jackson Heights.
- Le seguís de un lado a otro...-You follow him from here to...
- ¿Me seguís?You follow?
- ¿Por qué me seguís?- Why are you following me?
Ahora, si me seguís a la zona del comedor, os contaré la fascinante historia del origen del antiguo aparador chino que heredé.Now, if you will follow me into the dining area, I'll tell you the riveting origin story of my antique drexel heritage China hutch. Ooh.
Ahora, si me seguís, me gustaría poner en marcha la fase dos de mi plan "Chanel es la última en morir".Now, if you'll follow me, I would like to implement phase two of my "Chanel Dies Last" plan.

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