Taigi mes arba galime dirbti kartu, arba tu gali sekioti ir klausinėti tų pačių klausimų kaip ir aš. | And until we have one, I'm here, like it or not. So we can work together, or you can continue to follow behind asking the same exact questions I'm asking. |
- Kodėl tu sekioji paskui mane? | - Why are you following me? |
Tu vis dar ją sekioji kaip koks šunytis? | You're still following her all around like a puppy dog? |
Tu kalbi apie tą moterį, visur ją sekioji... tarsi tai ką nors reikštų. | Okay? You talk like following this woman around everywhere... is something that makes sense, but it doesn't. |
Kodėl tu mane sekioji? | - Why are you following me? |
Tu mane sekioji? | You following me? |
Tu mane sekiojai? | You... You've been following me? |
Jis mane sekiojo. | He's been following me. |
Tave sekiojo? | Been following you? |
Ką turi omenyje, jis tave sekiojo? | What do you mean following you? |
- Ji mane sekiojo. | She won't stop following me around. She's a pain! |
Visur mane sekiojo. | He followed me wherever I went. |
Mikis visur sekiodavo paskui savo didįjį brolį. | Micky used to follow his big brother everywhere. |
Mano tėtis mus sekiodavo su kamera. | My dad used to follow us around with one of these constantly. |